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I really hope it's not this, but it seems fairly misogynist to me. She's hardly the only critic (or person) to be critical about LONE SURVIVOR (including some vets). Why direct all the vitriol at her?



I've just read her review. I don't have any interest in seeing the film, but it seems a rather balanced look at it. The fact that it's critical just provided the impetus for the Beck reaction. Her being a woman made her an inviting target for him. It is misogynistic. She's a woman on the internet, and it's an ugly place. http://www.psmag.com/navigation/health-and-behavior/women-arent-welcome-internet-72170/


The problem is that in our current social climate, "support the troops" is a stance that is 1) without nuance and 2) absolute. It means that you need to completely and without objection support military action. Attempting to make a film that portrays actual events is impressively difficult because if you try to put any nuance, the film is an automatic liberal critique, and therefore, I dunno, un-American or something.


But as Nicholson points out, if you don't have that nuance, then it's just pure jingoism. She might be incorrect in that critique on the film, but in abstract, it seems a constant sticking point that filmmakers are tripping over one way or the other.

Edited by DamienRoc
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Similarly, Cole Smithey's blurb: If the movie had stuck closer, much closer to the facts, then perhaps it might have had a chance of representing something more than merely another throwaway piece of patriotic breast-beating.


Ironically, Cole Smithey is pretty right-wing himself, IIRC.

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Glenn Beck and some of his listeners have cast themselves as real-world trolls today in their attacks on a former BoxOffice Editor, Amy Nicholson, and her review of LONE SURVIVOR. I have no opinion on the movie or its subject matter, but the vitrolic hatemail/hatetweet campaign being waged against her is sick and unjustified. Drop her an encouraging line when you get a chance.


I absolutely loathe Glenn "stopping the communists who want to socialize your Nazism" Beck, but at the same time, remember when you could make a very violent war film about the shit soldiers go through like Saving Private Ryan and Black Hawk Down without it being called a jingoistic America fuck yeah snuff film?

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I absolutely loathe Glenn "stopping the communists who want to socialize your Nazism" Beck, but at the same time, remember when you could make a very violent war film about the shit soldiers go through like Saving Private Ryan and Black Hawk Down without it being called a jingoistic America fuck yeah snuff film?


There's considerably more nuance and background detail in SPR and BHD than TLS.

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Glenn Beck and some of his listeners have cast themselves as real-world trolls today in their attacks on a former BoxOffice Editor, Amy Nicholson, and her review of LONE SURVIVOR. I have no opinion on the movie or its subject matter, but the vitrolic hatemail/hatetweet campaign being waged against her is sick and unjustified. Drop her an encouraging line when you get a chance.


I despise Amy Nicholson as a movie reviewer. She had the first rotten review of The Avengers on RT. Her review was pure garbage. Not because it was negative but because it was poorly reasoned. She is an attention seeker and I have no use for her reviews.

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I despise Amy Nicholson as a movie reviewer. She had the first rotten review of The Avengers on RT. Her review was pure garbage. Not because it was negative but because it was poorly reasoned. She is an attention seeker and I have no use for her reviews.




Actually, her complaints about Avengers pretty much mirror my own. It's a fun escape, but lacks the depth of the individual films.

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Actually, her complaints about Avengers pretty much mirror my own. It's a fun escape, but lacks the depth of the individual films.


Well, I disagree with that assessment.  There is no depth in the individual films.  With the exception of the first IM, the others have been pretty shit.

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I despise Amy Nicholson as a movie reviewer. She had the first rotten review of The Avengers on RT. Her review was pure garbage. Not because it was negative but because it was poorly reasoned. She is an attention seeker and I have no use for her reviews.


Why is she an attention seeker? I don't get this reasoning at all. She's hired to see movies and give her opinion of them. She wrote a few reviews you disagreed with. Big deal. She's not even that contrarian (she agrees with the RT consensus about two-thirds of the time).

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Actually, her complaints about Avengers pretty much mirror my own. It's a fun escape, but lacks the depth of the individual films.


Her complaints made me wonder if she even bothered to watch the movie. She went in biased and wrote a biased review. Then, she got a kick out of it when people despised her lousy review. She relished that people were mad at her review.

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Her complaints made me wonder if she even bothered to watch the movie. She went in biased and wrote a biased review. Then, she got a kick out of it when people despised her lousy review. She relished that people were mad at her review.


I really really doubt this. You've overthought it.

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Why is she an attention seeker? I don't get this reasoning at all. She's hired to see movies and give her opinion of them. She wrote a few reviews you disagreed with. Big deal. She's not even that contrarian (she agrees with the RT consensus about two-thirds of the time).


She wrote  a lousy review. It lacked any real reasons for being negative other than that she decided she didn't like it. She compared it to Transformers, which shows that she wasn't even paying attention to the movie. Then, when people on RT called her out on a lousy review, she relished the negativity and taunted those people some more. Her review was nothing more than an attempt to seek attention.


If her job is to review movies, then she's horrible at her job. Her reviews read like opinion columns with very little substance.

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Well, I disagree with that assessment.  There is no depth in the individual films.  With the exception of the first IM, the others have been pretty shit.


*shrug* Fair enough. There's plenty of people who feel The Avengers is the best superhero film made. Or the best comic book film. Or the best film ever.


I don't agree. And that's fine in both directions.

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She wrote  a lousy review. It lacked any real reasons for being negative other than that she decided she didn't like it. She compared it to Transformers, which shows that she wasn't even paying attention to the movie. Then, when people on RT called her out on a lousy review, she relished the negativity and taunted those people some more. Her review was nothing more than an attempt to seek attention.


If her job is to review movies, then she's horrible at her job. Her reviews read like opinion columns with very little substance.


Guess what? Not that it matters, but although I liked the movie more than she did, I agree with a lot of the points in the review. Her comparison to T3 was pretty specific: aliens invade through a wormhole in the sky and attack a major US city. Sounds like the big battle in T3 to me! 


If you think someone writes a review just to get screamed at and called names online, then you miss the entire point. (Of course someone will be defensive if they're being attacked by tons of idiotic fanboys!)


There are plenty of views and opinions about every single movie ever made. She's as entitled to hers as you are of yours... and frankly so far I think she's done a better job explaining how she feels than your defense of the movie itself.


But all of this is meaningless. It's not even the point. If you disagree with someone's opinion of the movie to the point where you call them names, belittle them, and even threaten them, then the problem is you, not them (not talking about you specifically, WD, just the general term.)

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Guess what? Not that it matters, but although I liked the movie more than she did, I agree with a lot of the points in the review. Her comparison to T3 was pretty specific: aliens invade through a wormhole in the sky and attack a major US city. Sounds like the big battle in T3 to me! 


If you think someone writes a review just to get screamed at and called names online, then you miss the entire point. (Of course someone will be defensive if they're being attacked by tons of idiotic fanboys!)


There are plenty of views and opinions about every single movie ever made. She's as entitled to hers as you are of yours... and frankly so far I think she's done a better job explaining how she feels than your defense of the movie itself.


But all of this is meaningless. It's not even the point. If you disagree with someone's opinion of the movie to the point where you call them names, belittle them, and even threaten them, then the problem is you, not them (not talking about you specifically, WD, just the general term.)


Right. The "fanboys" are idiotic because they didn't like a poorly written review. It's so easy to blame the audience for the poor work of the writer. You might like her review better than anything that I have written in defense of the film. And that's fine and I don't mind. Except I have not written a review of the film. And if I did, I would have done a far better job than she did.  Her review tells me nothing about why I should or should not see the movie, except for spoiling half the movie by recapping instead of reviewing. No one needs a recap of the movie.


And there is no way that a wormhole in the sky and an alien invasion makes The Avengers similar to TF3, unless of course she wasn't actually paying attention to the whole movie, which could be true. The Deceptircons are robots from another planet, not a previously unknown alien army being brought over with a stolen Asgardian Infinity Stone (the Tesseract). That's like saying Back to the Future is like The Time Machine because they both deal with time travel....it's just not true.


I actually just read her Lone Survivor review. Even though it went against my better judgment. I felt I needed to read first hand what was written. I can see why people would be offended by her review.

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We are talking about Glenn Beck here you know that right? He will stir up any stupid controversy for ratings even when there isn't one. I hate liberal and conservative media. What ever happened to an unbiased news source or radio show? *sigh*

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