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TDKR Weekend: $160.89M - #3 ALL TIME HIGHEST OW

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Well it's super early in US and we don't have numbers and most of us outside of USA haven't watched the movie yet. The main thing is that there are no updates and that the one we have are underwhelming

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This was my most anticipated weekend of the year and look- only 18 people are reading this topic! On TDKR's opening weekend! Sigh. This could have been a fabulous weekend, but it only takes one ---- to ruin it for everyone.

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This was my most anticipated weekend of the year and look- only 18 people are reading this topic! On TDKR's opening weekend! Sigh. This could have been a fabulous weekend, but it only takes one ---- to ruin it for everyone.

You can't control incidents like this, you can control your response. For some reason, lots of people decided that the appropriate response in this situation is to shun the movie.
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You can't control incidents like this, you can control your response. For some reason, lots of people decided that the appropriate response in this situation is to shun the movie.

That doesnt even make any sense! Fuck people who do that. It wasn't the movie's or the filmmakers' fault that some asshole decided to shoot a bunch of people!
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I left at page 130 and now, it's 190+?!Still "big" weekend despite the events.So:- Bale will never visit the victims wearing the bat-suit. No, really, do you see that happening? It could even have an "opposite" effect as Batman is some kind of a "nightmare symbol" to them forever... Just "Christian Bale" visiting would be good enough.- WB not reporting OW numbers? So what? Reporting next weekend numbers will be tolerable enough?Typical PC logic. Irritating. Give money, instead.- No gifs or crazy talk give, indeed, some special atmosphere to this thread.- Still very excited to see that movie.

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BTW in finland, the doors of the auditoriums are always locked. If you go to the bathroom you have to ask a staffmemeber to open the door for you when you want to go back in. Makes sense, right? Maybe in US they should start to lock the doors too.

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I read many pages here but didn't see one bit of a number regarding IA4 or TASM...- Will the first hold well as a "fun thing" in the middle of a bad event?- Will the second fall hard as superhero victim?

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BTW in finland, the doors of the auditoriums are always locked. If you go to the bathroom you have to ask a staffmemeber to open the door for you when you want to go back in. Makes sense, right? Maybe in US they should start to lock the doors too.

Having the doors locked seems like a bit of a health hazard tbh. What if someone in the screen already has a weapon, or if theres a fire?

Also i don't see why people are saying WB should donate a percentage of the films gross to the victims. They have absolutely nothing to do with what happened and they also bear no responsibility.

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