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SPECTRE | 11/6/15 | Final Trailer on Page 126! | Twitter reactions coming in, STID 2.0?

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8 hours ago, Jessie said:

I'm hearing bad things about this from people who have seen it in the UK. Most compare it more with QOS than any of Craigs other outings 

The buddy I saw this with likes pretty much everything and even he thought it was a slog.

This is going to be one of those IM2/Thor 2/Spider-Man 3 'Wait, this actually got good reviews?" movies.

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10 minutes ago, ddddeeee said:

The buddy I saw this with likes pretty much everything and even he thought it was a slog.

This is going to be one of those IM2/Thor 2/Spider-Man 3 'Wait, this actually got good reviews?" movies.


It's not a bad movie, it just offers nothing new. It almost feels like a satire of previous bond movies. The best action sequence was the train fight and even that has been done better in previous Bond movies.

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10 minutes ago, theultimatebiu said:


It's not a bad movie, it just offers nothing new. It almost feels like a satire of previous bond movies. The best action sequence was the train fight and even that has been done better in previous Bond movies.

It's a satire of them but wants to be them at the same time. It's like Scream 3 and even has some awful retconning like that movie. The 'love story' was redundant of Casino Royale also. In fact, the only time the movie comes to life is when

it looks like we might get an Eva Green cameo.

I appreciate people grew up on the super camp Bond and want it back, but those 'wink wink, nudge nudge' moments were the worst part of Skyfall and this is essentially 160 minutes of that.

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It really is like Scream 3. That's is the best comparison....right down to the attempt of linking all the movies together.

I've never been a Bond fan but I enjoyed Casino Royale. It felt like a different take on the classic Bond, but now they are trying to be both a classic Bond movie and a dark broody movie too.

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So far...we have like 2 action/spy blockbuster sequels...MI5: RN and then this film.

Quality-wise....i think MI5 wins. And it's kinda surprising.

If the next Bond film is happening....don't be afraid to try offer new and better stuff. It can't be that hard.

Wonder why some films rarely do that.

Edited by MrFanaticGuy34
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50 minutes ago, WrathOfHan said:

The more I hear, the more I consider just skipping this one in theaters. The Scream 3 comparisons definitely aren't helping.

If you are a Bond fan I'd assume you will get some joy out of it. It's nowhere near as good as CR and Skyfall is better too (and I am not a fan of Skyfall, much).


50 minutes ago, picores said:

How are the set pieces and stunts compared to previous entries? Skyfall was great but it lacks good action except the first 15 minutes.


The first set piece, and the train set piece, are good.  The remaining set pieces range from average to dull.

The cinematography is beautiful in many scenes but the action itself is filmed with very little imagination.  The finale is total shit. It felt like it was from a Austin Powers movie.

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Omg, didn't even think of scream 3. That's a great comparison. It reminded me of scream 3 and iron man 2. Instead of trying to be its own movie, it kept force feeding crap that happened from the previous three movies. The movie was so damn bloated. It tired to be WAY bigger then it should have. I felt this movie could've been great if it had done away without all the previous bond movie references.

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1 hour ago, FilmBuff said:

Omg, didn't even think of scream 3. That's a great comparison. It reminded me of scream 3 and iron man 2. Instead of trying to be its own movie, it kept force feeding crap that happened from the previous three movies. The movie was so damn bloated. It tired to be WAY bigger then it should have. I felt this movie could've been great if it had done away without all the previous bond movie references.

Well, you got a point. Some sequels needs to up the ante by bringing something new & different. Don't rely too much on the same stuff, constantly...otherwise people will have an issue with the movie. (Cough, cough...Transformers sequels)

Be your own movie....don't try too much to be way too big.....only when necessary.

Maybe the crew will learn from some of these mistakes of this film....next time they make another one.

Edited by MrFanaticGuy34
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15 hours ago, grey ghost said:

Damn, looks like I should've gave a sub-250 m prediction in the winter game.

Well, the fact that I didn't like it doesn't say much, as I don't like any Bond movies. I didn't see it with an audience so can't say what other people's direct reactions were - however, hard fans of the series seem to enjoy the fact that Spectre has like a billion homages/references to older movies. I know quite a few people who love Bond and they all think it's the first Craig movie that feels like an old school Bond. Take that how you will for other audiences..

Edited by treeroy
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3 hours ago, picores said:

How are the set pieces and stunts compared to previous entries? Skyfall was great but it lacks good action except the first 15 minutes.

Setpieces are technically impressive but rarely engaging, with the exception of the train sequence. 



I think the movie's failures are mostly down to two things:


1) Not clarifying or contextualising the supporting characters. We don't get to know Swan, C, M, or the villain (can't say his name without spoilers, and can't remember the name they used in marketing) and so nothing that involves them is made interesting or personal. As I said with the setpieces, a lot of the movie is impressive only on a technical level, but isn't actually enjoyable. I lost interest in any of their motivations and had no desire to understand them either. Equally, much of the acting felt phoned in (Seydoux and Waltz), and regardless, the only character I liked watching on screen was that of Dave Bautista - ironic given that the character has no dialogue.


2) Its need to tie a thread through the previous films. It brings up some forgettable characters from previous Craig films and tries to make the story about them, but when I'm struggling to remember who some of these characters even are, there's little chance of me caring about this overarching narrative. This also ties into the poor quality of the movie's villain. We don't even meet the villain until the end of the movie, at which point the film attempts to do plot twists and finales that simply don't work due to the absurd pacing.

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2 minutes ago, Ethan Hunt said:

You guys are smoking something, this should at the very least match Skyfall's opening

I NEVER felt the movie was as hyped as Skyfall. Even now, I don't feel like it's going to gross more then 225 million. It might open to 80 mil ow, but it'll have terrible wom. This movie won't do nearly as well as Skyfall.

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1 minute ago, FilmBuff said:

I NEVER felt the movie was as hyped as Skyfall. Even now, I don't feel like it's going to gross more then 225 million. It might open to 80 mil ow, but it'll have terrible wom. This movie won't do nearly as well as Skyfall.

No one ever expected it to as well as Skyfall though. 

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15 minutes ago, FilmBuff said:

I NEVER felt the movie was as hyped as Skyfall. Even now, I don't feel like it's going to gross more then 225 million. It might open to 80 mil ow, but it'll have terrible wom. This movie won't do nearly as well as Skyfall.

You mean like...."Minions" terrible WOM? Cause some people say that one had...(And i know people said it before)....Toxic WOM.

I hope not.

Edited by MrFanaticGuy34
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