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The World's End (2013)


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720p quality with korean subtitles. It was capped from a korean tv netwrk and it looked cristal clear. :) This does not even have a release date set for here...


Do you mind dropping me a link? I can't seem to find any 720p -.- Thank you very much :D


Yeah, I know... I was looking forward to seeing it in theaters. Had the impression it would be released mid September here. Was really disappointed when I realized it wasn't.

Edited by ChD
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Do you mind dropping me a link? I can't seem to find any 720p -.- Thank you very much :D


Yeah, I know... I was looking forward to seeing it in theaters. Had the impression it would be released mid September here. Was really disappointed when I realized it wasn't.




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Great movie. Enjoyed it a lot. The legoland insult is the best one I've ever heard, and Pegg's acting is really solid in it. The end was alright, I guess... Didn't like that Pegg ended up with the blanks.



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Speaking as an American, I can confidently say that this installment of the trilogy has the most decidedly British flavor, and maybe that's why it ranks a little lower than the first two for me. (Not saying it's bad to have that flavor.. just more difficult to relate to for me).  Shaun is simply a perfect modern film.  Being a lifelong zombie fan, I get the most enjoyment from it.  I need to rewatch Hot Fuzz to see if it follows the same formula but I love how Shaun and World's End both have the entire course of the story encapsulated in some form of narrative early on.  Shaun has the "Bloody Mary in the morning, blah, blah, blah, back to the Winchester for shots."  And the original pub crawl has the same pattern as the modern-day crawl.  With friends all dropping out at the same place they did the first time around... how the sister joined them for a while... how things got mental at the Beehive, sitting on the hillside for the new dawn, etc.


And I agree the Pegg's performance was great but Frost has really blossomed as someone who never intended to be an actor.

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We had a blast with "The World's End" last night - it's not wholly, but nearly on the level of Hot Fuzz, with really outstanding performances, a lot of wit and feeling too, and of course good timing and beautiful music for an oldtimer like me. Pegg and Frost are irresistible anyway, but here they're just part of the fun. Pierce Brosnan makes for a "villain" nearly as good as Timothy Dalton, Freeman is nice as always, Pike and Considine have good chemistry, but it's Eddie Marsan whom I liked best - between this and "Jack the Giant Slayer" I hope Eddie Marsan will get some bigger roles in the future - he's such a fine actor he's really wasted on Lestrade or similar side characters.


We'll definitely rewatch this soon :)

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Its the darkest, most mature and the most emotionally involving film of the Cornetto trilogy, and I love it for that. Plus its ridiculously entertaining and has badass fight scenes and a great Simon Pegg performance.


Yep, the bar fight where Gary constantly (and hopelessly) tries to finish his pint has perfect choreography. The first brawl in the toilet, with Andrew coming into his own, was also cute.


Have seen it twice by now and wouldn't mind a 3rd viewing, but time is scarce again.

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The most fun I've had in a theater all year, bar none.


Wether or not it's as good as Hot Fuzz I can't decide, but I liked it more than Shaun of the Dead.



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finally watching this...edit in  a bit 


its funny, the idea of going on a binge drinking night out


lol what are those things  :lol: that's different blue blood , and the town's people all shifting and looking in same direction doing the same thing


well this was certainly different and i suppose as far as surreal end of the world movies goes i found this one more palatable given the low scale of things which kept the escalation grounded in the film's reality


it was also familiar if you've seen shaun of the dead where they retreat to you guessed it A PUB an institution in good old britain


nevermind the problem ,the solution go to the pub lol and everything will be alright 


i have to say not bad all the action and fighting scenes, they looked like ninjas out there lol

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Ppl in the main thread were saying how this is the weakest of the 3logy yet as usual I have an opposite opinion :D

This is easily the best of the 3

The whole theater went loling & rotfling & all other laughing actions :D  :D  :D

Maybe I preferred it b/c I dont like gore & anything scary that was present in 'Shaun' & 'Hot fuzz'


+ Love it much more than TITE. Again maybe b/c of the fact that 'cum' jokes & other toilet humour doesnt usually sit well with me. 

This is totally my kind of humour

Thank you Wright, Pegg & Frost!!


really sad that the trilogy is finished

After Brosnan & Dalton they totally could use DC as the villain! & He could so rule!!! lol or George Lazenby )))


British humour ftw!

Edited by Leyla
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One of the best and funniest movie about alcoholism (Golden Mile = 12 bars = 12 steps of recovery of AA). Loved how Blanks are more like "unresolved fallacies we carry in our own adulthood" and how we deal with it. They're not just "robots".(Hence the scene when they're bickering about how they should call them)


So genuine and heart felt. Pegg took risk in writing himself as a straight up immature asshole and is surrounded by believable and adorable mates (Eddie Marsan and Paddy Considine FTW). Wright and Pegg got the knack to juggle with tones between comedy, drama, action, scifi elements in total control and yet really feels like some drunken lads delirium as it goes through in a crescendo that leads to an absurd climax against the Network. The epilogue is a twist on sobriety that echoes with the beginning and wraps up things in a bittersweet way.


The OST rocks. 90's alternative brit music, Primal Scream, Sisters Of Mercy obviously.


Rosamund Pike is the cutest british crush I wish I ever had while I was a teen. Her sultry accent. :wub:



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After a second viewing, this is more brilliant than before. I agree that it really is a story about alcoholism, which really works better than any other interpretation I've seen/come up with. Gary King is desperate to find his own happiness, even at the expense of his friends and even the universe, but Simon Pegg plays the role with such surprising depth and comedy that his journey remains compelling.


One of the year's best films, for sure. A phenomenal mix of madness and melancholy.

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Watched this last night ... and while I really enjoyed it, it definitely was the weakest film in the Cornetto trilogy.  One thing that was nice was the role reversal of sorts between Simon Pegg & Nick Frost from the previous entries, where Frost's characters were more of the fuck up.  The moment where Simon essentially does a Rock Bottom to the dude on the urinal and his head pops off was great.  Overall, really enjoyed the characters and the wackiness, but just didn't come together quite as great as previous ones IMO.


In terms of end of the world comedies from 2013, I definitely did prefer This is the End


Cornetto Trilogy

Hot Fuzz 9.5/10

Shaun of the Dead 9/10

The World's End 8/10

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