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X-Men Origins: Wolverine


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B- Other than some preposterous parts, I enjoyed it overall.

Best Part: The opening credit sequence(never a good sign for any film). Other parts I liked: The part in Canada, Deadpool(Pre- Weapon 11), the fight on top of the reactor.

Worst Part: Gambit suddenly appearing on a rooftop to jump down on top of them when he was just knocked out on the ground. What'd he do, climb up there for a running start? And he must have super speed as well.

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X-Men Origins: Wolverine

I went to the cinema to see this. It was only 3 years ago and I cannot remember one thing about it apart from that I disliked it. It really must have been shit. I went to see Jurassic Park 20 years ago when I was just 7 years-old and I can remember most of it.


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I think it was OK from the character side and action and effects, but the decision to expand an origin story (which was not even deemed necessary for X-Men in the first place) to feature length was not wise.

Maybe that's just my opinion, but as a comic reader I know those guys and no, I don't need another origin story with every superhero film. To say nothing of a complete origin film.

btw, Wolverine always plays best against (or with) his teammates, of course he's cool in a solo setting too but not as cool as in a team situation.

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DUD out of *****

The WORST comic book film ever made and a top contender for worst film ever made. Absolutely nothing about it worked on ANY level.

-Terrible acting

- Atrocious cliches done ad nauseum without a single time being done competently

- Laughable special effects at every turn (especially when compared to Star Trek, a film that came out one week later with the same budget)

- Ridiculous plot that has so many directionless plot-holes, particularly the part with Wolverine's girlfriend revealing her mutant ability, which she only didn't utilize earlier because the film would have been over within a half hour, giving us a ridiculously convoluted and pointless storyline which apparently takes years to come to fruition.

- Insanely rushed introductions/assassinations/revelations within the first 3 minutes of the film.

- gobs of forced character cameos for fan service while NOT serving the film itself

- gratingly stupid comedy bits that kill any tone it was going for before (i.e. bathroom, boxing scene)

- The mind erasing bullet, do I even need to emphasize?

This is just an awful film, rather than fix the multitude of issues X3 had before it, it does nothing but create a bitter taste in the mouths of comic lovers/film goers everywhere.

Not surprising that .Gavin Hood hasn't done much since then but low quality TV work

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Grade: C+


It's just a few script changes from being a B/B+ film.


I'm not even a fan of Deadpool but he was horribly butchered in this adaptation. 

I was ok with Gambit. 

I was ok with the admantium bullet as the amnesia device. 


I felt they added too many mutants in the "research facility" that actually create some possible continuity issues for the saga as a whole. But, hey DOFP is coming to smooth all that out. 

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Dreadful yet utterly hilarious. The claw/bathroom scene is startlingly bad yet it was quite possibly the funniest thing I saw in 2009. The adamantium bullets was so poorly done and makes zero sense how it came into play because they ignored to give it to the guy who doesn't fucking miss, and literally introduce it right after Agent Zero dies.


I give it an 8 for unintentional comedic purposes, a 3 for actual quality.

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