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SPECTRE | 11/6/15 | Final Trailer on Page 126! | Twitter reactions coming in, STID 2.0?

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Assuming Daniel Craig only does 1 more film after SPECTRE, Elba would be in his late 40s by the time Daniel Craig retires the tux and thats just too old to start out with. And honestly, I know Craig is contracted for only 1 more after this, but if SPECTRE and the film after that are massive hits and critical darlings like SKYFALL was, they'll likely keep Daniel Craig a bit longer because why the hell not? I don't think Craig would mind the huge pay raise.

I think the producers will want to avoid another Roger Moore situation were the lead was too old so I think Craig will bow out after the next Bond film

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Forget the Elba rumours, he's to old when Craig finished (2022 ?) with Bond.



Question: How many more films is Craig contracted for?

Wilson: We want him for as long as he'll have us.

Broccoli: He's got an open-ended contract.

Edited by Bernie86
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i'm screaming now people are saying idris elba is TOO OLD lmao have you never heard the statement "black don't crack" he looks 10 years younger than daniel craig


He wouldn't, and not even because he's black but he simply doesn't have that 'posh' British voice that comes with being Bond. He sounds more like a thug, doesn't come across as suave. He wont ever be Bond.


1) you think he, an ACTOR, can't do a slightly different accent? this is the biggest stretch i've ever seen


2) mods, please consider giving jessie a warning point or suspension for this comment. idris elba is a completely respectable english actor, no more or less english, no more or less posh, no more or less of a thug, no more or less SOUNDING like a thug, than daniel craig. calling a black man a thug for literally no reason other than him being black is completely racist, whether that was jessie's intention or not. in today's climate of the "thuggification" of black men (even the fanciest "poshest" black men like idris elba) resulting in them being attacked, humiliated, and literally murdered by police, "[black actor] sounds more like a thug than [white actor]" is a racist and hateful statement. please discuss this with jessie and try to make him understand the error of his ways.

Edited by water
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Forget the Elba rumours, he's to old when Craig finished (2022 ?) with Bond.


Unfortunately he's too old (though he' certainly sexier and better looking than Craig) and Craig looks like he'll be doing nothing else but Bond until they yank him off with a hook when he's older than Moore.


They're never going to do it but I'd have this be Craig's last and hire Chiwetel Ejiofor for the next.

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i'm screaming now people are saying idris elba is TOO OLD lmao have you never heard the statement "black don't crack" he looks 10 years younger than daniel craig

1) you think he, an ACTOR, can't do a slightly different accent? this is the biggest stretch i've ever seen

2) mods, please consider giving jessie a warning point or suspension for this comment. idris elba is a completely respectable english actor, no more or less english, no more or less posh, no more or less of a thug, no more or less SOUNDING like a thug, than daniel craig. calling a black man a thug for literally no reason other than him being black is completely racist, whether that was jessie's intention or not. in today's climate of the "thuggification" of black men (even the fanciest "poshest" black men like idris elba) resulting in them being attacked, humiliated, and literally murdered by police, "[black actor] sounds more like a thug than [white actor]" is a racist and hateful statement. please discuss this with jessie and try to make him understand the error of his ways.

I love Idris Elba, I think he's awesome but I've not seen him in anything thus far to convince me that he will be a great James bond. hardly fair to give me a warning point for that lol. Maybe I've been watching too much of the wire. Edited by jessie
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I love Idris Elba, I think he's awesome but I've not seen him in anything thus far to convince me that he will be a great James bond. hardly fair to give me a warning point for that lol. Maybe I've been watching too much of the wire.


that's not what i was talking about. my main rant was about you saying he sounded like a thug. one of the rules set out by the mods is "No derogatory (racial, ethnic, abusive, or otherwise) slurs allowed -- period. Violation of this rule can result in a permanent ban." and a lot of prominent black activists and scholars have been commenting that "thug" is the new N-word (since it's used to vilify black men such as trayvon martin, mike brown, etc, who were innocent). i really don't know enough about idris elba or daniel craig to comment on who's a better actor, but i have seen enough to know that neither of them sound like what your stereotypical view of a "thug" probably is. they both sound like ordinary british guys. they're both able to take on any number of required accents, like most actors. the only difference is that elba is black and you applied the label thug to him unfairly. i implore you to look up "thug is the new n-word" and read some of the many varied articles and opinions on the matter, thanks.

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that's not what i was talking about. my main rant was about you saying he sounded like a thug. one of the rules set out by the mods is "No derogatory (racial, ethnic, abusive, or otherwise) slurs allowed -- period. Violation of this rule can result in a permanent ban." and a lot of prominent black activists and scholars have been commenting that "thug" is the new N-word (since it's used to vilify black men such as trayvon martin, mike brown, etc, who were innocent). i really don't know enough about idris elba or daniel craig to comment on who's a better actor, but i have seen enough to know that neither of them sound like what your stereotypical view of a "thug" probably is. they both sound like ordinary british guys. they're both able to take on any number of required accents, like most actors. the only difference is that elba is black and you applied the label thug to him unfairly. i implore you to look up "thug is the new n-word" and read some of the many varied articles and opinions on the matter, thanks.

I don't care what your definition of 'thug' is. In the UK it's not classed as a racial offensive in the slightest so there is nothing wrong with my comment. It can be applied to anyone.

And no, Daniel Craig has always had that posh British accent in films before Bond, Elba never has. He doesn't properly pronounce is words and being from the UK it's far more noticeable for me so from everything I've seen of him, his onscreen presence doesn't strike me as a James Bond.

Elba imo is a slightly more elegant version of Jason Stalham, who i also see as thuggish, it has nothing to do with him being black lol.

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There's nothing wrong with Jessie's post.


[Elba] didn't come across as thuggish at all in PACIFIC RIM, for example (in fact, quite the opposite).


is it not a bit hypocritical to say there's nothing wrong with jessie's post and then point out exactly why there's something wrong with his post? he is incorrect in saying that idris elba is thuggish, which you apparently agree with, but for some reason everyone is terrified of considering the fact that there might be racial undertones to such an opinion.


it comes down to the fact that idris elba would make a good bond, again, like you agree with. and if someone thinks he wouldn't, that's completely fine, but back up your opinion. so then if someone backs up said opinion with "he's thuggish" what's the next step in the discussion? well, "idris elba is thuggish" (or "idris elba sounds more like a thug" or any other variant) is an incorrect statement. we should examine this statement, as it's the only reason they gave for their opinion.


an argument has been presented with a single, incorrect statement to support it. throughout history, time and time again such a situation has been a red flag for prejudice. an extreme example would be the nazis' persecution of jewish people, among other minorities. they defended this oppression with fake science about the "aryan race" being "superior" which i'm sure we all know today is incorrect. they had no correct/factual arguments for jewish people being inferior. their reason for the holocaust was prejudice and irrational hatred. it was wrong. but they said the reason for their actions was the "aryan race" science, which, again, was completely incorrect. they said that because they needed to present a reason, but in reality they had no justification, they were prejudiced, hateful, incorrect, wrong.


so back to our situation. someone says "idris elba would be a bad bond." what do they say is their reason? "he is thuggish." is this statement correct? no, it's incorrect. so what is the real reason?


here are some reputable sources explaining the link between the word "thug" and racism against black people: [1][2].


i'm not saying that there aren't people that superficially fit the "thug" stereotype. but idris elba is clearly not one of them. yet like those articles explain, even completely harmless, innocent black men are vilified and demonized as "thugs." how do we know it's because they're black? because white men aren't called thugs. i'm primarily referring to cases in the media here where innocent black men are murdered by white police and are then slandered as "thugs" to make it seem like they deserved it, while white men can be the perpetrators of rape, mass shootings, etc, but they're angelicized and people say it's because of "mental illness" and they were "lone wolves." here is an exact example of this:




the same crime was committed the same day by two different groups, one black and one white. the same reporter wrote articles on both crimes. the article about the black men used mug shots while the article about the white men used school photos. i could go on about this, but instead i recommend you reading those articles i linked written by actual black men whose lives are affected by the issue, and then looking up more articles by the same black men and reading more opinions from their colleagues and more black people until you've read about the life experiences of a wide array of black people. that's where i got my opinions and education on social justice issues, listening to a lot of oppressed people's opinions (which aren't identical) and seeing what the general landscape of issues pertaining to the relevant oppressions is.


i hope you now understand that the issue of the "thuggification" of black men due to anti-black racism is very widespread and ingrained into society worldwide. saying that idris elba is a thug, or thuggish, or sounds like a thug, is part of this very problem. if that's someone's only reason for saying he wouldn't be a good bond, then it's highly likely that they were, like millions of others, influenced by society, the media, etc, and that is their reason for saying an incorrect statement like "idris elba sounds more thuggish."


the point of all this is that there is a lot of evidence that people's reason for not wanting idris elba to play james bond is because he's black.

Edited by water
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Some ask why SJW is used in pejorative form

This is why


'Social Justice Warrior' sounds like a compliment tho. Only on the internet would some goobers think that that's in any way insulting

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