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The Flash | June 16 2023 | Ezra Miller, Michael Keaton | We’re stoping the count at a Nice 69% RT (it’s 72% For Real) | Please Remember that Your Enjoyment Of The Film is Not Based On Others Opinions And To Be Nice To Each Other

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11 minutes ago, Mulder said:

Wasn't just him, there was another negative reaction earlier and Borys Kit implied he's getting mixed bag reactions from people he knows. Not really that Top Gun: Maverick tier unanimous praise/love.

EDIT: And while there's some surprising positives, a lot of the positives to me (At least that I recognize) are absolutely the types to be vitriolic about superhero movies.

Your edit confuses me a bit, so I just want to clarify: you're saying it's surprising that some of the people who are really positive on the film are typically apathetic toward superhero fare? That's at least what I'm noticing from USA Today, The Playlist, etc.

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1 minute ago, Dragoncaine said:

Your edit confuses me a bit, so I just want to clarify: you're saying it's surprising that some of the people who are really positive on the film are typically apathetic toward superhero fare? That's at least what I'm noticing from USA Today, The Playlist, etc.

There was one reaction who's usually pretty negative who liked it.

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2 minutes ago, Mulder said:

Most aren't critic, critics though tbh. A lot are the blogger types.

I mean it's basically the same thing. Colliders and other fanboy types are the bigger fish in the critics pond these days. Whether that's good or not is up to you, but I don't want to be in that conversation. :lol: 

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Just now, Eric Foreman said:

I mean it's basically the same thing. Colliders and other fanboy types are the bigger fish in the critics pond these days. Whether that's good or not is up to you, but I don't want to be in that conversation. :lol: 

They'll definitely drive up the RT score true, but we've also seen times where that doesn't correlate to a big score overall if that makes sense. Fresh? More than likely.

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2 minutes ago, SpiderByte said:

They're comic bloggers, not major outlet critics. Supes saying it's the best of all time means absolutely nothing about how actual critics will respond.

The Playlist, USA Today, and several other outlets that are either apathetic or a bit dismissive of CBMs really liked it. Not expecting David Erhlich to call it a masterpiece, but it's a good start lol

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I mean I don´t know where we draw the line from a critic to a critic critic, like plenty of people that we are seeing tweeting now are critics that are part of critics choice and hollywood critics association etc. Yeah a guy like Supes and Erik Davis who likes everyting and yeah  isn´t a critic critic but there are plenty of people who I have seen destroy other cbm movies or had no problem saying they didn´t like this one or that one. As always with reactions you have to read the positive ones, and at least to me seems very positive, last time I saw so many positives was NWH. Think this will get a 90+ on RT and 70-75 on metacritic

Edited by thajdikt
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5 minutes ago, Eric Foreman said:

I mean it's basically the same thing. Colliders and other fanboy types are the bigger fish in the critics pond these days. Whether that's good or not is up to you, but I don't want to be in that conversation. :lol: 

didn't save Mario from getting a rotton

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This is basically the reactions I was expecting. Some hyperbolic, mostly good, some surprising, a few negatives. I expect this to be on the higher end of quality for DC movies since MOS. Probably 80-85 on RT. Audiences will probably really like it but I have no idea about the box office tbh. 

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