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Monday (7/23/12) Numbers: The Dark Knight Rises - 19.5M

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Don't know if it was mentioned already, but IMAX grosses were responsible for $3.02 million (15.6 percent) of Monday's $19.39 million gross.

That's cool. We usually don't get stats like this.
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After you were proven wrong, you have been very quiet. But, I am currently reading all of your thoughts about it in another thread. I'm not looking to single you out. I just realize after reading what you wrote in that other thread that you are the same person who I am currently debating now. And, you don't know what good WOM is because you don't know what great DVD sales are. So I am not surprised that you would call lukewarm WOM "good".Also, I realize that continuing this discussion with you is pointless. It's better to just wait for you to be wrong than trying to prove you wrong now. The "good" WOM that you describe will not help TASM sell tickets, so you can start thinking of how to explain that now.Back to reading the epic thread.

It's all right. You and your cronies can still spread around the false idea that ASM is a negatively received film and box office failure. ( while Thor and CA were huge hits apparently) most people I think can see through that and see it for what it is. Bullshit.
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At this point I would be happy with over $400m domestic. To much shit has happened and trolls can go fuck themselves.

Exactly. Too many people are spazzing over whether it will reach $500m. $400+m is nothing to sneeze at. I predicted $450m before all this happened because TDKR wouldn't have the Ledger/Joker bump. As long as 4 or 5 is the first number in the final gross, I'm personally fine with it.
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Why would you congrat him? He only got this right because of a freak accident.

It's not the prediction. I already gave him his props on that one. I'm reading his TA vs. TASM vs. TDKR thread, and he's really giving it to the TA bashers. It is very entertaining and he deserves his props for standing up for the movie the way he did.I still can't believe iJack accused BKB of being a Nolanite.
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It's not the prediction. I already gave him his props on that one. I'm reading his TA vs. TASM vs. TDKR thread, and he's really giving it to the TA bashers. It is very entertaining and he deserves his props for standing up for the movie the way he did.I still can't believe iJack accused BKB of being a Nolanite.

He has still done more harm then good
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