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Shawn Robbins

VOTES REQUESTED: Do you feel the forums have become too negative at times?


93 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you feel the forum has become too negative at times (with regard to how people talk in general and/or to each other)?

    • Yes
    • No
  2. 2. Would you post and/or visit the forum more frequently if such negativity was better monitored and controlled?

    • Yes
    • No
    • Maybe

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  • Founder / Operator

I'd like to add there should be zero tolerance for personal insults.But mocking movies and their box office should be fair game.

We're definitely going to be cracking down on personal insults as much as we can. We try to catch everything we can, but a HUGE part of that requires every one posting on the boards to report things like that to us by using the Report button located on every post.
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We're definitely going to be cracking down on personal insults as much as we can. We try to catch everything we can, but a HUGE part of that requires every one posting on the boards to report things like that to us by using the Report button located on every post.

Going to be? As it sure hasn't happened in the past, as there are a few posters here who always personally attack me....and the MODS never seemed to care, as MODS were posting in those threads. And one poster had about 100 posts over 2 months against me. Including a thread that was locked by a MOD so the MODS saw and knew.And also, questions and complaints sometimes go unanswered. If someone posts a question or complaint, don't you think that they deserve a reply or a comment?IMO!
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  • Founder / Operator

Going to be? As it sure hasn't happened in the past, as there are a few posters here who always personally attack me....and the MODS never seemed to care, as MODS were posting in those threads. And one poster had about 100 posts over 2 months against me. Including a thread that was locked by a MOD so the MODS saw and knew.

If you have a problem with someone's posts toward you, report them. The staff has always taken action where appropriate. We can't catch it everything, that's why its up to you and everyone else to report problematic and offending posts. Hate to be blunt, but if you don't go to the cops when someone breaks into your house, you kinda lose the right to complain about no action being taken.

And also, questions and complaints sometimes go unanswered. If someone posts a question or complaint, don't you think that they deserve a reply or a comment?

Complaints are dealt with privately among the staff. If you want to have an ongoing conversation about a problem with a member, it should be taken to private message with a Mod. Otherwise, the complaint board is only there for you to alert us to a problem - its not a discussion board for anyone other than mods, and it isn't to be abused with unnecessary threads. We answer as many questions as soon as we can in the main Help Desk board, of which the vast majority do get answered.Remember, the forum staff helps runs this board completely voluntarily. Please respect the fact that it takes time to get to more minor issues on occasion.
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I'd like to add there should be zero tolerance for personal insults.But mocking movies and their box office should be fair game.

This. Some fanboys throw perosnal insults at anyone who bashes their favorite movies or any celebrity or even nobody`s like Shitto. Why am I personally insulted for Shitto-bashing? I`m a poster. Shitto isn`t. Nobody has the right to insult me because of it for I don`t insult other posters. There.
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In a waythe word "loony/loonies" are overused way too much on here. Just liking a certain movie or showing support at a certain movie or optimism about its box office, you are labelled as "loonies". And it seems only for certain films. also, when people on this forum don't like a certain film, it shows. Based on some of the comments you were reading here for instance, you would think Amazing Spider-man was dropping 70% week after week due to "poor reception". Obviously try to make the runs of certain movies they either support or hate look better or worse than they are.still I don't think these are problems you can really fix though. I mean what can you do?

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  • Founder / Operator

In a waythe word "loony/loonies" are overused way too much on here. Just liking a certain movie or showing support at a certain movie or optimism about its box office, you are labelled as "loonies". And it seems only for certain films.also, when people on this forum don't like a certain film, it shows. Based on some of the comments you were reading here for instance, you would think Amazing Spider-man was dropping 70% week after week due to "poor reception". Obviously try to make the runs of certain movies they either support or hate look better or worse than they are.still I don't think these are problems you can really fix though. I mean what can you do?

I wholeheartedly agree. Like you said though, I'm not sure that's a problem that can be fixed. If a lot of people cry out about it and report it as a problem, then *maybe* we can try. But if things aren't reported to us, they're generally assumed to be okay with the majority of the members.
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Yes and double yes.Not only should the rules be enforced more often, they should be much stricter.Bold font should be deactivated and words in all caps should be limited to 10% of the total number of words in a post. Anyone trying to insight feuds in a thread should be banned immediately.Also, all bans should be permanent. "If you're prevented from posting for a day, you're prevented from posting for life."

Then good bye forums. This is preposterous imo. You are just as guilty as all of us for doing this except you deem it acceptablew because the films you like are Deity like and the ones that you shit are are just swamp dwellers. I can't stand pretentious hypocritical posters like you. Forums blend a mix of all different kinds of people from all age groups and races, creeds, nationalities and we all have different taste in film. I see nothing wrong with people disagreeing and disagreeing vehemently with one another. I've been posting on here and at mojo since 2002 and I have never felt like leaving or lose sleep over other posters opinions when it comes to film. Now when there were problems is with guys like Kal or Algren getting personal, with things that have nothing to do with film. But imo, if you are offended because someone has a different opinion than you about film and expresses that opinion over and over again, then maybe it's better to go post at the Kum Bay Yah forums and then smoke a peace pipe with everyone.Personally I like the dynamic of this place and I like the banter than goes on between most posters. I see no reason to change things. Frankly, to me there are too many babies here. Grow some balls and remember what your mom taught you as a kid....STICKS AND STONES MAY BREAK MY BONES BUT NAMES WILL NEVER HURT ME.And Loonie is a term that has been used for 10 years. It's not going anywhere.If some of the rules were in place that you and others like John Marston suggest then you would:A) not being able to make fun of a film for dropping largeB) only praise films that are liked by the majorityC) build gold statues of the Hobbit and The Dark KnightD) never disagree with someone about a film because that might offend someoneMaybe because I'm older than most of you is why I feel this way but I grew up a lot tougher than this. A lot of you cry over such silly things. It relaly confounds me at times. It's like Louie Anderson's (look him up) stand up when he said he used to stare at his brother and his brother would cry to his mom, "Mom, Louie's looking at me". My god, if you can't make fun of a film or its run then what the hell are you doing here?And I'm sorry if this is not how Shawn and WB and other mods feel, I am not speaking for them at all right now. These are my thoughts and mine alone. Edited by baumer
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Well I gave 3 people chances as they have been coming after me for months, including giving me names/ changes to my user name. Well 1 is still doing it so I will report him later. Hopefully this at least gets him a warning, and notice that future penalities will be worse. Ps can't do now as I am on my cell phone outside.

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  • Founder / Operator

My personal feeling is that rules can be too strict. We can't just up and ban everyone permanently for calling some a loonie. After all, this forum has an "ignore member's posts" function that some other box office sites don't/didn't. I think the rest of the Mods would agree when I say that at least half of all the problems getting reported could mostly be solved by people ignoring the members they don't get along with.

The other half are legit complaints, but a good portion of them are in grey areas. But if we go making stricter rules to make things "not so grey", then the fun gets sucked out really fast. There's a balance, and its hard to achieve but harder to maintain.

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My personal feeling is that rules can be too strict. We can't just up and ban everyone permanently for calling some a loonie. After all, this forum has an "ignore member's posts" function that some other box office sites don't/didn't. I think the rest of the Mods would agree when I say that at least half of all the problems getting reported could mostly be solved by people ignoring the members they don't get along with.

The other half are legit complaints, but a good portion of them are in grey areas. But if we go making stricter rules to make things "not so grey", then the fun gets sucked out really fast. There's a balance, and its hard to achieve but harder to maintain.

Well you can try to ignore some people but I have seen some rile up others, so just saying ignore them isn't a good answer. Especially when you say, you don't want personal attacks.

And like I said earlier, if someone is bothered by another continually giving out personal attacks.

Basic warning first, then more severe warning or a banning. So 2 or 3 chances. Seem fair. Imo.

Edited by The Movie Man
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  • Founder / Operator

Well you can try to ignore some people but I have seen some rile up others, so just saying ignore them isn't a good answer. Especially when you say, you don't want personal attacks.

Then anyone experiencing this needs to stop "seeing" and start reporting.

The Mods aren't here to babysit and watch over people like hawks, they're here to help enforce rules. Members take on the responsibility of playing a role in that when they sign up. If they choose not to, that's fine -- but they don't have the right to complain about inaction over something they aren't bringing to us in the methods outlined.

Some people do contribute quite a bit in this way, but there are also people we see making complaints about a lack of action toward attitudes/members/posts when they've never once -- or hardly ever -- reported those problems to the staff directly.

Edited by ShawnMR
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I'll re-itterate this one more time as well. IMO (not speaking for other mods) not everything needs to get reported. If someone is going off on a film or a GASP a really popular film, and the members here don't like it, that is not report worthy. People can say what they want to and as long as they are not insulting others directly, then there posts should be just as welcomed as anyone elses. Now, where i take umbrage of course is any poster directly attacking another poster. There is no place for it here.

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