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The Flash | Season 2 premieres 6 October.

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cool episode, i'm curious about the mom we need more flashback, barry is such a babe! lol from what his dad says he was a cutie pie as a baby too! 

the whole lab explosion creating an array of villains reminds me of something but can't remember what ,, ooh now i say so i do remember smalllville green kryptonite villains, ha ha  ha gotta love cw for the tried and true formula !

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If you haven't watched Arrow, then how would you know that it is not something you enjoy. The show picks up mid-season and becomes awesome in Season 2.

Oh that's easy.   I've never cared for Green Arrow or his Marvel counterpart, Hawkeye.   Archer "super heroes" in comics bore me a lot.   I've seriously never gotten them at all.    The only archer I can tolerate these days is Daryl on The Walking Dead.   And that only works for me because it seems more plausible in an apocalyptic reality.    Seems silly in the modern world to me.   (Oh wait....Archer is a great show   :D )


So it would be a huge waste of time for me to watch Arrow.   I might compare it to The Sopranos.    I find the mob and stories about the mob to be distasteful.   I hate getting that feeling that I'm supposed to even grudgingly admire/respect those subhumans when I watch things like that. ("You just don't mess with Tony!")  The Godfather will never be one of my favorite movies no matter how well done it was.   ...Same with Goodfellas.   So when I hear that The Sopranos was well written, it didn't mean anything to me.   I'm simply not interested in the subject matter.


Sorry but I have to disagree with this. Walking Dead (which is not a show ANYBODY should be using a model) or Game of Thrones are telling one cohesive story. They are trying to do something different and while having no "freak of the week" works for them it doesn't mean the format should be dropped forever.

I love the Walking Dead. It's not perfect, but all I know is I can't wait for new episodes.   So something about it is working really well for me.   Kinda helps that it keep surprising me.  No formula.

I'll keep watching the Flash no matter what....trust me....but I can't help noticing the Freak of the Week thing that looks identical to the Smallville version. I watched every episode of Smallville too...but it was dreadful at times. Since I like the Flash character even more than the Superman character, I don't want it patterned after Smallville.    What's next....the "doomed romance" thing that Smallville kept going with Clark and Lana?   That one made my head hurt.    Getting that smell from Barry and Iris frankly.   "I have to protect her from my secret"....oh please not that again.   :wacko:



The Flash would frankly suck if they didn't have a freak of the weak. So what, he fights the same guy over and over again? Boring. It's based on a comic book series where the Flash always faces a new or recurring villain. Therefore having a new (or returning) villain every week allows the Flash to stick true to it's source material while allowing the writers to come up with new stories every week that they can wrap up-adding some level of variety. It's not a matter of being stuck in the past. You truly lose something if you only do a serialized arc-which the Flash IS doing.

I mean seriously, there is no other way to keep the audience interested other than the Freak of the Week?    Does it really have to be the exact same formula as Smallville?   The "one event creates an endless string of foes for the hero" thing?


Come on.....that's the only thing writers can come up with?    Why do I get the feeling there is a group of guys in suits at WB who bring up that Smallville stayed on the air for 10 seasons?


Again, really enjoying the show otherwise.  But the longer it goes, the more I can't help noticing it.   I can suppress the "why is the Flash allowing that guy to hit him?" thing...but the Freak of the Week is going to get old.   Feels like lazy writing.....same story for every villain. 


The Flash as a loner makes for great film, crappy TV.

I have no way of knowing that without seeing them try it.   I can just as easily say, "The Flash as a loner makes for the best show ever".

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I love the Walking Dead. It's not perfect, but all I know is I can't wait for new episodes.   So something about it is working really well for me.   Kinda helps that it keep surprising me.  No formula.


I'm going to call bullshit on that. As someone who has studied TV drama writing, I can tell you that every episode of the Walking Dead has a formula.


I mean seriously, there is no other way to keep the audience interested other than the Freak of the Week?    Does it really have to be the exact same formula as Smallville?   The "one event creates an endless string of foes for the hero" thing?


I think you're missing the point. The Flash has freaks of the weeks because that's the premise of the show. For the love of God, The Flash is a spin-off to Arrow which also has "freaks of the weeks" (although the freaks have tended to be more grounded in reality) and occasionally Arrow drops the "Freaks of the weeks" when the serialized arc picks enough steam that it takes over the show. I wouldn't be surprised if the same happens with the Flash.


Arrow's second season:

The first half of the season are "freaks of the weeks" with occasional developments into the serialized arc

The second half of the season concentrated way more heavily on the serialized arc and the freaks of the weeks, if they were there, were minimized


Also Marvel's Agents of SHIELD and just about every other superhero show that has ever existed has had "freaks of the weeks" because the idea of those is BUILT INTO THE PREMISE OF THE SERIES. Sure, I guess theoretically you could do 22 episodes a season without a "freak of the week" but I don't feel like that would work for superhero shows where the point is we see the heroes save the day on a weekly basis. It's not that the writers can't think of anything else and the fact that you think that shows how little you understand what it means to build a good show.


For the record, EVERY show HAS TO HAVE A FORMULA. Mad Men, Breaking Bad, Game of Thrones, The Walking Dead, they all have formulas. It's what enables different writers to contribute to a tv series and the only way to ensure every entry is cohesive. The real fun in a tv show isn't if it has no formula but rather how it's eventually able to play with the formula. The Good Wife is one of the best TV shows on the air and it's able to do this because the case of the weeks tend to twist the formula.

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Loved tonight's episode.


Miller was fantastic as Cold ... loved his demeanor and then his reaction to the name 'Captain Cold' :)


Felicity was looking smoking hot tonight ... those outfits. :)


Enjoyed the train rescue sequence.


Also had a nice 'Superman' reference with the trains being the safest way to travel line, and the rebuttal about it being airplanes.


The tease of Cold bringing in Heat Wave at the end was cool. ;)

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I think you're missing the point. The Flash has freaks of the weeks because that's the premise of the show. For the love of God, The Flash is a spin-off to Arrow which also has "freaks of the weeks" (although the freaks have tended to be more grounded in reality) and occasionally Arrow drops the "Freaks of the weeks" when the serialized arc picks enough steam that it takes over the show. I wouldn't be surprised if the same happens with the Flash.


Arrow's second season:

The first half of the season are "freaks of the weeks" with occasional developments into the serialized arc

The second half of the season concentrated way more heavily on the serialized arc and the freaks of the weeks, if they were there, were minimized


Also Marvel's Agents of SHIELD and just about every other superhero show that has ever existed has had "freaks of the weeks" because the idea of those is BUILT INTO THE PREMISE OF THE SERIES. Sure, I guess theoretically you could do 22 episodes a season without a "freak of the week" but I don't feel like that would work for superhero shows where the point is we see the heroes save the day on a weekly basis. It's not that the writers can't think of anything else and the fact that you think that shows how little you understand what it means to build a good show.

Hey...guess what?   They didn't have the Freak of the Week this week.   How about that?    The writers actually came up with a foe who wasn't created in the explosion!  (EXACTLY like the Smallville "meteor rock villains")


See?  That wasn't that hard.   They can do it.   It doesn't have to be the premise of the show at all.

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good episode , flash is cool cool cool


omg felicity is such a knockout and it wasnt for oliver's eyes only , he better be careful some other dude might just scoop her up !


iris and joe have a great dad/daughter rapport 


eddie is gorgeous but sorry he's an obstacle !

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Hey...guess what?   They didn't have the Freak of the Week this week.   How about that?    The writers actually came up with a foe who wasn't created in the explosion!  (EXACTLY like the Smallville "meteor rock villains")


See?  That wasn't that hard.   They can do it.   It doesn't have to be the premise of the show at all.


So wait? You're problem isn't that Barry Allen was fighting a bad guy every week, just that they were "freaks"? The only difference being that the bad guys aren't meta?


'Cause the formula, while slightly different, was still basically the same. I mean if that's really your point of contention, we were arguing two completely different things.

Edited by Water Bottle
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So wait? You're problem isn't that Barry Allen was fighting a bad guy every week, just that they were "freaks"? The only difference being that the bad guys aren't meta?


'Cause the formula, while slightly different, was still basically the same. I mean if that's really your point of contention, we were arguing two completely different things.

I did have the feeling you didn't know what I was discussing with your post.  :D


Yes, my issue was the lack of creativity.....just like Smallville retreated to "meteor freaks" every week in the beginning.   Feels lazy.   They can do better than that.

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I did have the feeling you didn't know what I was discussing with your post.   :D


Yes, my issue was the lack of creativity.....just like Smallville retreated to "meteor freaks" every week in the beginning.   Feels lazy.   They can do better than that.


Right. I thought you were talking about the very concept of The Flash having to take down a new enemy every week-like how a cop show solves crimes every week or how law shows have different cases every week. THAT is tied into the concept.


But if your problem was "eh, I'd like for them to vary the bad guys" then yeah. Silly me.  :lol: 

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Last nights episode was awesome! I love the chemistry between Grant Gustin and Emily Rickards. They are perfect together and I hope to see more of her in the future episodes. Candice Patton is amazing as well. I am torn if I want Barry with Iris or Felicity because both are perfect for him. The Flash hands down as two of the most attractive females characters on TV right now. 


I hope they can get more funding for the show because although the visuals are solid they still need improvement. That is the only problem I have with the show so far. 

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Cool episode ( :ph34r:) Wentworth Miller was a real boss, you could see he was having so much fun playing this and he'll make a great big bad for this season, if that's what they're setting him up for. Felicity was hot, naturally, and I generally liked the little changes in the team dynamics.


So, another good entry in this upward-trending series.

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On Felicity-Barry-Oliver "love" triangle (can it really be a love triangle when one character is in a completely different show?): I'm on #TeamBarry here. Felicity and Barry are so perfect for each other and Barry might no realize it and Felicity might only partially know it but while they think they're hung up on different people, they're totally hung up on each other but because the other is hung up on someone else...they refuse to admit it.


Sorry Oliver. I like him and I think he's great but Felicity and Barry belong together.

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This last episode was probably the best to me.  I liked the train scene, Wentworth Miller, and the whole "trust" issue were all positives.


Felicity being there was a nice touch as well.  Too bad she can't be there all the time, but that's for obvious reasons.  And yeah it's a shame they both know they should be together but want other people.


Hopefully there will be more episodes on this level :)

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