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A Marvel Fanboy

Dredd (September 21, 2012)

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So the only surprising thing was the critical reception, not the box office.

Pretty much. I can see this maybe getting a good dvd following though. So far everyone I know that has seen the movie has enjoyed it. The group at my private screening mostly liked it as well
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Not surprised in the least if this opens low.There's a reason everyone was predicting low numbes for it, and even the good reviews couldn't overcome it's obstacles.That said, it seems like its got the potential to turn into a cult hit with a good following. That, combined with the brand name, might be enough to justify a sequel.Of course, I haven't even seen it yet. Hopefully sometime this weekend.

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I saw it earlier today and was underwhelmed. I'm torn between wishing they had a higher budget and being grateful for the film even being made (I've been a fan of the character forever...I even own a Judge Dredd pinball machine for crissakes). I don't know about modern Dredd comics but the ones I read in the 80's as a child had their tongues firmly planted in their cheeks and this new film has NONE of that. Can't put my finger on it exactly but the early comics had more WHIMSY. None of the dark humor that I remember is in this film...it just turns Dredd into an ultra violent cop without a hint of satire surrounding if that is even a good thing. In fact I think they launch into the whole thing with very little setup so don't blink if you aren't familar with the comics. I'm going to be slaughtered for saying this but I almost think the 1995 movie is better/suits the character more (although you'd really have to yank the 'making copies' guy from the last film for this to be an entirely truthful opinion). This movie needed more of Dredd despensing ridiculous sentences for minor crimes.

Edited by Adm56
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Blame the original. Sadly nobody in the new Dredd is bigger than Stallone was when he dropped his version. Plus that version left a bad taste though some fans like it. The critics were acting like it was the 2nd coming a few weeks ago now the score is dropping fast on RT. I'm going to be honest, when I saw the trailer, I thought wait for video but then I read that it's not that bad afterall. Honestly I'm still not sold though I saw the original at 15 years old. So I'm not shocked by the box office if the numbers are indeed low.

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Enjoying a film for 'what it is' is overated. :) Especially when a 30+ year old comic book character is the source material.I like Urban's performance (although he didn't have tons to work with)....the actress playing Anderson was cute/good...and the uniforms and Lawgivers (sidearms) looked good. The bikes made for a horrible Lawmaster though. And I didn't like how MegaCity 1 was depicted. One of the iconic images from the comics is of a 'block war' where city blocks that are RIGHT NEXT TO EACH OTHER let their neighbors have it over some sort of imagined slight. That's obviously not possible with how the city is shown in this film....although I realize it's unfair to shit on them for this due to the budget they had to work with.

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Enjoying a film for 'what it is' is overated. :) Especially when a 30+ year old comic book character is the source material.I like Urban's performance (although he didn't have tons to work with)....the actress playing Anderson was cute/good...and the uniforms and Lawgivers (sidearms) looked good. The bikes made for a horrible Lawmaster though. And I didn't like how MegaCity 1 was depicted. One of the iconic images from the comics is of a 'block war' where city blocks that are RIGHT NEXT TO EACH OTHER let their neighbors have it over some sort of imagined slight. That's obviously not possible with how the city is shown in this film....although I realize it's unfair to shit on them for this due to the budget they had to work with.

I didn't have high expectations since I don't know anything about the comics. I enjoyed the film.
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I also thought it had pacing issues for what was basically a straight up action flick. But maybe it was the loudest eater ever directly behind me that made the quiet parts seem worse. I believe at one point he was eating individually wrapped candy out of a noisy plastic bag.

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