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Game of Thrones (TV ONLY) [Leaked Spoilers prohibited]

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Can someone tell me what was so special about the coin Arya gave the sea captain?Is it magic?


It's basically a calling card for the people Jaqen works for. If you show it to someone from Braavos they'll respect you and abide by your request (if it is reasonable enough).

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i think there are articles about the EPs answering why on EW.com but i haven't read i'm not really interested , i'd rather wait and see , just go with the show's flow 


as for specs about varys no clue but i guess for now he's going

to meet up with illyrio?

, what i do know is i'm in dire need of a reread of ASOIAF stat , it was like 4 yrs ago started reading 3 months or so before s1 , so s2 details were still fresh in my mind, by s3 50% was fuzzy and now its more like 80% 


the books are mammoth like in scale and characters !

I only found the one with the explanation about the lack of LS but I'll look for more 

really want to know their reasoning


it would be good if he's all the way

to llyrio

 & then they'll continue the journey even further together. 


Lena's pretty insightful interview

& what lovely non-trolling  :lol:


Speaking of your Instagram, a lot of people pointed to anotherphoto you posted and thought it gave away the arrival of another character this season. Turns out it didn’t.  

My stone heart! That was in Palm Springs and I found these stones and thought, “Oh, I’ll make a heart,” and I couldn’t believe people were freaking out about it.


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& Did D&D answer why the Tysha sl was cut ??? (yes I STILL cant let it go :lol: )

Do you guys she will actually matter in the later seasons at all? or she won't have any significance?


Naah, I don't think they care. They clearly built Shae to the bigger doomed love interest for Tyrion hence she got so much focus on the show (which makes her hilariously awkward death that much more weird but then it just adds to everything we love about Tyrion in the most twisted way possible).

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I've spent the last few months slowly playing catch-up (it's hard to binge-watch with my current work schedule), so it's weird to finish a season of Game of Thrones and not immediately start on the next one.


At any rate, season four is probably my favorite so far. Perhaps it was just the thrill of watching the last few episodes on time (and not having already heard any of the big twists beforehand), but I thought it was a very well-constructed and consistently enthralling ten episodes. Bring on season five.


In the meantime, I shall read the books. I'm currently about a quarter of the way through the first one, but now that summer has finally gotten underway, I have some time to make a dent in these doorstoppers.

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I've spent the last few months slowly playing catch-up (it's hard to binge-watch with my current work schedule), so it's weird to finish a season of Game of Thrones and not immediately start on the next one. At any rate, season four is probably my favorite so far. Perhaps it was just the thrill of watching the last few episodes on time (and not having already heard any of the big twists beforehand), but I thought it was a very well-constructed and consistently enthralling ten episodes. Bring on season five. In the meantime, I shall read the books. I'm currently about a quarter of the way through the first one, but now that summer has finally gotten underway, I have some time to make a dent in these doorstoppers.

The books are amazing you will love them plus you will become a part of the book reading master race
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Naah, I don't think they care. They clearly built Shae to the bigger doomed love interest for Tyrion hence she got so much focus on the show (which makes her hilariously awkward death that much more weird but then it just adds to everything we love about Tyrion in the most twisted way possible).

yeah I guess you're right

they probs dont care but i thought that if they talked about LS maybe they would answer about other changes 

I guess not  :(


anyway in 10 months time Im gonna forget I was so pissed & forgive everything :lol:


more lulz 

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Lol @ AstroVarys! Btw, is the Cancer advice referring to some character in the series too? Interested as I'm Cancerian myself and that Varys wisdom totally holds true for me too!

haha I have no idea



Great spoiler btw! :wave:  :bop:  :excited:  

dont read if you dont want to know  :P



so happy right now! :wub:

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