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How I Met Your Mother

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I actually haven't watched most of this season, so can anyone please recap what has been answered so far this year, and what is open and should still be answered tonight?


We know Ted gave up on that pineapple he found in the first (or second?) season. Can't remember much else being answered. We know someone is gonna die... people guess it's Barney

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Its called How I Met Your Mother not How I Met The Person I'll Be With After Your Mother. I gave up on the series 2 years ago but decided I would come back to watch the finale. I actually liked it up in till the last 5 minutes.Did they really have to kill the Mother off?? REALLY??

Edited by Scott Pilgrim vs The Forum
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Ending up with Ted/Robin is close to full Retard.


"Hey, you know that relationship we tried out and then disposed off early in the show because the two characters just weren't all that ultimately compatible as a couple? Well, turns out, it's actually the one true romantic pairing of all time and this Mother person is just a plot device for Ted to have some kids to tell an ultimately irrelevant story because while sure he and Mother were cool and all, it's she's just a stepping stone to the TRU LUV rekindling (that probably goes kaput within a year)."

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I thought I would be sad when the show ended. And when they said their goodbyes after the wedding it seemed to be going so well.


Then they proceed to piss on 9 years of character development and motivations and the wedding we just spent ONE FULL SEASON watching. Well, not gonna miss the show now anymore that it is gone, so at least that was good.

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I thought it was okay.  Felt a bit rushed, a lot of short scenes put together.  


I agree they spent too much time on the wedding this season.  I think they started teasing it in season 6.  


I always wanted Robin to be the mother. I guess we just have to assume that Ted & Robin end up together.

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I think the thing that pissed me off is that the Mother who was built up over the season ended up being nothing more than a plot device. Why did Ted and Robin split? Because Ted wanted kids, Robin wanted her career. So let's get Robin and Barney divorced, give Robin a career, make Ted meet the mother and have kids and the kill her off. Now both Ted and Robin have what they want - let's hook them up.


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Me watching the last 5 minutes


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Well, I guess HIMYM ends with Ted and Tracy at Farhampton. Just gonna mentally erase the last 5 minutes from ever occurring.


EDIT: I feel sorry for the show "How I Met Your Dad" now, a lot of people who would have invested their time in that show may not be inclined to do so now.

Edited by grim22
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Here's what I posted on another board.




I don't like the story being all about Robin. There's a 4.5 year period in between (post-breakup Season 3-Valentine's Day season 7) where there really isn't enough suggestion of Ted/Robin for one to say, "yeah he's been moping after her all along." Hell, the closest we get is midway season 4 when they have their FWB relationship, and the second any sign of romance pops up, they're both hell-bent on calling it off because that's just not what they're looking for. The Ted we see from season 7 onward would have jumped on that opportunity in a flash, and he doesn't even consider it then. It felt like it came out of left field back in 2012 when Robin gets dumped by Kevin and then Ted goes in, it didn't feel like we had built up to that at all. That's the same feeling I got now.

On the other hand, we've been building up to this damn wedding since the beginning of season 6 (Big Days), and we've been building up to the Barney-Robin aspect of it since the Season 6 Finale. They spent seasons 6/7/8/9 poorly working in character development for Barney to put him in a somewhat believable position to get married, settle down and not follow down the same path as his dad, etc. Heck, we've had Barney/Robin be a thing in more seasons than Ted/Robin (4/5/6/7/8/9 vs 1/2/7/8/9). All that buildup (whether poor or not) only to just completely flip the table, not only on the couple, but Barney's "character" as a whole. The divorce was believable, sure; poorly executed (why the hell would you drop this in the last episode? after all that needless stupid buildup about how they're "perfect" for each other and the whole damn proposal arc in season 8), but then it just takes a whole nother turn downward when they have him completely revert back to mid-season 5 Barney at the end, as if the last 4 years didn't even happen.

Again, its the execution that was effed up more than anything else. They could have not dragged the damn wedding out the whole season and instead spent developing these stories a bit. Have Ted meet Tracy earlier on and then allow some breathing room for all of this stuff to go down. Instead they crammed it into a 40 minute finale. 

My statement on the whole show being pointless was definitely reactionary. But I do feel like its fair to say that the last 3-4 seasons have been pretty lame. Nothing quite matches up to the early seasons, but up to Season 6, it was still an enjoyable 22 minutes, the characters hadn't become complete caricatures (even that's pushing it), and it was still humorous. Season 7-onwards though has been notably less funny, notably poorly-written, and downright annoying at times.
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I have no idea what to think of the finale. Like wow what the hell just happened. The show hasn't been as good as the first 4-5 seasons but I thought there was actual development and plot progression this past season and applaud the controversial decision to make it cover the wedding. But man that finale was a few hits with mostly misses. It doesn't ruin the series but almost makes the last three seasons feel completely pointless. I might warm up to it, but I definitely need time to think it out.That said, I did love some of the clever callbacks and references to early seasons.

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