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First viewing: 9/10- Way better than QOS, but still a step below CR. Has more emotional resonance than CR, but not as entertaining. Best villain since Alex Trevelyan.

And that ending! Best ending to a Bond film since probably OHMSS. Finally, we can get on with it! Bond is truly back! B)

Edited by ShAAken not Stirred™
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Oh wow, this was incredible. A perfect Bond film. The plot is so intricately carved, and the characters so dynamic, that's it's a fitting entry in the Bond series and feels like a conclusion entry at that, and a great one to boot. The acting is superb, with the standout being Javier Bardem, but I love as always Judi Dench and Daniel Craig, and it was a nice surprise to see both Ralph Fiennes and Naomi Harris in this movie. Bardem made for a very interesting and freakish villain, and the deepness of the story, the way it affects the main characters, is superb. The ending is phenomenal; some of the best stuff in a Bond movie ever. M's death in particular is very touching, but the entire sequence on the moor just gives me chills, especially with the beautiful imagery of the burning house whose light illuminates the whole dark moor.Now I have a question: was this, and all other Bond films featuring Judi Dench as M, a prequel to the Bond films of the 1960s-1980s, where Bernard Lee played M? I never noticed, but it appeared that way at the end of the movie, when Ralph Fiennes takes over as M, and Naomi Harris becomes Moneypenny (although here she's black and in those she's white).Overall, one of the best Bond movies ever.

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I really liked it as a spy/action movie but it was just good as a James Bond movie.There are certain things that make Bond, well, Bond. Which is why the last 5 minutes of the movie was the part that has me really looking forward to where they're going with the series.I loved it when James and Moneypenny walked into the office where she sits and the coat hanger was right there by the door. A little witty banter between the two and then he walks through the second door to get to M's office. That's James Bond!I loved the little early scene between Bond and Q when they first meet. Again, that's Bond.All I'm saying is that those elements need to be there because that's what differentiates a Bond movie from other spy movies. Bardem was excellent as Silva as was Dench. Her run as M was pretty damn good over all. I look forward to seeing how Fiennes does in the role. Harris looks to make a good Moneypenny, so hopefully she'll be around for a little while.Craig once again does a great job as Bond, but i would love to see him get to play the character just once with a little less seriousness and such personal story lines. He needs to have one movie where he gets to have a little fun with the character.

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Confession time: before Skyfall, the only James Bond movies I had seen were From Russia With Love and Casino Royale. I’ve always meant to watch more, but the list of all twenty-two Bond movies seemed daunting. However, after seeing Skyfall, I have now more reason to watch the older Bond movies, as Skyfall returns James Bond to the top of the pack of action heroes. Furthermore, Skyfall is a great film for Bond fans, action fans, and even the film buff...


A+ for anyone who doesn't want to go to see my verdict. :P

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Oh wow, this was incredible. A perfect Bond film. The plot is so intricately carved, and the characters so dynamic, that's it's a fitting entry in the Bond series and feels like a conclusion entry at that, and a great one to boot. The acting is superb, with the standout being Javier Bardem, but I love as always Judi Dench and Daniel Craig, and it was a nice surprise to see both Ralph Fiennes and Naomi Harris in this movie. Bardem made for a very interesting and freakish villain, and the deepness of the story, the way it affects the main characters, is superb. The ending is phenomenal; some of the best stuff in a Bond movie ever. M's death in particular is very touching, but the entire sequence on the moor just gives me chills, especially with the beautiful imagery of the burning house whose light illuminates the whole dark moor.Now I have a question: was this, and all other Bond films featuring Judi Dench as M, a prequel to the Bond films of the 1960s-1980s, where Bernard Lee played M? I never noticed, but it appeared that way at the end of the movie, when Ralph Fiennes takes over as M, and Naomi Harris becomes Moneypenny (although here she's black and in those she's white).Overall, one of the best Bond movies ever.

I believe Casino Royale is a reboot.
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I saw this last night. I thought it was really good. Great villian, good story, nice visuals as well. All the little touches to the earlier Bond films were very good as well.


On both viewings, there was some cheering and claps when Bond pulled the tarp off the car, and then a lot of laughter at M's line that immiediately followed. And with the classic Bond music playing afterwards when they were driving away in it, I had a huge fucking grin on my face.

This was one of the best theatrical experiences I've ever had. I'm gonna catch this one more time at the theater next weekend.

Edited by Shpongle
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On both viewings, there was some cheering and claps when Bond pulled the tarp off the car, and then a lot of laughter at M's line that immiediately followed. And with the classic Bond music playing afterwards when they were driving away in it, I had a huge fucking grin on my face.This was one of the best theatrical experiences I've ever had. I'm gonna catch this one more time at the theater next weekend.

Yeah there some positive reactions at those scenes in my showing as well. I was one of them :P
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Skyfall was beautifully shot and there were some memorable performances, but I wasn't very keen on the story. I was never a fan of Judi Dench's M, and an entire film centered around a revenge plot against her by a creeper with Mommy issues was a bit of a let down. I prefer my evil masterminds with loftier goals, tyvm. Still, Skyfall was a vast improvement on Quantum and one of the better films in the series.Where to rank it? Well, Casino Royale and GoldenEye were more fun, whereas From Russia with Love and On Her Majesty's Secret Service were just flat out better, so I guess fifth place it is.B+

Edited by YoursTruly
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The opening credits were a mess, didn't like em

Odd, since the first thing that struck me was how much more like a proper Bond film the credits and title song were this time around. Much more on point than the previous two Craig films. They were funky, but they're supposed to be. As nice a nod to the early movies as having the old Aston Martin put in an appearance.
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Odd, since the first thing that struck me was how much more like a proper Bond film the credits and title song were this time around. Much more on point than the previous two Craig films. They were funky, but they're supposed to be. As nice a nod to the early movies as having the old Aston Martin put in an appearance.

Yeah, I think the opening credits was easily one of the most memorable parts of the movie. It worked so well with that song.
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Grade: A

So third times the charm for Daniel Craig's turn in the role to finally and actually make a James Bond movie. Finally! I still don't visually buy him as Bond but he played the part, the film was sprinkled with actual cinematic Bond traits and standards that it took a 50th Anniversary to pull off.

Casino Royale isn't a bad movie. Actually it's a pretty good spy movie. It's just not a cinematic James Bond movie.

The less said about Quantum of Solace the better. It's easily one of the 5 worst films in the whole franchise. And it does it while not being very Bond-esque either.

Skyfall is the first DC Bond I'll be proud to own and watch over and over. We could nitpick the crazy rationale of Silva's plan but that would be pointless. He's a Bond villain...it's kinda supposed to be that way. We have an actual Bond opening sequence, credit montage complete with song that features the title song by a current pop/rock artist with appeal. We have Q. We get another Moneypenny. Dare I say hotter than Samantha Bond's Moneypenny from the Brosnan era?! The classic car...my showing last Saturday night actually had a few dozen people clap(including myself).

The movie felt like thematically it was borrowing from Goldeneye(turncoat Double OO agent) background on family(World is Not Enough), he dies(Connery's You Only Live Twice) only to resurface. The komodo dragon pit could just as easy been a variation on the shark tank or electric eel aquarium from Dalton's License to Kill. These aren't complaints. In fact they are kudos to them drawing inspiration from cool moments in the franchise to expand on and give Daniel Craig's turn at James Bond to actually feel like it belongs in the series.

Ok, I've praised. My only real plot question was why no one was checking in on the Skyfall property after Q had laid the bread crumbs. I know there was that line about once we leave a trail we have to back down so as not to tip him(Silva) off. However, don't you set a de facto time limit and if not digitally track(spy satellites) the property for signs of activity have some one drive out there? I get that Judi Dench is encountering health issues and was ready to pass the torch but it was set up for her to retire. Not sure her death had to happen.

Still it's a James Bond movie with Daniel Craig I can finally endorse.

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I know it's not Bond, but I found myself comparing this to Mission 4 from last year. It's an insult to Skyfall to compare it to Quantum of Solace, because it is so much better, and I have not seen Casino Royale. I think this exactly even with Mission 4, but if I had to give an edge, it would probably go to Skyfall because I tend to like my movies like I like my chocolate: dark.A-

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