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Water Bottle

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Everything posted by Water Bottle

  1. Considering the bad reputation that multi-cam shows have right now, it speaks more about the Big Bang Theory than anything else. While I definably think that Parks & Recreation got snubbed, I blame Girls-which to me is more of a drama than a comedy. As for Community, it was never going to get nominated for Best Comedy Series.
  2. The Dead in the House and Blue Heart are both original.
  3. Star Wars. I still want another trilogy film series and I hope that one day the live-action TV series happens.
  4. It's a tried-and-proven way and as I said, it's not like this show was ever revolutionary. Not every show has to be at the forefront of everything.
  5. I'm not sure why you felt the need to point that out? Of course it happens in every sitcom and it's going to happen in every sitcom in the future. The Big Bang Theory has never meant to be a revolutionary show in plot-it's meant to just be a funny show. Frankly this season was way better than the season before it. And Sheldon has opened up due to Amy. He's agreed to hold hands with her and she's slowly turning him into something dateable. And Amy is completely different than when she was first introduced-she was exactly like Sheldon, and she turned into her own character.
  6. I think the title for The Dead in the House led people to believe its part horror. I'm actually surprised by the response to the film. It's my least favorite of my films this year.
  7. Hmmm? Howard is a completely different character from season 1 due to his growth, Sheldon is slowly opening up, and I feel that Amy and Bernadette continue to elevate every episode their in.
  8. I would honestly wait until August before finding out more. It's still too early to be buzzed about these shows.
  9. I'm aware. I really do wonder what Ry would think of the film-but the oddity of the film is completely on purpose.
  10. Blue Heart and The Dead in the House.
  11. I don't expect you to like it but Blue Heart.Also:The Dead in the HouseThe Bride, The Groom, and The Priest
  12. Why am I not surprised that people don't like the film I'm proud of this year?
  13. The last film I posted, which I believe is Blue Heart.
  14. It fails at setting up a good emotional core, but the movie does have a decent, albeit predictable, plot (with some enemies with surprising depth) and some entertaining scenes. It may not be up to the Pixar brand established up to this point, but it is nonetheless a good movie-albeit barely. B-
  15. I'm going to be be reading the first two books soon. I want the series to stay ahead of me, so it's plot twists can be surprising. I plan to read the books to get the background and world info that the series can't bring up.
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