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Weekend Estimates TDKR 62.84 IA4 13.3 TW 13 SU4 11.8

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Pffffttt.. as if I'm going to stop one of my favorite pasttimes because something horrible happened somewhere in a movie theater.

I'm not sure if there was sarcasm in there, but I'm liking your post because I feel that way, completely, rational or not. Edited by Letsuseournoggin
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Last week, many news sources reported that the Aurora massacre had scared away moviegoers. Wrong: attendance, according to Box Office Mojo, was 40% higher last weekend than the previous weekend ($231.3 million to $165 million) and up 21% from same weekend last year (when the total take was $190.6 million).

This weekend, total box-office revenue ($134.8 million) was indeed down from the same weekend last year ($179.7 million), when the new films were Cowboys & Aliens, with a $36.4 million three-day take, The Smurfs, with $35.6 million, and Crazy, Stupid, Love., with $19.1 million. The drop is almost entirely due to two related factors that have no connection to the shootings. One: Olympics coverage began with a splendid show Friday night; and two, Hollywood, knowing the Games were coming, released fewer films this weekend.

Read more: http://entertainment.time.com/2012/07/29/the-dark-knight-rises-again-what-aurora-effect/#ixzz227gIh06p

I'm so confused.

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Last week, many news sources reported that the Aurora massacre had scared away moviegoers. Wrong: attendance, according to Box Office Mojo, was 40% higher last weekend than the previous weekend ($231.3 million to $165 million) and up 21% from same weekend last year (when the total take was $190.6 million).

This weekend, total box-office revenue ($134.8 million) was indeed down from the same weekend last year ($179.7 million), when the new films were Cowboys & Aliens, with a $36.4 million three-day take, The Smurfs, with $35.6 million, and Crazy, Stupid, Love., with $19.1 million. The drop is almost entirely due to two related factors that have no connection to the shootings. One: Olympics coverage began with a splendid show Friday night; and two, Hollywood, knowing the Games were coming, released fewer films this weekend.

Read more: http://entertainment.time.com/2012/07/29/the-dark-knight-rises-again-what-aurora-effect/#ixzz227gIh06p

I'm so confused.

This could possibly be the most idiotic article I've ever read.
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Still questioning the effect of Aurora on The Dark Knight Rises and/or the overall market? Consider this: while The Dark Knight Rises opened to just $2.5 million more than its predecessor (representing less than a 2% increase in gross, and a slight decrease in actual admissions), all other films in the market between July 20-22, 2012 grossed a mere $70.4 million (down 57.3% from the previous weekend's total market gross). By comparison, films playing opposite The Dark Knight's opening July 18-20, 2008 dropped a much softer 32.5 percent from their previous weekend market sum and still managed to gross over $102 million.


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It wasn't sarcasm. One has to be really weak to stop going to the movies because in some random movie theater something awful happened. With that logic you practically couldn't leave your house.

I'm not saying this to be flip, so if I offend someone, I will apologize ahead of time and tell you that it is not my intention to offend anyone with my statement.Having said that, people afraid to go to the movies after this incident have been watching too much TV, too much news and they need to have some sense slapped into them. This movie shooting is a once in a hundred year event. To the best of my knowledge it hasn't happened before. There are nutbars in every city, state, country and continent. This idiot just happened to choose a movie theater, the idiot in Norway chose to dress like a cop, the dumb dumbs in columbine chose a school, whoever was responsible for 9/11 chose a plane, those responsible for the UK subways chose subways, the idiot that killed 12 women and injured 13 others in Montreal in 1989 chose a college. The point is you can't be afraid of one particular place just because it happened there. There are shark attacks in many beaches, and people still go surfing. There are bear attacks in the mountains and people still camp and hike. To be afraid of this, imo, is buying too much into what the media is trying to sell you, and that is fear. Fear sells magazines, it gets you to watch the news and it gets the goverment to pass its bullshit laws.There is nothin to fear when you go to the movies. And why would I change my life because of one incident? In fact, I might even go to the movies more now than ever. People who live in fear of this stuff are the same people who will buy Enquirer and tell you that.....you know what? I'll just leave it at that.Letting this incident have control of your life is wrong.
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I agree Baumer. Way too much fear mongering in the media, and interestingly enough it almost always leads to us giving up more of our rights for the illusion of security. As Bane would say, "Calm down, doctor. Now is not the time for fear. That comes later!"

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People will go back to theaters. I think it's natural to be a little put off right after something like this cause theaters are one of those places you're "supposed" to be safe (even if you never really are, it's just that people convince themselves of it) but theaters are part of our entertainment and escapism. I think they'll recover much, much, much faster than say the airline business because of that. And because it's a whole lot cheaper.

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I agree Baumer. Way too much fear mongering in the media, and interestingly enough it almost always leads to us giving up more of our rights for the illusion of security. As Bane would say, "Calm down, doctor. Now is not the time for fear. That comes later!"

Fear mongering, doesn't apply only to media but government as well. Government's run on it. Which is just sad state our society is in.
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Yes, biggest flaw with Academy voting is that a lot of times they vote for their favorite film in each category instead of voting based on the actual merits in each category. For instance, I enjoyed The King's Speech more than The Social Network. However, there is no way in hell I think Hooper did a better job directing than Fincher. Hooper had some extremely distracting camera angles in the film and he was working with great, veteran actors (which made his job easier). Fincher was working with mostly unproven actors and got great performances out of them.

I never quite understand that line of thinking. If I like a movie more...it's better. I certainly never list the movies I admire most by how they are ranked by other people. "Best", "better", "good"....these are all things which apply to me personally. No one else is involved. So if I were an Academy member...the "merits" would be the movies I liked best. That's the end of it. I wouldn't vote for a movie I didn't like as much because I thought other people may like it more.

There is no objective truth in art.Merely preferences.

Exactly. 100% truth. This thread is yet another illustration of how futile it is to try and rank art. We never can agree on what is "better". We have many different ways to attempt it and we always fail. Here in this thread the Academy is again taking a beating for giving awards to the "wrong movies"....just like every year.I seriously don't know why we keep trying to do this. Every piece of art is different for every person. To try and rank them is to completely miss the point of art.

Was just listening to a morning radio show (Kidd Kraddick) and they were talking about the Twilight cheating scandal. They said it'll make the movie even bigger than it would have been because "there is no such thing as bad publicity, except of course for The Dark Knight Rises." If there is one memorable thing about TDKR's run, it killed the notion that all publicity is good publicity.

We must live in the same city. ;)The problem here is that no one knows what would have happened if there was no shooting. So nothing has been proven. This publicity could very well be drawing in curious customers in greater numbers than it is causing people to stay away. Since it looks like TDKR will end up in the 400's m somewhere....I don't see any effect that can be pointed to. That's about where it should have landed since so many of the factors that contributed to TDK's box office run were removed for this movie.

To be afraid of this, imo, is buying too much into what the media is trying to sell you, and that is fear. Fear sells magazines, it gets you to watch the news and it gets the goverment to pass its bullshit laws.

AGreed. That's what the media does. They need to get ratings and sell things. That means they have to make every crisis as big as possible. Exaggeration is their calling card.
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Harpo, your line of thinking is exactly what is wrong with the Academy. They vote for their favorite movie in every category even if the film clearly isn't the best in that particular category.As far as TDKR goes, $30m at midnight was a pretty strong indicator of at least $15m higher on the weekend. This isn't Harry Potter we're talking about. I was predicting $175m from a $25m midnight.

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Harpo, your line of thinking is exactly what is wrong with the Academy. They vote for their favorite movie in every category even if the film clearly isn't the best in that particular category.

Sometimes it's pretty shared out, like 2005 for instance, no one movie got more than three Oscars.
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