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TDKR Weekend: $160.89M - #3 ALL TIME HIGHEST OW

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I think legs will be okay, especially since the OW is deflated (pretty obviously IMO, maybe not to others). But yes, any chance it had of catching TA, however small, is gone now.

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I think legs will be okay, especially since the OW is deflated (pretty obviously IMO, maybe not to others). But yes, any chance it had of catching TA, however small, is gone now.

It could have AVTR or TITANIC legs!Wait. Nolan < Cameron. Movies prostrating before the government < Movies which celebrate the common man over government(Okay, okay, I know that's starting shit. Forgive me!)
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WOM is great, ignore baumer. That's not the movie's problem right now.

WOM will not be TDK level for so many reasons. It just lacks too many of the factors that made that movie a phenomenon, The Joker just being a very big top of the list. And one thing I don't think a lot of people are taking into consideration with this movie is it's heavy ties to BB. If you haven't seen BB the movie could flat out not make sense in areas. And believe it or not there is a large chunk of the general public that has seen TDK and not BB. I know several people myself. Just look at how TDK sold over twice as many tickets and a gazillion more DVDs than BB. So I could see its ties to BB hurting it in the WOM department since not nearly as many people have seen that movie. Whereas the thing about TDK is it was incredibly accessible to the uninitiated and didn't require seeing BB to fully get. Edited by MovieMan89
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Oh big deal, "killer" is an adjective used for basically anything good. Hardly something that should be pulled from the shelves.

Please quote for me in bold where I suggested last weeks issue be pulled from the shelf. I'll wait. ----- still looking? You know why, cause you're making up shit I didn't say and assigning it to me that's why. Stay on point. You Nolan-ites just need a place/person to vent and it's causing you to go unglued.

I can't believe your practically denying the shooting had any effect.

It's a big thread, but I've said it twice already---some minimal impact perhaps could be attributed but not to the degree you TDKR rabid out of control predictors wish it were.

Yep, bringing Ledger back up ---- cause it's relevant all over and boy in an ironic and very sad way.

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WOM will not be TDK level for so many reasons. It just lacks too many of the factors that made that movie a phenomenon, The Joker just being a very big top of the list. And one thing I don't think a lot of people are taking into consideration with this movie is it's heavy ties to BB. If you haven't seen BB the movie could flat out not make sense in areas. And believe it or not there is a large chunk for the general public that has seen TDK and not BB. I know several people myself. Just look at how TDK sold over twice as many tickets and a gazillion more DVDs than BB. So I could see its ties to BB hurting it in the WOM department since not nearly as many people have seen that movie. Whereas the thing about TDK is it was incredibly accessible to the uninitiated and didn't require seeing BB to fully get.

To be honest, you never know. And it may not be on TDK level, but it will certainly be good.
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Given that the shooting pretty much destroyed walkup sales today, 80 is fine. We'll never know what could have happened today in an alternate world where this didn't happen, but it doesn't matter, it did. My theater sold out a bunch of shows tonight (they were playing it every 20-30 minutes) but not as much as Avengers. More like DH2.

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Only a troll would pretend Ledger's absence has more of an impact than a FUCKING HISTORIC SHOOTING THAT HAPPENED LESS THAN 24 HOURS AGO.

Of course, some unknown power gives your opinion more validity than someone who believes the shooting had little or no effect. Good logic. I also believe people are commenting that it was a combination of Ledger's death and the iconic Joker character that propelled TDK to even greater than expected heights. There is a difference. I believe both sides may have a point, but neither has any definitive evidence at this time.I honestly don't understand how some people are claiming complete and irrefutable evidence of a shooter effect. It baffles me. Edited by nAlkaline
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Given that the shooting pretty much destroyed walkup sales today, 80 is fine. We'll never know what could have happened today in an alternate world where this didn't happen, but it doesn't matter, it did.

My theater sold out a bunch of shows tonight (they were playing it every 20-30 minutes) but not as much as Avengers. More like DH2.

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I still don't think WOM is going to mean anything when you have such a negative factor playing into its opening weekend. There might be some disappointment but it will easily be balanced by people who decide to go in the next few weeks, after the media firestorm dies down. The movie will not have TDK legs but it's not going to be anything like SM3 or DH2 either.

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Given that the shooting pretty much destroyed walkup sales today, 80 is fine. We'll never know what could have happened today in an alternate world where this didn't happen, but it doesn't matter, it did.

My theater sold out a bunch of shows tonight (they were playing it every 20-30 minutes) but not as much as Avengers. More like DH2.

I wish I was Griffin from MIB 3
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There are so many movie goers that plan their evenings spontanously and on a day like today, i think they would rather chose to go to the disco or just hang out with their friends than going to the movies, so yeah, what happened today should probably have an impact. How much? Nobody knows it and nobody will ever know it, as nobody will ever know, if Heath Ledgers death had an impact on TDK or not and if yes how much.What i know is, that arguments about that case will still be going on, when todays events are just another hurtful memory erased from peoples minds. I'm not saying this is a bad thing, as nobody could bear feeling all that pain constantly, but today there should be no fighting about such an insignificant thing as missed box office records.On a day like this, it should be enough to acknowledge an amazing opening day for TDKR, to discuss it, but not to fight about it. It's not that number of 80Mio that's significant today, it's the number 12. 12 people lost their lifes, 12 familys lost a family member, many people lost a good friend, a colleague and many are still praying for all those badly injured victims, not to forget about all those scars that will remain inside.No, it's just not the right day for fights, it's a day to be sad.

Edited by Poseidon
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Of course, some unknown power gives your opinion more validity than someone who believes the shooting had little or no effect. Good logic. I also believe people are commenting that it was a combination of Ledger's death and the iconic Joker character that propelled TDK to even greater than expected heights. There is a difference. I believe both sides may have a point, but neither has any definitive evidence at this point.

I can understand saying it's a combination, but saying the shooting had no impact is idiotic. Simply idiotic.
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It could have AVTR or TITANIC legs!Wait. Nolan < Cameron.Movies prostrating before the government < Movies which celebrate the common man over government(Okay, okay, I know that's starting shit. Forgive me!)

I dont think this is a good time to start another fanboy war. The accident already is heavy enough.
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Given that the shooting pretty much destroyed walkup sales today, 80 is fine. We'll never know what could have happened today in an alternate world where this didn't happen, but it doesn't matter, it did.My theater sold out a bunch of shows tonight (they were playing it every 20-30 minutes) but not as much as Avengers. More like DH2.

*sigh* You are right. As much as it pains me to admit it, what happened happened. There is nothing we can do about it. We'll never know what could have been. Boxoffice considerations of course pale in comparison to the losses. My prayers go out to all affected. May justice be done.
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Please quote for me in bold where I suggested last weeks issue be pulled from the shelf. I'll wait. ----- still looking? You know why, cause you're making up shit I didn't say and assigning it to me that's why. Stay on point. You Nolan-ites just need a place/person to vent and it's causing you to go unglued.

Well, I apologize for misunderstanding your intent. Your last sentence is somewhat true admittedly.
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I can understand saying it's a combination, but saying the shooting had no impact is idiotic. Simply idiotic.

Ok. What kind of effect, number wise, do you think it had? I personally think it MAY have altered the day's gross negatively by 1-2M at the most.
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Ok. What kind of effect, number wise, do you think it had? I personally think it MAY have altered the day's gross negatively by 1-2M at the most.

If I had to throw out a number, it would be at least 5M, closer to 10M.
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