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Phil in the Blank

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Is a better moment than anything in Frozen.

I must admit that after thinking about Tangled and Frozen for a while, I think I may argue that each film shines in their own ways. Tangled has a strong sense of unity throughout the film, and the progressions of character feel a bit more natural than they did in Frozen. However, Frozen works on a much more profound level in terms of emotion and ambition, which may give that film the edge for me. Either way, both are fantastic films, just in different ways.


Not really an unpopular opinion, but I just wanted to throw that out there.

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Now that I think about it, I'd choose Tangled OVER Frozen.


I agree, I had only seen Tangled once before and really liked it, I decided to re-watch it lately and absolutely loved it (more than I liked Frozen).


It's weird though, my opinion of Frozen has decreased since I saw it, I have found a lot more flaws with it (it's less focused, and despite some glorious moments, it drags a lot by feeling more like a rough draft than a final product).  Tangled is a lot more focused which makes its glory moments even stronger because everything is properly built up to, which gives all of its moments the edge for me (even if Frozen might have had technically better individual moments).


I have to say I really do think Tangled is a good step above Frozen, and I kind of think without Tangled or Wreck-It Ralph Frozen wouldn't have seen its take off, because I believe WDAS was able to build up enough new-credibility with those two movies that it created a condition (mixed with no competition plus a spiraling WoM) for it to soar. 


I do think Frozen has the distinct edge when it comes to music, Tangled doesn't utilize its music as well as Frozen did, however I still wish Disney musicals would stick with it and start a musical and end a musical.  In almost all Disney musical movies the First Act is cram-packed with fun songs and then the second act is barren of any, with Frozen it was especially apparent because it was a full-out musical for a good portion in the first act and then the music stopped, it created a jarring tonal shift.

Edited by The Panda
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I was the opposite: when I first saw Tangled I loved it, especially that damn horse :rofl: And the second time I really liked it but parts of it fell kinda flat... Same with Frozen, some parts are really strong but the pace was a bit awkward and some of the characters were weak (ahem, Hans!). Both movies are still great but they lose something upon rewatch when the flaws become more obvious.

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Plot is far too valued by movie-goers. Don't get me wrong, I like a good plot/story like anybody else, and I dislike a bad plot/story like most people. But to me, characters, acting, and directing are far more important elements when it comes to making a film good or not (with a few exceptions). The thing with plot is that it becomes less rewarding the more times you watch a film because you already know all the twists and turns. However, characterization, performances, and directing (especially directing) are far more rewarding because you can always interpret these elements in different ways since they are often not spelled-out for you by the script and require some analysis to understand.

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