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SAT/Wkd Numbers (EST TASM $23.8m(+15%)/$65m; Savages $5.6m(-2%)/$16.2m; KP 2.5m(-8%)/7.2m

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Lol why? Use spoiler tags if necessary.

Ending spoilers...

Basically there's an ending in which the leads are all supposed to die, but then it LITERALLY rewinds and basically they're able to walk away unharmed and live out their own lives and go their separate ways.

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Ending spoilers...

Basically there's an ending in which the leads are all supposed to die, but then it LITERALLY rewinds and basically they're able to walk away unharmed and live out their own lives and go their separate ways.

What type of ending is that?!?! WTF?!?!
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Would hate to see what the ASM-haters here would have had to say when Batman Begins opened to such middling numbers.

ASM is on track for 250-280 mil, which should put it around #5 for the year (behind TA, TDKR, Hunger Games, and The Hobbit). That seems more than acceptable to me - not mind-blowing, but decent for an unprecedentedly soon reboot. BB ended up #8 back in '05, and was considered a franchise-saver. ASM will probably do considerably better, but people want to call it a disappointment. Is that because they consider Spider-Man to be that much more popular than Batman? ;)

Thank you for posting that.

I want to admit that it won't make as much as I hoped to but I still feel that it deserves much more than it's currently receiving, but I'm still happy that it's performing well for a reboot. Since I'm not the kind that will go on TDKR thread make jokes about how that film is embargoed and they are revealing more minutes from the film by the hour with all the tv spots and footage, I'm admitting defeat like a man, not like a rat. I won't trash TDKR hoping that this will make TASM legs look better, this is not my style. I'm still pretty hopeful that The Amazing Spider-Man will have some amazing legs, and I hope that knowing that this regardless of this been a reboot and it's doing great as one, with chances of becoming the most successful one from a box office standpoint, it deserves more than it's getting, and I say this as a comic book film buff and a huge Spider-Fan, it's truly the best Spider-Man film I've ever seen and at least as far as I'm concerned, it's the best superhero film of all time, topping even The Avengers.

In my heart, The Amazing Spider-Man rules the Earth. And that's way more than even I hoped for when it comes to any other film. If I've made Spider-Fans look bad or feel bad - I am truly sorry, it was never what I was going for. I've read what Olive said and it guts me because all that I truly hoped is that this would be an amazing film and people would respond to it. It turns out that it's an amazing film and people are responding to it, but not as much as I was expecting it. I'm still hopeful for what will it make at the box office and I'm still hopeful for some amazing legs in the upcoming months. It's summer and hopefully the film will keep performing well even after TDKR drops. In the end I don't feel bad at all for championing this film, it deserves a hell lot more than it's getting and that's what saddens me. But like AA, filmscholar and others pointed out, it seems that this film will end up looked at as the film that saved the franchise, and I just can't fucking wait until I can see it again.

"Passion always is stronger than hate".

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230 million.

ThanksSo it's going to easily cover the budget DOM not to mention a decent amount of whatever they spent on adverts. With 800m+ WW I'd say Sony will be ok with that. Looking forward to TASM2 and 3.
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Quite big for a "not a sure thing when put into production" franchise starter.

*Shrug*Compared to the likes of John Carter, MIB3, or Battleship, it looks kinda tame. Or at least, it made more sense.
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This is a pretty standard budget for a tentpole these days.As far as reboots are considered.BB made 372m WW on a 150m budget.Star Trek made 385 WW on a 150 budget.SR made 391m on a 270m budget.TASM will make 850+ on a 230 budget.

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This is a pretty standard budget for a tentpole these days.

As far as reboots are considered.

BB made 372m WW on a 150m budget.

Star Trek made 385 WW on a 150 budget.

SR made 391m on a 270m budget.

TASM will make 850+ on a 230 budget.

I still doubt about this.
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Rallax, you seeing a drop or increase for the 2 new ones today? TIA

Spider-Man is definitely increasing today. I don't know about savages. It's in a smaller theater and sold out two shows yesterday do it has less room to grow.
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