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A Marvel Fanboy

Passengers | Chris Pratt, Jennifer Lawrence | Dec 21, 2016 | Trailer pg 70

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1 hour ago, filmlover said:

Why are JLaw stans so defensive? She's bound to fumble with a few movies from time to time, people. No one's perfect.


Jenna's a Pratt fan.


I don't think I'm defensive, because I don't feel defensive.  I'm excited about the movie.


I do agree with Jenna that it seems weird that some are so adamantly against a film when they haven't seen it and reviews aren't out yet.  But I've seen it on other movie threads as well.  I always think it's weird.



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2 minutes ago, trifle said:


Jenna's a Pratt fan.


I don't think I'm defensive, because I don't feel defensive.  I'm excited about the movie.


I do agree with Jenna that it seems weird that some are so adamantly against a film when they haven't seen it and reviews aren't out yet.  But I've seen it on other movie threads as well.  I always think it's weird.



Hey I'm a fan of both actors and will definitely be seeing this even if it gets a 0% score! That said, it does look kinda shrugworthy, and the late embargo (especially at a time of year where it's all about seeing everything in time for nominations/Year Best and Worst lists) isn't a great sign either. But hey, as long as it's not Collateral Beauty, right?!

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1 hour ago, filmlover said:

Why are JLaw stans so defensive? She's bound to fumble with a few movies from time to time, people. No one's perfect.


She already did, but she is quite young and has a long career ahead of her. I am sure that Joy, Serena, X-Men: Apocalypse, House at the End of the Street, and [most likely] Passengers will not be the last turkeys on her resume.

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This movie, about two beautiful white people falling in love in a beautiful luxury space-ship, doesn't have enough :


- child abuse


- slavery 


- death, sorrow


- terminal diseases


- mental illnesses


- historical war


- any -ism


- LGBT characters


- graphic & gritty  R-Rated dudebro violence


- personal grief


- poverty


to be taken seriously by critics and the auto-proclaimed cinephile elite.


Thus it will be met by some various forms of scorn, mockery, pedantry & condescendence.



Edited by The Futurist
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so VFX and score move to the next level. I'd also like to see set design and photography.  I don't know if they should win, but I think they should be contenders.


tangentally related:



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2 hours ago, trifle said:

so VFX and score move to the next level. I'd also like to see set design and photography.  I don't know if they should win, but I think they should be contenders.










for all those Imagine Dragons fans who were visiting this thread earlier, I am sure you will be glad to hear that 'Levitate' is one of the 90 original songs eligible for an Oscar, as well.




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11 hours ago, ezme said:

Seems like the real problem of this film is the story itself? I mean I find some reaction on twitter and IMDB, most of them said the visuals are cool (even some people hate this film), the acting is fine. 

I read the script and i really like it, though some part of it is indeed controversial. And the ending, very emotional but maybe kind of depressing for some people. 


The ending is apparently very different now compared to the Black List draft. Spaihts did an interview today (pretty interesting) where he said that it had changed a lot and that he wrote new scenes for the ending during filming and a little moment during post. He didn't give much detail (of course) except that it took some time to figure out how to "land" the relationship. I haven't read the script though.

Edited by amelin
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I still check this out for myself, wouldn't be the first big hollywood lovestory that got punned because of the love themes.
Online blogging is owned by fanboys and nerds today and those are the ones that might have issues here.


We'll see what the problem is. If there is a problem at all. 

I just don't understand, why Sony is unable to do something against the bad buzz all their movies get. They could throw out fake good reviews, but nothing to counter the bad buzz, that was out months ago. The studio seems paralyzed. 

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1 hour ago, amelin said:


The ending is apparently very different now compared to the Black List draft. Spaihts did an interview today (pretty interesting) where he said that it had changed a lot and that he wrote new scenes for the ending during filming and a little moment during post. He didn't give much detail (of course) except that it took some time to figure out how to "land" the relationship. I haven't read the script though.

i know,  but judging from some early buzz and the trialer, i found that a newer version i read was pretty close to the final one


for example, they saved the others at last, the captain(Andy Garcia) shows up at the end. 


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25 minutes ago, Poseidon said:

I still check this out for myself, wouldn't be the first big hollywood lovestory that got punned because of the love themes.
Online blogging is owned by fanboys and nerds today and those are the ones that might have issues here.


We'll see what the problem is. If there is a problem at all. 

I just don't understand, why Sony is unable to do something against the bad buzz all their movies get. They could throw out fake good reviews, but nothing to counter the bad buzz, that was out months ago. The studio seems paralyzed. 

That's Sony, they did bad marketing. Just like Ghostbusters.

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from the buzz thread:


29 minutes ago, babz06 said:

Deadline tracking numbers for other Christmas openers:


Sing-70m (5 day)

Passengers-50m (5 day)

Assassins Creed- mid to high 20s (5 day)

Why Him-16m+( 4 day)







16 minutes ago, Poseidon said:



That would pretty much assure 200m for Passengers. I doubt that kind of opening. 


don't rain on my club ! :P

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8 hours ago, trifle said:

Going into Jimmy Kimmel


Wondering if I even want to go back and read the earlier pages.  sorry Ann Thompson doesn't like it, but her statement that she doesn't like the concept of the script makes me think it might not be because the movie is bad but because (if you read the script) there is something in there that could be controversial. We'll find out. 

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She says she doesn't like its gender dynamics, so that is pretty certainly it. 


Jen doesn't plan on playing the same part in every movie all her life.  She is not Ree Dolly or Katniss Everdeen in this movie.  But I haven't heard one thing said against the acting or her ability to play the part this is.



In any event, give some who are not always easy to please DO like it, I'm pretty sure I will.


As to why we care about reviews it is because an original story is more vulnerable to sniping than a franchise, and we want it to do well.  Reviews certainly won't change my view of the movie itself, one way or the other.




I think it's clear that she didn't like the core concept of this film


he woke her up just because he was lonely, lied to her and changed her life. 

but it was what the story based on, so...I can feel this may really annoy certain people, especially some feminists. Moral issue exits in this story.

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4 hours ago, The Futurist said:

This movie, about two beautiful white people falling in love in a beautiful luxury space-ship, doesn't have enough :


- child abuse


- slavery 


- death, sorrow


- terminal diseases


- mental illnesses


- historical war


- any -ism


- LGBT characters


- graphic & gritty  R-Rated dudebro violence


- personal grief


- poverty


to be taken seriously by critics and the auto-proclaimed cinephile elite.


Thus it will be met by some various forms of scorn, mockery, pedantry & condescendence.



you are literally so annoying. As if all the Marvel films don't have good reviews. 

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7 hours ago, The Futurist said:

This movie, about two beautiful white people falling in love in a beautiful luxury space-ship, doesn't have enough :



- death, sorrow


- graphic & gritty  R-Rated dudebro violence


- personal grief




to be taken seriously by critics and the auto-proclaimed cinephile elite.


Thus it will be met by some various forms of scorn, mockery, pedantry & condescendence.





If that were the case. MOS and BvS would have gotten 90-plus ratings on RT.

Not to mention the tons of films with all those elements that still get awful reviews every year.

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9 hours ago, trifle said:


I do agree with Jenna that it seems weird that some are so adamantly against a film when they haven't seen it and reviews aren't out yet.  But I've seen it on other movie threads as well.  I always think it's weird.



Always seemed weird to me too (and doesn't happen only with movies). Some people just want to see some things sucks and fails and I can't even fathom why. Isn't it always better to have a good movie ? Even if it's not your style, other people will like it.


4 hours ago, Poseidon said:

I just don't understand, why Sony is unable to do something against the bad buzz all their movies get. They could throw out fake good reviews, but nothing to counter the bad buzz, that was out months ago. The studio seems paralyzed. 

Yeah Sony is really bad with marketing and this movie was very weirdly marketed (even more than Ghostbusters). Also still think that release date is a big mistake, everyone will be focused on Rogue One and the movie won't be able to breathe. 

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6 hours ago, trifle said:


It's funny how differently this kind of thing can be perceived -- to me, it's so difficult to understand how anyone can watch these and think that Jen and Chris seem forced together. To each their own, I guess. I think people overall seem to like them together though, given the buzz they've been generating over the course of the press tour. 

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8 hours ago, ezme said:


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he woke her up just because he was lonely, lied to her and changed her life. 


that's it? :depp:


I mean, it's not hard to figure that out based on the trailer alone, and I did think that could be the big twist, but I expected them to go in a different direction as it was so obvious.

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