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TDKR Weekend: $160.89M - #3 ALL TIME HIGHEST OW

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I think that's exactly where this is headed, unfortunately. The tragic irony here is that this guy came in through the fire exit, so he would have avoided going through the metal detectors and X-Ray machines even if the theater had those security measures in place.

No, the tragic irony here is that you're a million times more likely to die in a car accident or even get hit by lighting than be shot by a gunman, and yet dumbass Americans watch so much damn TV they have no grasp on reality, and so, yeah, they accept idiotic security measure (see: TSA).
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BTW, for the weak, effete dudes who were calling for metal detectors at movie theaters?

The dude came in through the fire escape.

And there were plenty of cops already in the theater. But they were craven cowards who said they needed gas masks to enter the theater, even as the terrifying cries of the victims and the gunshots of the murderers can be heard over their walkie-talkie communications.

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The theater is a total dump and people only go because it has uber cheap ticket prices that are like circa 2000. Also there aren't a whole ton of theaters in that area. Anyways, I honestly don't think they'll reopen it. It would shock me if they did. We had a shooting incident in Denver at a Chuck E Cheese back in the 90's and that one closed down forever afterwards cause no one would go. I'm sure this will be the same.

If this theater starts business again, it might be victim of another psychopath just trying to simulate today's situation. Its better if its closed forever.
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Warner Bros May Not Report Box Office For ‘Dark Knight Rises’ All Weekend

By NIKKI FINKE | Friday July 20, 2012 @ 3:27pm PDT

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EXCLUSIVE: I’ve just been told by a Warner Bros spokeswoman that the studio may do this “out of sensitivity to people”. Through midday today the studio was reporting The Dark Knight Rises grosses internationally and domestically as usual. Now it may suspend its box office reporting all weekend for Christopher Nolan’s final Batman trilogy installment. A final decision has not yet been made. It would be a highly unusual step for a company in the movie business that’s part of publicly owned Time Warner. And it is certainly the studio’s right to stay mute the rest of the weekend. However, the numbers will still get out because every Hollywood studio follows Rentrak’s reporting of grosses. So rival studios will tell reporters like me how The Dark Knight Rises is doing.

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Warner Bros May Not Report Box Office For ‘Dark Knight Rises’ All Weekend

By NIKKI FINKE | Friday July 20, 2012 @ 3:27pm PDT

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EXCLUSIVE: I’ve just been told by a Warner Bros spokeswoman that the studio may do this “out of sensitivity to people”. Through midday today the studio was reporting The Dark Knight Rises grosses internationally and domestically as usual. Now it may suspend its box office reporting all weekend for Christopher Nolan’s final Batman trilogy installment. A final decision has not yet been made. It would be a highly unusual step for a company in the movie business that’s part of publicly owned Time Warner. And it is certainly the studio’s right to stay mute the rest of the weekend. However, the numbers will still get out because every Hollywood studio follows Rentrak’s reporting of grosses. So rival studios will tell reporters like me how The Dark Knight Rises is doing.

Wow. This is truly unprecedented.
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No, the $30.64m midnight number is probably the last report we'll get on those shows. Originally RTH indicated that it was headed for $30m or higher. Then Nikki reported $27m. Then she bumped it to $28m. Then ERC reported $27m. Then we got the $30.64m number, which seems precise enough to be a final number.

Shouldn't we wait for BOM to post their numbers to be final? I really hope it drops. I'm not asking for much, just $640,000 less on midnight, that's all.
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Could someone clarify for me if 30m midnights and 80-85m OD is in line with expectations? This is a fantastic number I realize, but I've seen tracking/estimates/predictions anywhere from 170-230m OW for this movie, so trying to get a grasp of just how good this number is.What can we expect for Sat/Sun and the OW in general? 185m?

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Warner Bros May Not Report Box Office For ‘Dark Knight Rises’ All Weekend

By NIKKI FINKE | Friday July 20, 2012 @ 3:27pm PDT

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EXCLUSIVE: I’ve just been told by a Warner Bros spokeswoman that the studio may do this “out of sensitivity to people”. Through midday today the studio was reporting The Dark Knight Rises grosses internationally and domestically as usual. Now it may suspend its box office reporting all weekend for Christopher Nolan’s final Batman trilogy installment. A final decision has not yet been made. It would be a highly unusual step for a company in the movie business that’s part of publicly owned Time Warner. And it is certainly the studio’s right to stay mute the rest of the weekend. However, the numbers will still get out because every Hollywood studio follows Rentrak’s reporting of grosses. So rival studios will tell reporters like me how The Dark Knight Rises is doing.

enough of this bullshit. The shooting was a terrible tragedy but I don't see how reporting box office numbers is "insensitive"
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Warner Bros May Not Report Box Office For ‘Dark Knight Rises’ All Weekend

By NIKKI FINKE | Friday July 20, 2012 @ 3:27pm PDT

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EXCLUSIVE: I’ve just been told by a Warner Bros spokeswoman that the studio may do this “out of sensitivity to people”. Through midday today the studio was reporting The Dark Knight Rises grosses internationally and domestically as usual. Now it may suspend its box office reporting all weekend for Christopher Nolan’s final Batman trilogy installment. A final decision has not yet been made. It would be a highly unusual step for a company in the movie business that’s part of publicly owned Time Warner. And it is certainly the studio’s right to stay mute the rest of the weekend. However, the numbers will still get out because every Hollywood studio follows Rentrak’s reporting of grosses. So rival studios will tell reporters like me how The Dark Knight Rises is doing.

What? That makes absolutely zero sense.

How is it insensitive to state objective facts with no connection whatsoever to this? If they're so "sensitive", then they should pull TDK from Netflix and Best Buy, since the murderer was dressed as the Joker and identified himself as the Joker.

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Click the link for full statement from Nolan


Josh Dickey ‏@Variety_JLD

Nolan statement: “Speaking on behalf of the cast and crew of ‘The Dark Knight Rises,’ I would like to express our profound sorrow ...

Christopher Nolan on shootings: 'unbearably savage'

Helmer breaks silence on Aurora massacre

By Variety Staff

Speaking on behalf of the cast and crew of "The Dark Knight Rises", I would like to express our profound sorrow at the senseless tragedy that has befallen the entire Aurora community. I would not presume to know anything about the victims of the shooting but that they were there last night to watch a movie. I believe movies are one of the great American art forms and the shared experience of watching a story unfold on screen is an important and joyful pastime. The movie theatre is my home, and the idea that someone would violate that innocent and hopeful place in such an unbearably savage way is devastating to me. Nothing any of us can say could ever adequately express our feelings for the innocent victims of this appalling crime, but our thoughts are with them and their families.

Edited by TLK
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Could someone clarify for me if 30m midnights and 80-85m OD is in line with expectations? This is a fantastic number I realize, but I've seen tracking/estimates/predictions anywhere from 170-230m OW for this movie, so trying to get a grasp of just how good this number is.What can we expect for Sat/Sun and the OW in general? 185m?

Well, if you were closer to the 230m OW side of things than the 170, its probably a disappointment.
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Just got home from Lincoln Square IMAX :D1. The screen is so big even in the last row you have to lean back in your seat.2. The movie is so much better than TDK. 3. On our way out we had to walk past the line for the next showing and people were covering their ears like losers.

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I do agree I don't really get the connection between TDKR's box office results and insensitivity towards victims of the shooting. And the shooting hit pretty close to home for me. But I think WB is just trying to be as careful and cautious as possible in this situation. We have to remember NOTHING like this has ever come close to happening. There's no precedent for how a movie studio should react in a situation like this. I'm sure they don't want to look insensitive in anyway possible.

Edited by MovieMan89
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enough of this bullshit. The shooting was a terrible tragedy but I don't see how reporting box office numbers is "insensitive"

Oh, you never know how some of the public react to things like this. Some will say tomorrow that WB should be pulling off TDKR from theaters forever, trust me.
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