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Jay Beezy

Opinions on the MPAA rating system

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We had a talk about this on the Iron Man 3 thread when Iron Man just got its rating. To keep the topic of the IM3 thread on IM3, I'm starting a discussion here and I'll copy and paste what I said there.I'm adding to something Alex Garland said during an interview for Dredd. A mainstream movie can't show too explicit sex. If you could see into every bedroom in the country, you're bound to find more than enough people having genuine consensual purely naked sex which can be a beautiful thing, particularly with couples who are genuinely in love with each other. And most of the people on the planet are of the result of having sex. But a mainstream movie can show horrific acts of violence against a human body, such as beheadings and even eye-gougings and castrations apparently. Meanwhile, last year the country experienced two mass tragedies of violence in a time frame of less than six months, and those incidents got a hell of a lot more attention than couples having consensual sex like they do on a regular basis. If that's not messed up, I don't know what is.

Edited by Jay Beezy
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When it comes to language the MPAA has it totally bollocks.


The King's Speech, aside from the one scene of f-bombs raining down like the London Blitz, is a complete PG film.

Edited by 4815162342
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Drew McWeeny had a good suggestion, I thought. Just be more specific about why a film gets a particular rating. Use, I dunno, "Sexual Situations", "Nudity", "Language", and "Violence" (I'm sure there are some good more good keywords) and then a modifier: "Mild", "Considerable", "Extreme". Then just tag it like they already do for premium cable TV or videogames:


MS, CS, XS - mild/considerable/extreme sex

ML, CL, XL - mild/considerable/extreme language



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Drew McWeeny had a good suggestion, I thought. Just be more specific about why a film gets a particular rating. Use, I dunno, "Sexual Situations", "Nudity", "Language", and "Violence" (I'm sure there are some good more good keywords) and then a modifier: "Mild", "Considerable", "Extreme". Then just tag it like they already do for premium cable TV or videogames:


MS, CS, XS - mild/considerable/extreme sex

ML, CL, XL - mild/considerable/extreme language




That is a good idea, but it doesn't fix the issue of the MPAA's leniency with violence over sex.

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I have never really understood why you can show violence, even the 'cartoony' style of violence that one would see in a movie like The Avengers, yet you say Fuck twice and suddenly its a mature movie. Or you show a tit and its suddenly a mature movie. It just seems very much out of whack to me. Surely violence is worse than a bit of swearing or some nudity.....

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