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A Marvel Fanboy

Passengers | Chris Pratt, Jennifer Lawrence | Dec 21, 2016 | Trailer pg 70

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If this film flops with audiences the way it's flopping with critics, I can see her PR people and her agent meeting with her and telling her to categorically refrain from

  • insensitively insulting other cultures
  • disdainfully scolding reporters
  • alienating a huge part of her potential paying audience by making comments against this or that political candiate
  • unironically whining about not getting paid as many millions of dollars as her co-stars 
  • acting like an entitled, privileged little brat


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1 hour ago, Cochofles said:

If this film flops with audiences the way it's flopping with critics, I can see her PR people and her agent meeting with her and telling her to categorically refrain from

  • insensitively insulting other cultures
  • disdainfully scolding reporters
  • alienating a huge part of her potential paying audience by making comments against this or that political candiate
  • unironically whining about not getting paid as many millions of dollars as her co-stars 
  • acting like an entitled, privileged little brat



So her next role could be Dollores, a robot programmed to please you in a imaginary world called Hollyworld.


(I´m sorry this is my first comment here and I only registered because I had this revelation about the mindset this user has...also, sorry for my bad english, it´s not my first languaje)

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2 hours ago, Cochofles said:

If this film flops with audiences the way it's flopping with critics, I can see her PR people and her agent meeting with her and telling her to categorically refrain from

  • insensitively insulting other cultures
  • disdainfully scolding reporters
  • alienating a huge part of her potential paying audience by making comments against this or that political candiate
  • unironically whining about not getting paid as many millions of dollars as her co-stars 
  • acting like an entitled, privileged little brat


The only point that has any validity is the third. No need to interject herself in politics, especially as an actress needs general appeal, but her essay was very measured compared to the general meltdown. As to the fourth, you did not read her essay because she wasn't whining, but then again a lot of others reacted to what they heard she wrote and not what she wrote, so there is some unfortunate truth to it.


As to the rest no one cares outside of obsessed sjws who apparently live in their own little world where they try to elevate trivialties into things that anyone else actually cares about. Petty, deluded, miserable and self-righteous is not a healthy outlook. The word of the day is empathy, recognizing the humanity and fallabilty in others because you acknowledge it in yourself. :)


BUT I think there is an element of backlash in some of these reviews, but more against her success more than anything else. Still haters will spin. If the film does poorly it will be because it was poorly reviewed (likely more poorly than warranted judging from the juvenile tone of some of the reviews), poorly scheduled (October would have been nice) and poorly marketed. No one is attacking Jlaw's acting or screen presence, just the directing and the script.     

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2 hours ago, Cochofles said:

If this film flops with audiences the way it's flopping with critics, I can see her PR people and her agent meeting with her and telling her to categorically refrain from

  • insensitively insulting other cultures
  • disdainfully scolding reporters
  • alienating a huge part of her potential paying audience by making comments against this or that political candiate
  • unironically whining about not getting paid as many millions of dollars as her co-stars 
  • acting like an entitled, privileged little brat



She did nothing to insult anyone's culture. She told the same story years ago and stated that there was a meeting that morning about the sacred area they were filming near, but she was never made aware of it. Nobody told her the area held any significance. Regardless, the Hawaiian cultural guide that was on set that day has clarified that the rocks in question were not sacred and were not a part of the nearby burial site. Jennifer merely assumed the rocks were sacred because of all the hubbub about a curse. Something tells me there would be no controversy if she told an embarrassing story about accidentally desecrating a Christian object.


As for the "reporter", if you can call him that, I'm willing to bet you, like many others, assumed he was "reading a translation". There was no basis for this, and other reporters in the room, as well as the one in question, confirmed that he was holding his phone up in front of his face and was more focused on getting pictures and video than he was on his interviewee. This is not only rude, but unprofessional. What is even more rude and unprofessional is the fact that the reporter went on Twitter that night to re-tweet all of the worst insults aimed at Lawrence that he could, and many of them were in English. He also went on Facebook a day or so later to suggest that she must have been on her period. That kind of behavior is grounds for immediate firing, but I bet you didn't even know about that.


And politics? Are you serious? 90% of Hollywood spoke out against Trump. Just because someone is famous doesn't mean they shouldn't be allowed to voice their opinion on a political candidate, particularly one as insane as Donald Trump.


Finally, "unironically whining". Nice projection. I take it you didn't even read her essay. She outright states in it that she didn't need the money. The whole point of her essay, and this is probably too difficult a concept for you to grasp, is that despite her being one of the most in-demand women in the entertainment industry, she was terrified people would think less of her for asking for more money because assertive women are not often viewed positively. Her logic is that if someone at her level was afraid of that kind of gender bias, women at much lower levels surely must be feeling the same thing. And she was right: women are statistically less likely to negotiate a raise. The whole reason she wrote the essay was to encourage other women not to make the same mistake she did, and to not give in to the kind of sexist ignorance that you are pushing.


Cochofles, I don't say this often, but you genuinely sound like an awful person. There are numerous male celebrities facing sexual assault allegations and I'm willing to bet that you haven't been visiting pages for their films and railing them for their very real transgressions. Maybe to you, Jennifer Lawrence scratching her butt on supposedly special but ultimately ordinary rocks is a far greater crime. Expecting a little respect from a reporter at a professional event must be even worse than that to you. And I suppose both of those pale in comparison to her encouraging her fellow women to not sell themselves short when negotiating their salary, at least in your eyes.


I'm new to this forum and have only been browsing it for the past few days, yet I can already tell you are the resident douche.

Edited by aftershocks
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LOL Sorry, Jlaw stans, if the truth hurts.

By the way, I can already see that the narrative of the Jlaw army to defend Passengers will be, "The reviews are bad because poor Jennifer is hated on by the haters, and it is trendy to hate on her, haters. Hate on." 








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8 minutes ago, filmlover said:

Why does JLaw have the most annoyingly defensive stans? Good grief. If Passengers misses it's because it's (apparently) a bad movie, not because somebody's out to get poor little JLaw. Lord.


We just got two *new* members who apparently were compelled to make their first posts by an all-powerful need to defend her. Welcome aboard! 

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2 hours ago, Cochofles said:

If this film flops with audiences the way it's flopping with critics, I can see her PR people and her agent meeting with her and telling her to categorically refrain from

  • insensitively insulting other cultures
  • disdainfully scolding reporters
  • alienating a huge part of her potential paying audience by making comments against this or that political candiate
  • unironically whining about not getting paid as many millions of dollars as her co-stars 
  • acting like an entitled, privileged little brat


Stupid points..but you've made numerous on this thread :lol:

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16 minutes ago, Cochofles said:



We just got two *new* members who apparently were compelled to make their first posts by an all-powerful need to defend her. Welcome aboard! 


Cochofles, did it ever occur to you that it gets annoying to see the same person posting the same pseudo-controversial bullcrap over and over and over again when other people are actually trying to have a discussion about the film? Some people are keeping an eye on the thread to see if someone has shared a new review or something. Nobody appreciates clicking on it only to discover that the thread has been bumped solely because you feel an "all-powerful need" to spread dumb rumors and bask in the smell of your own farts.


It's absolutely crazy how every single movie forum in existence becomes nearly impossible to enjoy because someone like you won't shut the hell up about the person you apparently hate the most. And then you people have the nerve to say "Gawl, these JLaw stans sure are crazy!"  I debunked your complaints in the hopes that you would shut up about them. We'll see if that happens or if you'll continue to make an ass of yourself.


You're like a mosquito that forces someone to break out the bug spray and then mocks them for it. Get over yourself and start contributing something relevant to the topic at hand or go join the Jennifer Lawrence Hate Club over on IMDB.

Edited by aftershocks
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3 minutes ago, aftershocks said:


Cochofles, blah blah blah blah blah blah   blah blah blah   blah blah blah   blah blah blah   blah blah blah  something or another...


Ignore feature, *new* members whose only posts are on the Jlaw threads; learn it, use it, live it.

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16 minutes ago, Alli said:

Don't worry fanboys, she'll get another Oscar next year for that Arofonsky movie and all will be well in the universe again.


Anyway, i don't even really believe in my club anymore. The holiday legs are too strong for it to happen.

Arofonsky is dating Jlaw. That has to count for something. 

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