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DEADPOOL & WOLVERINE WEEKEND THREAD | 211 DOM, 233.1 OS, 444.1 WW | Disney does it again!

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33 minutes ago, ZattMurdock said:


I think this is a bit exaggerated. Despite the conversations all day, pretty much no posts was offensive. There was actually very respectful and healthy discussions between many people in this subject. 

It’s a valid topic imo, it doesn’t always ends up with fights and attacks.

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6 minutes ago, THUNDER BIRD said:

First thing i noticed in Opening Credits was the quality of 3D. 


I guess when you have Marvel Jesus, everything associated with him becomes good.

Out of reactions, but yeah. Marvel did have some cool 3D titles before, i remember Guardians 1, Avengers 1, Ragnarok, Doctor Strange all being very cool to watch. 

But recently it’s all flat and poorly made, i watched them because it’s still popular here and it’s the biggest screens. I was really shocked when Deadpool started and the whole thing was looking exceptional haha. 

They should keep the momentum going, i think formats like IMAX and 3D are very complementary to fantasy action movies when well made, and it helps to inflate the box office.

Edited by ThomasNicole
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10 minutes ago, MysteryMovieMogul said:

Not to be confused with...



Maybe it was this one, it’s all a blur at this point. We can probably justify that as means to an end to save true cinema or paying Zaslav’s bonuses or something, clearly there is a good reason why underdog product y is selling themselves out compared to the mean and evil mainstream product x.


I mean, I fucking love The Acolyte and I couldn’t care less about The Boys, opinions are like crazy and people should be able of having more thoughts about the stuff they enjoy than coming off on message boards as SNL sketch parodies but to each their own I guess. 


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8 minutes ago, ZattMurdock said:

Maybe it was this one, it’s all a blur at this point. We can probably justify that as means to an end to save true cinema or paying Zaslav’s bonuses or something, clearly there is a good reason why underdog product y is selling themselves out compared to the mean and evil mainstream product x.


I mean, I fucking love The Acolyte and I couldn’t care less about The Boys, opinions are like crazy and people should be able of having more thoughts about the stuff they enjoy than coming off on message boards as SNL sketch parodies but to each their own I guess. 


Speaking of The Boys, I remember when that was advertised as the anti-Marvel and they're already preparing their second television spin-off. Or is it third?


It's all a corporate product if it ends up performing well. Understandably. Why leave money on the table?

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11 minutes ago, MysteryMovieMogul said:

Speaking of The Boys, I remember when that was advertised as the anti-Marvel and they're already preparing their second television spin-off. Or is it third?


It's all a corporate product if it ends up performing well. Understandably. Why leave money on the table?

Everything is a corporate product. EVERYTHING. You just pick your poison.


I really liked the first season of The Boys but by the end of the last season before this one of this year I haven’t watched, I was ready for either the series to end OR to go away with Homelander. I understand why they didn’t, but I’m not obligated to stick around if I’m bored with it. Maybe I’ll watch eventually, but there is just too much competing for our time these days so you gotta pick what you will go along with.


I mean I’m pretty much infamously the biggest Marvel nerd on a lot of parts, but I haven’t watched Echo yet. It’s not that I wasn’t excited for it, it’s just that with some things I’m okay with taking my time with it, even Marvel stuff.

The biggest competitor that film as we know it have isn’t Marvel Studios, it’s absolutely everything else, especially streaming and the biggest offender with insane amount of money to burn isn’t either Disney+ or Zaslav’s streaming platform, it’s Netflix, YouTube, TikTok and I’d argue that Amazon as well.


As long as Marvel Studios is blowing our heads off with their Marvel Cinematic Universe at the movie theaters, I’m with the cleverest film buff out there:



Edited by ZattMurdock
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37 minutes ago, ThomasNicole said:

Out of reactions, but yeah. Marvel did have some cool 3D titles before, i remember Guardians 1, Avengers 1, Ragnarok, Doctor Strange all being very cool to watch. 

But recently it’s all flat and poorly made, i watched them because it’s still popular here and it’s the biggest screens. I was really shocked when Deadpool started and the whole thing was looking exceptional haha. 

They should keep the momentum going, i think formats like IMAX and 3D are very complementary to fantasy action movies when well made, and it helps to inflate the box office.

My issue with 3D is the darkness and the fact if glasses are dirty or scratches on them.

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I would very much argue The Boys is overstaying it's welcome, and it becoming a franchise makes its satire weak. Like, it's hard to laugh at a scene where they parody slate reveals when they just annouced a spinoff with Stormfront as one of its leads.

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2 minutes ago, charlie Jatinder said:

I think

53.5 // 212.5

May be 212 if FRI and SAT don't increase as I expect.


Whether it's $212M or $212.5M, that is still an amazing number! 


Puts it at #4 on the all-time best opening weekends for the Marvel Cinematic Universe. 


1. Avengers: Endgame = $357.1M

2. Spider-Man: No Way Home = $260.1M

3. Avengers: Infinity War = $257.6M

4. Deadpool and Wolverine $211M-$212.5M

5. The Avengers = $207.4M

6. Black Panther = $202.0M

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4 hours ago, Eric Wilson said:

Just because theaters are in a precarious financial situation doesn't mean we can't be critical about what is popular or what is "keeping them afloat". Although really, in the latter case, the idea that Marvel movies being the only thing that is "saving theaters" is not only untrue, but even if it were true, is a very toxic, objectively bad thing to call out. Like...one movie series keeping an entire industry alive is a horrible thing, but a lot of Marvel fans don't seem to care, at least from my perspective. And really, if anything, it's good to be critical of stuff largely regarded as "popular" or "well-liked" to give new perspectives, even if said criticisms can be hyperbolic. These are just corporate products at the end of the day And that also implies to well-loved art films or what people consider "true cinema". They are corporate products too, so I'm not playing sides here.


Plus, if I'm going to be frank, as somebody who feels like I have to walk on eggshells whenever I say anything negative about Marvel in particular, if people were saying the same things about Transformers movies or Jurassic movies or, heaven forbid, DC movies, would you, and some of the other same folks here leap to their defense? Because while Marvel is a big target, it's not the only one, and I don't see anywhere near the same defenses for those franchises when they get targeted. Which I see here and on other social media sites. Like I think both Jurassic World and Deadpool 3 are some of the worst movies to come out in the last few years, but I feel I can dog on Jurassic World all I want and say it's an affront to cinema with nobody caring, but Deadpool is something I feel I got to treat with kid gloves, because saying it's an abomination will have people thinking I am out to get a poor, innocent $30 billion enterprise or that I'm some hater who is jealous of Feige. I don't think that's very fair.


You are of course free to complain about these movies BO numbers and success, but then don't bemoan the fact that it opens you up to accusations of hypocrisy. Because you turn around and are desolate about the fact that movie theatres are struggling. You can't have your cake and eat it too. Criticize the movies on artistic merit all you want but whining about their financial success is blatant hypocrisy. Or perhaps that concern for cinemas is just performative theatre. And literally no one here has said Marvel movies are the "only thing saving movie theatres". Why are you inventing a strawman?


I love the fact that you have turned yourself into some sort of victim in all of this who has to curb his freedom of expression. Of the many examples of the line of attack that SH movies get that I listed in my previous post, you have been implicit in many of them. How many times have you called these movies childish or theme park rides? And you have been called out by many people many times for doing so in the past. Frankly mate you would not need to "walk on eggshells" if your discourse on these things were rational, logical and unbiased. Instead you repeatedly devolve into using the same words of insults and tired clichés that you are so prone to, 


You know very well that neither you nor the other denigrators have ever attacked those other movies you mentioned the same way that SH movies get attacked here. That is such a bad faith argument and a bold faced lie am not even going to engage in that. But I never heard you call their supporters "Robots" which is how you described those who watch MCU movies. Funnily enough you would have given someone a warning if they had posted a general attack against any other fandom like that 

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