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The Lord of the Rings: The War of the Rohirrim | December 13, 2024 | New Line/WB | Anime | Kenji Kamiyama directing.

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25 minutes ago, Flip said:

I feel like this film will be a telling benchmark as to how accepted anime is in America

The pedigree seems to be there, but in terms of mainstream US appeal...anime still has a ceiling theatrically.

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47 minutes ago, Eric S'ennui said:

Just looks like the Netflix Castlevania show. Not a bad thing, but that was just the first thing that came to my mind,

The difference will probably lie in the overall scale of the imagery and how the animation is in motion. I don't think it's getting a theatrical release just for the hell of it.

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51 minutes ago, kayumanggi said:



yeah, this is in trouble

looks more anime than most anime, those faces look way too asian for anyone to take it seriously as a LOTR-adjecent work

being an anime was not a death sentence, but its choice of art style could be, and I think they chose wrong 

Edited by interiorgatordecorator
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On 5/7/2024 at 2:44 PM, dudalb said:

You don't know thard core Tolien fans like I do. If it not clodeley based on Tolkien's writings, to them ianfic..and hard core Tolien fans hate fanfic.

Hard core Tolkien fan here, and no, we don’t hate fanfic per se. The problem is when we get fanfic in place of what JRRT actually wrote, or at least sketched out. This is why Rings of Power is so disliked in the community. There is actually a great deal that Tolkien wrote on the Second Age, but it can’t be used because Amazon doesn’t have the rights. So we get “fake Tolkien” in place of the real thing. See also: Tauriel in the Hobbit movies.


In the case of this film, they’re telling a story that Tolkien didn’t tell beyond a few lines. That’s far less of an issue. As long as it’s faithful to the spirit of LOTR etc., it should be fine. As an aside, this is also why the only part of Rings of Power I like is the Hobbit storyline. There’s not a lot of pre-Shire canon about the hobbits, so I can kick back and just enjoy that as fanfic. The rest though just frustrates me.

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1 hour ago, cookie said:

The difference will probably lie in the overall scale of the imagery and how the animation is in motion. I don't think it's getting a theatrical release just for the hell of it.


I'm sure it was a good excuse to pad out the runtime

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1 hour ago, interiorgatordecorator said:


yeah, this is in trouble

looks more anime than most anime, those faces look way too asian for anyone to take it seriously as a LOTR-adjecent work

being an anime was not a death sentence, but its choice of art style could be, and I think they chose wrong 


Doesn't all anime look like that? The art style is part of anime.


It probably wasn't expensive to make, so doesn't need to make a lot of money, anyway.

Edited by Elessar
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1 hour ago, JustWatching said:

Hard core Tolkien fan here, and no, we don’t hate fanfic per se. The problem is when we get fanfic in place of what JRRT actually wrote, or at least sketched out. This is why Rings of Power is so disliked in the community. There is actually a great deal that Tolkien wrote on the Second Age, but it can’t be used because Amazon doesn’t have the rights. So we get “fake Tolkien” in place of the real thing. See also: Tauriel in the Hobbit movies.


In the case of this film, they’re telling a story that Tolkien didn’t tell beyond a few lines. That’s far less of an issue. As long as it’s faithful to the spirit of LOTR etc., it should be fine. As an aside, this is also why the only part of Rings of Power I like is the Hobbit storyline. There’s not a lot of pre-Shire canon about the hobbits, so I can kick back and just enjoy that as fanfic. The rest though just frustrates me.

Its so crazy Amazon paid $1 Billion so they can write LOTR fanfic.

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10 minutes ago, SpiderByte said:

I mean it'll probably make enough to be profitable but anyone expecting anywhere close to the live action films is kidding themselves. The heavy lifting on this will come from Japan.


Has anyone seriously suggest that?  I've seen talk about 50m OW as a possibility, with the implication of it doing better if the stars align.


But even coming close to (what) the three day (would have been for the films that had five) of either LOTR or Hobbit?   Can't recall many folks on that train.

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2 hours ago, JustWatching said:

Hard core Tolkien fan here, and no, we don’t hate fanfic per se. The problem is when we get fanfic in place of what JRRT actually wrote, or at least sketched out. This is why Rings of Power is so disliked in the community. There is actually a great deal that Tolkien wrote on the Second Age, but it can’t be used because Amazon doesn’t have the rights. So we get “fake Tolkien” in place of the real thing. See also: Tauriel in the Hobbit movies.


In the case of this film, they’re telling a story that Tolkien didn’t tell beyond a few lines. That’s far less of an issue. As long as it’s faithful to the spirit of LOTR etc., it should be fine. As an aside, this is also why the only part of Rings of Power I like is the Hobbit storyline. There’s not a lot of pre-Shire canon about the hobbits, so I can kick back and just enjoy that as fanfic. The rest though just frustrates me.

THis. My problem with the Rings of Power is that it often goes directly against what Tolkien wrote about the second age.

ANd the Major problem is they did not have the rights to use materail from the Simrallion, and the "AKallabeth" in the Simrallion is where TOlkine goes into detail about Nemenor, and the section called "The Eings of Power" is where he goes into the making of the  e RIngs and it is a lot different...and a lot better...then what eings of Power gave us.

I don't hate tolkien fanfic, I just ignore is and don't waste my time.

I also think the producers of Ringds of Power don't know how to handle Tolkien telling of the downfall of Numenor because of the religious angle. You have to have read the Akaballeth in "the Sim to understand this. Let's just say that Tolkien brings forward his religous views in this section like his close friend C.S. Lewis brought forward his in the Narnia books. Tolkien usually kept his religious views in the background, and but in the Numenor story they are front and center.

As for the movie, not impressed. Looks like Run of the Mill anime to me. And outside of a few movies I am not a big Anime fan.

And IMHO Animei is not a good style for Tookien.

And as you point out, this whole moie is takend from a couple of sentences Tolkine wrote in the chronology his gives in the appendix, the rest is made up by the writers. And I just have a problem with that. I just don't think TOlkien should be treated like a interchangable writet. His works are NOT a Comic Book Franchise.

As for Box office, it will not do that well. Anime is a niche market in the United States.

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2 hours ago, Mojoguy said:

Its so crazy Amazon paid $1 Billion so they can write LOTR fanfic.

These huge companies just assume people will be all over their shit lol.


OT but a similar thing is apparently happening with Apple and the vision pro. The geniuses realized that the pool of people willing to spend 5K on a headset is quite small. 🤣

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1 hour ago, ReturnOfTheBoxOffice said:

I’m taking back my optimism for this. I’m personally still really excited for it, but being traditional anime and “female led” is unfortunately going to irk a large portion of who I thought the core audience was gonna be. I’m already seeing the ITS WOKE discourse online.

Not so much woke, it is just that the classic Anime style does not fit Tolkien very well.

Maybe they should have followen the lead of Miyazaki,who is never afraid to abandon the classic Anime look if he thinks other syltes would fit the film better.

Anyway, ANime is a niche market in the US. Always has been.

I am not a big fan of it myself, except for Miyazaki. My own tastes for things Japanese run much more to Samaurai movies.Huge,huge Kurosawa fan.

I cannor see this breaking out of the Anime Niche market.

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1 hour ago, Insomnia said:

These huge companies just assume people will be all over their shit lol.


OT but a similar thing is apparently happening with Apple and the vision pro. The geniuses realized that the pool of people willing to spend 5K on a headset is quite small. 🤣

You just cannot treat a major work of English Literature the way you do a comic book franchise without a LOT of backlash.

Oh, Tele can tell you stories from the good old days at theonering.net. THie war between the Tolkien Purist and the Film fanboys begun before the film was even out.

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