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Shawn Robbins

The Official TASM Weekly Thread (6 Day EST-140m) (Warning: Whiten Out Spoilers/Spoiler Tags)

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I mean he's right about the movie generally speaking, it's way better than haters expected.About his numbers he can't be right, $400m DOM won't happen, but my number $310m is clearly possible :)

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The thing about this spin is that it doesn't make any sense. Would Sony really have come off worse if they just said that it matched Iron Man 2's midnight number, without mentioning the two others it clearly did not match?

This is my entire point. As I said originally, it's just bizarre to me that they chose to compare it with two movies that not only outgrossed it by a significant margin, but slaughtered it in ticket sales. At least IM2's gross was actually $7.5m, even if it didn't have 3D.
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That's where YOU ARE ABSOLUTELY WRONG.The thing I hate the most is when people ASSUME.There are A LOT here.

You're right but please don't defend i-jiack. He isn't better than the haters
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Jack, they're also claiming it's the same result as Pirates 2. Pirates 2 opened to $9m at midnight, which is 20% higher than $7.5 million. And it happened 6 years ago with no 3D, no IMAX, and no 6 years of ticket price inflation. It's laughable that Sony is spinning it as the "same" opening.http://boxofficemojo...?id=2111&p=.htm

I didn't even notice that. So they lied about 2 movies, one of which wasn't even their own. This is epic.
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I mean he's right about the movie generally speaking, it's way better than haters expected.About his numbers he can't be right, $400m DOM won't happen, but my number $310m is clearly possible :)

I think you have gone off the deep end. The movie is not better than so called haters expected, imo, it's worse, much much worse.
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Tell me the facts that you're saying I ignored. Good luck with that.

Keep on derping. Hey. Hey! I'll let you in on a little secret. This movie is not a person. Your white knighting is getting you nowhere. You're just gonna keep getting ridiculed by people with some actual common sense.
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This is my entire point. As I said originally, it's just bizarre to me that they chose to compare it with two movies that not only outgrossed it by a significant margin, but slaughtered it in ticket sales. At least IM2's gross was actually $7.5m, even if it didn't have 3D.

Yep, they did a rubbish job spinning it.Should have gotten iJack for the job. He can spin literally anything. :lol:
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Yeah it is a spin and we see such spins all the time.

I am talking about the revision thing that people are talking about. There is no revision. I hope these people develop better reading skills.

Huh? They're flat out revising history. SM3 was regarded to have made $10m at midnight for the last five years. Pirates 2 was reported to have made $9m. All of a sudden both of those numbers change in the same breath that Sony releases its midnight figure for TASM?

If that's not revision, what is?

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For the moment he's right.

Thank you. :)

No he's not, this isn't even a spectacular number like he was claiming it was going to be, it's just barely okay, and really honestly boring. But, Jack's gonna spin it into being amazing, we all know it. :P

I think the number is solid. I think that giving the circumstances of opening on a Monday, it's fucking brilliant. And fuck modesty, I know that I'm right because I was one of the few here believing on this film, so yeah I thought of the film as a Friday opener and I messed up, but we are far from knowing what will be the gross of the 6 days. While we don't get to know that, enjoy twisting and turning. I'm having a blast here. :lol:
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