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Weekend #s Hobbit 84.7 ROG 7.4 Linc 7.2 Sky 7.0 Pi 5.4 BD2 5.2 pg 90

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The first trailer has some stuff that was saved to the next movie. Like Gandalf

going to the ruins and facing the Necromancer

Yeah i noticed that too. I think that just confirms that some of the bloat I found unnecessary in the first half was only added after the trilogy decision.
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Because it did. It isn`t a different perception. It did smash December record. That`s what goes into the headline. In the main body of the text, that many people may not read, hence why the good news is in the headline, they might explain that it fell short of adjusted Shriekapoo but most people don`t even know what that means.

It is a different perception though. Here no one would call it a "record smasher" opening because we know how ticket price and 3D inflation work, but the general public really doesn't as you just said. So from their perspective the fact that it beat most all December opening records makes it a "record smasher" to them. We look at the box office much differently.
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It doesn't. If they're gonna wait that long the movie will be DOA come the expansion. Harvey's already botched up the release so badly it's sad.SLP shouldn't wait because it has no chance of getting anywhere near the most noms. All the media will talk about regarding oscars will be The 3 L's. The 3 most nominated movies, Les Mis, Life of Pi, and Lincoln. Any mentions of SLP will almost be an afterthought.

Please, get real.The star of The Hunger Games.Nominated for the second time for an Oscar in leading role.At 22.Something that has never been done.She'll be in every media outlet comes January 10th.Get real. Edited by The Futurist
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It didnt smash the record. Smashing it is what Avatar did to the box office or what Avengers did OW. Beating a film by 7 mill when u have 3D added is not smashing. I don't care what they say I don't care what they say it is just spin. They know it you know it and I know it

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Yep and we're only now hearing how crappy the marketing is?! Been saying how bad it was since the teaser a year ago. ShawnMR and baumer can vouch for that.

No you`re not only hearing about it now. The difference is, most people here think in the box and think events depend solely on a great trailer. OMG, there`s an epic trailer, Titanic goes down! No, things don`t work that way anymore and PJ knows that better than anyone. LOTR pehnom wasn`t just created by trailers and spot but by stuff that other studios didn`t do. LOTR DVDs invented the modern DVDs with bonus features and shit. Old ones had them too but LOTR took it to the next level. They also took director`s cut to the next level in the form of LOTR EE. And then there`s the whole how the cast lived LOTR life for their fans thing that was enormously appealing, created obsession with actors, with movies, with eevry little detail. That was out of the box. Ten years later, PJ didn`t move from that. Oh, there will be EEs. Been there, done that. Oh, he`s coming to BNAT.ZZzzzzzz. TH marketing not only lacks the "our movie = way of life" oomph but didn`t introduce anything marketing-wise that upgrades on LOTR, that brings something new to the table. if you want to know, twilight has invented mall appearances by and tour bus with lesser cast members, mostly Cullen Clan. Nevertheless, that works wonders. And don`t get me started about Robsten stunt. So, see, franchises are finding ways to animate fans 24-7, give them something to talk about until the movie release and beyond. TH just stagnated altogether.
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It didnt smash the record. Smashing it is what Avatar did to the box office or what Avengers did OW. Beating a film by 7 mill when u have 3D added is not smashing. I don't care what they say I don't care what they say it is just spin. They know it you know it and I know it

Lol, but Avatar didn't "smash" anything on OW. ;):P Which proves my point that it is beyond unwise for anyone to call TH1's box office disappointing yet. Disappointing OW by our standards, but that's it as of now.
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It didnt smash the record. Smashing it is what Avatar did to the box office or what Avengers did OW. Beating a film by 7 mill when u have 3D added is not smashing. I don't care what they say I don't care what they say it is just spin. They know it you know it and I know it

Of course I know, I was joking buddy :lol:

The record falled, but it wasn't even closed to be smashed.

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Please, get real.The star of The Hunger Games.Nominated for the second time for an Oscar in leading role.At 22.Something that has never been done.She'll be in every media outlet comes January 10th.Get real.

J.Law is definitely a special circumstance, and I can't say for certain what will happen. But, the media always will put the most nominated movies in their headlines, and focus on those. SLP doesn't have even the slightly bit of a chance of getting there. (Or the high grossing ones, media loves to talk about those two.) Sure getting nommed twice at the age of 22 is quite the achievement, and the media will want to talk about it, but it probably won't be headline news on in the entertainment sections. So, I don't think that Oscar buzz will give it that much of a boost. They should expand next week and instead ride the holiday wave out. Re-expand Oscar nomination weekend (Or GG weekend), and hope that the Oscars gives it some sort of a small bump.
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3D really is dying. The norm seems to be a 40%-50% share but 3D still gets more screens. Unless it's used for IMAX or a midlevel hit made for 3D (Hugo, Life of Pi), audiences are actively trying to avoid it.

Tell me about it. I wanted to get 2D tickets, and they didn't have 2D available, in two of the theaters closest to me.I went last night, in 3D, with the family. Good movie, it was a bit displaced in the beginning, but I'd say once Bilbo left the Shire, it picked up and never relented. On a side note, I went to the 6:20 showing, and the theater was not even half full. Can't blame the shooting either, because the theater is down town, and it was heavy with people shopping and eating at the resturaunts. They even brought in real snow for kids to play in (live in south Florida, where most kids probably haven't seen snow yet) but I guess very few cared to go to the theaters. Edited by Warhorse
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I`ve just remembered that many people on the Internet reported that they had tickets for 2 shows - one HFR and one regular. So this OW included repeat business and it still couldn`t be bigger. Hm. PTA is pretty weak sauce, about 20,958 from 4045 theaters. Now the bigger the theater count, the lower the PTA but BD2 achieved 34,660 from 4070 theaters.

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