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Finally saw it today. I thought it took a bit to get going but when it did, holy shit. I thought all the performances were great. And man was it violent. Plus I loved the 80's feel of the soundtrack. Right now it's a B+

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I went into this film a while back having heard it was 'really slow'. I then realised that its critics must have attention deficit disorder, it isn't slow at all.The whole enterprise may be little more than an aesthetic experience, but boy is it an arresting one. Only Shame topped it last year for me. Carey Mulligan picks good films.

Edited by Hatebox
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I'm truly at a loss at how some people could think it's so great. I can even understand films I like less than Drive but are loved by the public...this, though, not at all.

I didn't even love Drive, but Drive takes more risks, has more depth, and is an overall more satisfactory viewing experience in 2 hours than all the Potters combined. Edited by mattmav45
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Oh wow, finally saw this and holy shit did it kick my ass! And I mean that in a good way! After hearing great things about it from some friends, and terrible things from others, I had no idea what to expect. But man, did I love it. I loved the music, the gritty realistic violence, the subtle interactions between the driver and Irene and her son, the action, how the driver was a little words/all action guy, just simply loved it all. Easily in my top 5 for the year and could go higher if I watch it again and it doesn't lose anything upon repeat viewings.

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Finally had time to watch Drive (and luck ... its run was already finished at my theater but they wedged in two night screenings this weekend). Fantastic film. The actors are perfect (casting: A; Ron Perlman!!), the music and soundtrack fitting (A), the cinematography a visual feast (A). The director takes his time in establishing the Driver's small world, but boy does this film get into gear once the story begins! The violence is ugly (which is ok with me - violence IS ugly and should be shown as being so) - reminded me of some of the bloodier french police thrillers of the 80s. At the moment I give it only a "B" because it's a genre I generally don't like very much, and the principal story point seemed rather forced*, but maybe it'll grow on me on rewatches on BluRay. Highly recommended if you can stomach the violence and have an adult attention span.* The forced story point was Standard's after-jail-story. While Standard himself was portrayed as maybe not very bright, but brutal, and so maybe too easily talked into a last job, the Driver was shown as non-violent and intelligent - while I watched Ryan Gosling mull over Standard's story and Irene's involvement, the thought crossed my mind why he didn't at least bring up the possibility of seeking legal or police assistance.

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I didn't downgrade it ... I give A's only to films I do or will rewatch on a regular schedule. If "Drive" grows on me on rewatches, then it'll be an "A" for me, but chances are slim since I'm not that much into crime thrillers. Same with horror or agent thrillers or romcoms. I'm a big Aronofsky fan but "Requiem for a dream" is "only" B for me too; it's just a too depressing film to watch say every few months, but it's brilliant nontheless.On the other hand, there are some films I like to watch which are really not that good at all (call them guilty pleasures), those might get a "B" too :D - cases in point: Films like "Your Highness" or "Hudson Hawk".

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I didn't love this one quite as much as others, but it's still great. Ryan Gosling gives a tour de force performance that should have netted him an Oscar nomination (if not the Oscar itself), Albert Brooks is highly memorable playing against type as a loathsome gangster, and Nicolas Winding Refn directs with such style and flair that it always feels that the film has a voice all its own. And as a further plus, the elevator scene may be my single favorite scene from any movie released last year.


So, with that said, does anyone else ever sometimes get behind the wheel of their car, have "Nightcall" stuck in their head, and instantly feel like a badass? B)

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It's pacing is an acquired taste IMO (only 100 minutes long but can feel longer than that) but damn if you don't feel rewarded after watching a film that makes so much out of so little.

Edited by C00k13
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