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TDKR Weekend: $160.89M - #3 ALL TIME HIGHEST OW

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(just to add) Batman 89, while literally changing the movie marketing game, is still one of the most hyped movies ever, though it has been surpassed by a fair amount of flicks since (tpm, tdk, matrix reloaded, spiderman 3, rots come to mind) it's still a game changer in that department though

Agreed completely. I dont think a movie topped it in the hype department till The Phantom Menace.
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Yeah but you're trying to compare Batman to The Dark Knight, when you only have the reference for one. Do you seriously not understand why you'd be unqualified to make such a comparison?

No, I don't, because plenty of movies were able to make more money than Batman in the 80s and before, even moreso than today. We always complain how adjusting is misleading because people have a ton more entertainment options today, but this is a case of a more recent comparable film still actually outgrossing an old one with that adjustment. Edited by tribefan695
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Yes, Batman (1989) had tremendous hype. Some of the publicity pitted Batman vs Indiana Jones (Last Crusade came out that year as well). It was great and both films didn't dissapoint. There is a reason why Batman broke the OW record at the time. There was a growing consensus before the movie's release that Keaton actually made for a decent Batman and Nicholson....oh man!

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Indiana set a new OW record at 29.3 mil, then Ghostbusters 2 just barely topped it by like 100k, then Batman just roflstomped them by 11 mil. That was huge.

I hate to be that guy and quote myself, but just to put this into even more perspective, The Dark Knight topped the previous OW record holder by 7 million, which was Spider-Man 3. 158 mil to 151. That was with a year of inflation and IMAX. Batman topped the previous record holder by 11 mil in the same freakin summer. Does that answer the hype question? Edited by Orestes
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(just to add) Batman 89, while literally changing the movie marketing game, is still one of the most hyped movies ever, though it has been surpassed by a fair amount of flicks since (tpm, tdk, matrix reloaded, spiderman 3, rots come to mind) it's still a game changer in that department though

Batman redefined the way movies were released and marketed and then released to home video. From a box-office-changing prespective, it might even be the second most significant movie of all time, behind only Star Wars. (Though there are arguments for lots of other movies too of course. T2 and JP really redefined how movies were made thanks to their special effects.)
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Thank you. People who were too young to remember just how huge Batman was in 1989 should really just shut up because they have no clue what they're talking about.

Exactly. Just like I can't talk about SW hype in 1977 but I can speak to the Batman hype. It was insane and probably exceeded the hype over Last Crusade. Batman was everywhere that spring....vhs movie previews, pepsi products, posters, commercials, good morning america interviews, david letterman top 10, random stuff but everywhere.
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I've only been here a few months, and I'm mostly lurking this weekend... but am I the only person getting ticked off at these people with double-digit posts trying to school people like Tribefan?

I'll answer for myself. First of all i was 14 years old when Batman89 was released so unlike that tribefan fella i actually remember the hype and second of all my post count means shit, i was one of the founding members of the old BOmojo board in 2001 (Baumer can attest to that ).
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Ok, apologies. Just seems like everyone's getting on my back for saying Batman 89 was not the most hyped up movie of all time.Is anyone actually going to try and address why it didn't gross as much as The Dark Knight?

You're right, it wasn't the most hyped movie ever but it was definitely hyped up. I remember seeing it OW. The theater was packed and it did set a new OW record. Also, don't forget, there wasn't 2 or 3 comic book movies coming out a year like we have now. It was a pretty big deal back then to have a good comic book movie.
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OK, I know we are all disappointed with 160-165 if that number holds. And Yes I would agree with B that the movie was going to suffer without The Joker. I would also agree that this finale was not "Uplifting" but very depressing but you could argue all 3 are depressing outside of maybe "Begins" which had a happy ending if you could call it that. But with the circumstances think "Rises" Rose from the dark shadows and still pulled out a pretty good weekend. I am very interested in it's legs now and if the shooting will effect it's overall run. My only beef with Bane, and trust me, I loved Bane but my only beef is:

He was Boss Status the whole movie then once the Tilia was reveled it was like now he was nothing more than a Body guard/sidekick, also his death was very anti-climatic

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Also, don't forget, there wasn't 2 or 3 comic book movies coming out a year like we have now. It was a pretty big deal back then to have a good comic book movie.

So then, shouldn't it have made more than The Dark Knight adjusted?I mean, I know exactly why it didn't and it's because of no failure on the movie's part, but for some reason people just want to use anecdotal evidence and product tie-ins as defense. It doesn't tell me anything because every big movie does those things these days and it doesn't necessarily translate into audience interest. Edited by tribefan695
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Anyone saying "Batman 89" didn't have any hype clearly wasn't alive or old enough to remember. That movie off marketing alone made it the biggest movie of the year. The Batman Symbol was every in 89 from hats, t-shirts, toys and video games. So Yes it had just as much if not more hype than TDK for it's time. OW record broke and it was loved so much that "BR" broke the OW record after. Jack's performance was called genius and NOBODY touched the role for 20 years. Heath did an amazing job but Jack role stood for 20 years, Heath's only 4 and I'm sure the Joker will be rebooted sooner than Jack's. The only reason "Batman Returns" dropped is cause the movie was dark, sexual and mature for Family audiences. "Batman 89" was dark also but it had elements that families didn't mind bringing there kids. "Batman Returns" had a horny Danny Devito saying "That's the pussy I was looking for", are you kidding? Parents were outraged.

Batman Returns was also not a very good movie.
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So then, shouldn't it have made more than The Dark Knight adjusted?

No because Comic Book Films weren't popular back then. "Superman III and IV" literally killed off comic book movies for about 4 or 5 years before "Batman" kicked down the doors which is why to me "Superman 78 and Batman 89" remain the greatest comic book movies ever for the Impact they had on the genre, without those two there would be no Nolan Trilogy, Spider-man, Xmen, or anything. Everyone owes something to the 1st Superman and Batman movies. Just the fact it adjust to almost 500 Million in today's dollar's should let you know how massive it was. "TDK" was massive and a freak of nature and yes the Hype was through the roof but I was 9 years old when Batman 89 dropped, trust me the Hype was unbelievable, The movie was so huge that Prince's soundtrack sold millions and everyone makes fun of those songs now but they were huge, Yes even "Batdance". For Batman to beat Indy 3 was a big deal.
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