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Jack Nevada

Best Film of Summer 2012


81 members have voted

  1. 1. Best movies of summer 2012?

    • The Avengers
    • The Dark Knight Rises
    • The Amazing Spider-Man
    • The Expendables 2
    • Snow White and the Huntsman
    • Prometheus
    • Men in Black 3
    • Moonrise Kingdom
    • The Intouchables
    • Madagascar 3
    • Brave
    • Magic Mike
    • Beasts of Southern Wild
    • Ted
    • The Bourne Legacy
    • Total Recall

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says who? Thanks for continuing to twist peoples words as you have done from the beginning


except Avengers is meant to be a lighthearted fantasy while TDKR is supposed to be "realistic" and "serious"

Avengers as lighthearted fantasy is okay have unintelligent moments while TDKR as realistic and serious isn't Edited by Goffeweenie
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TA is the film of the Summer, maybe even the year(THG is well done, but overrated). While flawed, TDKR isn't too far behind and TASM is underrated(especially on here).I think there are a lot of people in denial about TDKR on here. All three CB films are in my top 20 all time, but TDKR is nowhere near as successfully executed or entertaining as TA.TA(In my Top 5)TASM(In my Top 15)TDKR(In my Top 20)

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The Avengers is the BOX OFFICE movie of the year.The Dark Knight Rises has the better STORY to tell.IMO of course. :shades:

Actually, TASM has the best story...the only problem is, it's been told before and the original was more popular. And I realize to many, it's just hard to get past that. And to some, it's impossible to. I had my own issues, but I've come to realize that it's just a superior film, regardless of how much I revere the first one.
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TASM was a complete shit box w/ a rehashed story line of Raimi's Spiderman. Nobody wanted another Spiderman from Sony. It had very mediocre returns.

For my favorite movie of the summer. Moonrise Kingdom.

wow, you changed your mind. When it came out you said you liked it.

750m is still a good amount of money. It is sad that people are still trying to pretend ASM did extremely bad at the box office or something.

"Nobody wanted another Spider-man from Sony" . Spider-Man going back to Marvel is flat out impossible so there is no other Spider-Man you will get

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TA is the film of the Summer, maybe even the year(THG is well done, but overrated). While flawed, TDKR isn't too far behind and TASM is underrated(especially on here).I think there are a lot of people in denial about TDKR on here. All three CB films are in my top 20 all time, but TDKR is nowhere near as successfully executed or entertaining as TA.TA(In my Top 5)TASM(In my Top 15)TDKR(In my Top 20)

Like a somebodeeeeee needs to watch more films if three movies during the span of two months make your top 20 list.
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Like a somebodeeeeee needs to watch more films if three movies during the span of two months make your top 20 list.

It's not every year that my two favorite characters of all time have major films come out within two and a half weeks of each other and another film right up my alley exceeds even my lofty expectations for it. Just these three films have made this a banner year for me.Here's a list of films I have seen this year:ContrabandHaywireSafe HouseStar Wars Episode 1 3DTitanic 3DThis Means War21 Jump StreetThe Hunger GamesAmerican ReunionThe AvengersMIB3PrometheusRock of AgesThe Amazing Spider-ManThe Dark Knight RisesThe Expendables 2And that's with moving not once, not twice, but THREE times this year. I have no time, but still make time to see as many movies as I can. Look, my top 20 is predominantly comic book films. It's just what I like. I make no qualms about my fanboyism. I'm perfectly aware that some of the more "cultured" movie buffs probably see me as shallow, but I really don't give a ...well you know. To each their own.
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TASM was a complete shit box w/ a rehashed story line of Raimi's Spiderman. Nobody wanted another Spiderman from Sony. It had very mediocre returns.

For my favorite movie of the summer. Moonrise Kingdom.

I love those who say it was crap, and then follow it with the proverbial, "No one wanted another Spider-Man film". Thus outting themselves as biased against it in the first place.

Nobody wanted it huh? But they wanted another pretentious incoherent Wes Anderson film(my opinion)?

Let's see...TASM will make 750m+ WW and the combined gross of all SIX Wes Anderson films is 264.4m. TASM will nearly make that in domestic receipts alone. It's not that "nobody" wanted another Spider-Man film from Sony, it's actually that nobody who dislikes the character wanted another Spider-Man film from Sony.

Sure, there are some even hardcore Spidey fanboys who didn't want this film, all the while deifying the Raimi series as some kind of masterpiece trilogy(When, in reality, only SM2 can be touted as even close to a "masterpiece"). But I think most of those won't be able to resist giving the film a try when it comes to DVD and definitely when it hits cable. And then the tide will turn. Suddenly there will be a groundswell of fans who will realize that it's not half bad. The same thing happened with BB(not saying TASM will be quite that well received). And although I don't expect 500m+ for TASM2(or even 400m+), a lot of the fringe who stayed away will show up. Spider-Man films aren't going anywhere. But if you don't like the idea, don't watch 'em.

There's nothing easier than to tear down a SH film and then stating some independent artsy film is better. But the only thing that really proves is that you're not the type to like films like TASM, not that it was "a complete shit box".

But to show I have no ill will toward you, here's a game you might like:

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I don't get some people. I went into TASM with low expectations, I wasn't anticipating it at all but I came out entertained along with pretty much anyone I've spoke to. What makes me laugh is how people say its complete crap yet they like SM1. Has anyone actually seen the first movie recently? I caught it on T.V the other day and let's face it, it's pretty bad. TASM may have followed the same story, but at least it improved on it IMO.Then there's the batman loonies. People are looking up to it like its some sort of masterpiece. It's not, it's just a good movie, not great, just good. Some of these fanboys are so dedicated to kissing Nolans ass that im betting they would still be praising it even had it turned out complete shit. Films like Moonrise kingdom I think are for people who like to come across as an intellect. I'm sorry but I think Wes Anderson films are just boring as hell. If he is such a great film maker then why can't he make his 'smart' films entertaining to watch??It's funny how the top 5 movies in this poll all have a fan base of some kind. This thread would be more interesting had people's opinions not be so biased.

Edited by Jessie
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You're disappointing me, AA. You haven't seen MK yet you call it pretentious (IMO I would argue it's Anderson's most sincere film and that's precisely the reason it clicked with audiences). You compare Spider-Man's box office to Wes Anderson's movies? The ones that are made for pennies and don't expand further than a few hundred theaters?

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I don't get some people. I went into TASM with low expectations, I wasn't anticipating it at all but I came out entertained along with pretty much anyone I've spoke to. What makes me laugh is how people say its complete crap yet they like SM1. Has anyone actually seen the first movie recently? I caught it on T.V the other day and let's face it, it's pretty bad. TASM may have followed the same story, but at least it improved on it IMO.Then there's the batman loonies. People are looking up to it like its some sort of masterpiece. It's not, it's just a good movie, not great, just good. Some of these fanboys are so dedicated to kissing Nolans ass that im betting they would still be praising it even had it turned out complete shit.Films like Moonrise kingdom I think are for people who like to come across as an intellect. I'm sorry but I think Wes Anderson films are just boring as hell. If he is such a great film maker then why can't he make his 'smart' films entertaining to watch??It's funny how the top 5 movies in this poll all have a fan base of some kind. This thread would be more interesting had people's opinions not be so biased.

Well said.
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