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Monday (7/23/12) Numbers: The Dark Knight Rises - 19.5M

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The Dark Knight Rises and The Avengers were both awesome movies. Each in its one way though. The Dark Knight Rises was more dramatic and dark. The Avengers was more light hearted and funny. Both films appealed to a different side of the movie goer.

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I wish RTX was more confrontational and BKB wasn't banned. They could have been epic rivals :(

Surely those two have been at each other's throat before the ban. It's not like either of those behavior patterns are new.
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The Dark Knight Rises and The Avengers were both awesome movies. Each in its one way though. The Dark Knight Rises was more dramatic and dark. The Avengers was more light hearted and funny. Both films appealed to a different side of the movie goer.

I love both movies. The Avengers is light and fun and cool. TDKR feels more real and emotional and powerful.What a great year 2012 is for the box office. I am not going to let a cowardly criminal ruin my love for going to the movies!
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Why do some of you let one guy piss you off? So what if he doesn't like TA? Does everyone have to like the popular films? lol

I actually like him. He brings the comedic touch site needs. When we need a good laughter, go look at his TA predictions and bam, we're good to go.
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I don't know where you're getting this good response from. I also don't understand where you're seeing that it got a better response than Thor or CA.Also, you have to factor in that the Thor and CA sequels will receive a boost from the success of TA.

TASM has received a 74% approval rating from critics (which means the majority of critics liked it), and 84% audience rating, an A Cinemascore, and a 7.6 IMDB rating. It also had a very strong second weekend hold, dropping 43%, despite another film opening that could steal aways family audiences (Ice Age). It dropped hard this weekend due to the combination of TDKR opening and the shooting dampening theater going. There is no use in pretending the ASM got a bad response. It clearly did not
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TASM has received a 74% approval rating from critics (which means the majority of critics liked it), and 84% audience rating, an A Cinemascore, and a 7.6 IMDB rating. It also had a very strong second weekend hold, dropping 43%, despite another film opening that could steal aways family audiences (Ice Age). There is no use in pretending the ASM got a bad response. It clearly did not

Thor and CA both received better RT scores from critics than TASM. Not that much better, but better than TASM. Thor and CA were both facing direct competition from other SH movies (The Green lantern and XMFC) and both were victorious.I wouldn't say TASM is getting bad WOM. It's just not getting good WOM either. It's pretty much average WOM.....basically a lukewarm response. Even the positive reviews weren't really that positive if you read them. Edited by Walt Disney
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TA and TDKR are the Wii and PS3 of the movie world...they both compliment each other perfectly and I'm glad I enjoy both...though admittedly I'm more of a PS3 man myself ;)

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