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Avatar: The Way of Water | 16 DEC 2022 | Don't worry guys, critics like it

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Please, BKB...it's easy to fall into the trap of "get over it; it's just a movie," but we all know that popular entertainment has a powerful hold on many people, and some people are very fragile and vulnerable (on an emotional and psychological level). We never know what exactly could precipitate depressive mood disorders, but once you are there, it's not pretty. Yes, I could see why some people could feel that the world in a fictional universe like AVATAR was a much better alternative to their real-world problems, and we should not judge. It's all an individual journey, and what we should do is have empathy, compassion, and kindness.

Amen cocoa flies . hugs :)
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They do it all the time, making you believe how awesome the latest blockbuster is. It's called marketing.


Where did Cameron admit 3D doesn't make a whole lot of difference? He was and still is a big proponent of that format, for a reason. And if you think it's money, you really don't think highly of him.


I will provide a minimum of five Cameron quotes, as well as marketing research if I saved it, proving that 3D had no statistically significant effect on audience enjoyment of features over twenty minutes.  If you are willing to commission me for this at a modest rate of $25/hr., I'll write a five page, heavily-footnoted document you can share with your friends called, "James Cameron Was Full of Shit about 3D And He Damn Well Knew It."


James Cameron is filthy rich, and is explicitly money-motivated.  He stated unequivocally that cash ($1m upfront) was his primary motive for T2, and he unleashed his lawyers on Fox to make sure that they paid him for 'Titanic' even after he'd signed his profit participation away.  Then, he told a bunch of half truths (or "lies") to the media about the magic of 3D, all so that he could take people's money.


Why do you think James Cameron takes in all these hundreds of millions of dollars rather than working for 50k a year?  Or giving his money away?  Because he likes money.  Including your money.  A lot.


What's wrong with that?

Edited by DavidBrennan
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I will provide a minimum of five Cameron quotes, as well as marketing research if I saved it, proving that 3D had no statistically significant effect on audience enjoyment of features over twenty minutes.  If you are willing to commission me for this at a modest rate of $25/hr., I'll write a five page, heavily-footnoted document you can share with your friends called, "James Cameron Was Full of Shit about 3D And He Damn Well Knew It."


James Cameron is filthy rich, and is explicitly money-motivated.  He stated unequivocally that cash ($1m upfront) was his primary motive for T2, and he unleashed his lawyers on Fox to make sure that they paid him for 'Titanic' even after he'd signed his profit participation away.  Then, he told a bunch of half truths (or "lies") to the media about the magic of 3D, all so that he could take people's money.


Why do you think James Cameron takes in all these hundreds of millions of dollars rather than working for 50k a year?  Or giving his money away?  Because he likes money.  Including your money.  A lot.


What's wrong with that?

You re cute.

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If I remember correctly, this DavidBrennan guy is (or was) actually a huge Cameron fan and he wrote a book about James Cameron right?


Yeah, I wrote a fan book which sold twelve copies.  T2 was one of my childhood cinematic pillars.


I'm a Cameron fan, and think T1, T2, Aliens....well, most all his movies range from good to excellent.  But, like George Lucas, I see a very clear distinction between the young version of the moviemaker and the older one.  Specifically, Cameron has never been more vain, lying (I mean, he now tells laughably absurd whoppers that only a deluded blowhard propped up by Hollywood c-suckers could believe he's getting away with), greedy, and, artistically deprecated.  Avatar, for instance, was clearly (to me) one of his worst movies, had several script doctors working on it, and its box office was hugely propped up by Cameron's fantastic rhetoric about 3D, which the media swallowed whole. 


I also think Cameron's rank hypocrisy of making an abjectly anti-white movie, pretending to be a non-white....and then fleeing his guarded Malibu home to move to New Zealand, the Whitest of Whitey White countries (New Zealand has a black population so tiny it literally doesn't appear on demographic pie charts) is shameful.  There's nothing wrong with Cameron's preference for white man's lands over non-whites - I'd rather live in New Zealand or US suburbia than Camden, or Compton, or Detroit, or Baltimore, or Sierra Leone, or Liberia, or Nigeria, or....  But there is something wrong with Cameron telling other white people that they're inferior to non-whites and should supplicate to them while he and his family are vigorously protected from large non-white populations.


The comparisons between Cameron and Lucas - especially their limousine liberalism and their incredible habit of telling embarrassingly obvious lies as their egos bloated in old age - are very clear. 

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AVATAR doesn't have anything to do with human ethnicities... it very specifically deals with speciesism. That you choose to read into it what you did says a great deal more about you than Cameron.


Edited by grim22
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AVATAR doesn't have anything to do with human ethnicities... it very specifically deals with speciesism. That you choose to read into it what you did says a great deal more about you than Cameron.


First, I was speaking about race, not ethnicity.


Secondly, that is 100% false.  Cameron was very open that Avatar was a metaphor for the white man's evils, listing all of Whitey's terrible-no good-very bad deeds specifically (lol....and then moving to the whitest country on Earth).  The best line?  Cameron said to a room of white reporters in France, "None of us in this room [i.e., white people] are without sin." 

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The comparisons between Cameron and Lucas - especially their limousine liberalism and their incredible habit of telling embarrassingly obvious lies as their egos bloated in old age - are very clear. 


I definitely agree on that part, but professionally Cameron is still way ahead of what Lucas has become and thats coming from someone who has no love for Avatar at all.  Even though Avatar is very very bare bones on story and characterization(among other things imho), Cameron can still write a script whereas nothing whatsoever about the SW prequels work(those are textbook failures).

Edited by Ozymandias
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I definitely agree on that part, but professionally Cameron is still way ahead of what Lucas has become and thats coming from someone who has no love for Avatar at all.  Even though Avatar is very very bare bones on story and characterization(among other things imho), Cameron can still write a script whereas nothing whatsoever about the SW prequels work(those are textbook failures).


Like Lucas with AOTC and ROTS, Cameron actually had a great deal of uncredited help writing AVTR, specifically from Laeta Kalogridis.  In fact, Cameron's 1995 treatment - which aligned with the movie about 85%, I'd say - was probably the bulk of his contribution.  Old James Cameron wrote little of AVTR, and he has openly admitted he can't write anymore.  (Remember the novelization he was going to put out by Christmas 2010? lolol)  For the next AVTR movies, he's simply acting as show runner for the team he's put together. 


As an aside, I think this acute writer's block on Cameron's part might well be partially attributable to his vegan diet.  The lack of saturated fat, dietary cholesterol, and zinc is death on hormones and mental acuity.  But, ultimately, that's speculation.  (Cameron could well be like many other phony Vegans - MMA fighter Jake Shields, Bill Clinton - who actually eat in plenty of eggs and fish, but I don't think so.)


But overall, James Cameron's achievements are plain to see: he's an objectively great man in the sense that he's achieved tremendous things.  I'll be the first one to carry on about T1 and T2, Aliens, and Abyss, and talk about the revolutionary effects, the artistry and craftsmanship, the overcoming odds, and the miraculous box office of Titanic.   But none of that changes the fact that Old James Cameron is painful to watch.  (Hey I just watched 51 year-old Ken Shamrock clumsily fail to sink in a rear-naked choke and then get awkwardly knocked out by....Kimbo Slice.  But this doesn't diminish what the old lion achieved in the 1990's.)

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I am baffled by how die-hard some fans are.

I think that this will go down from Avatar because it is coming out in an awkard time where it has lost relevance and hasn't gained nostalgia.

Also, the first movie wasn't good and I think people realize that more now. This would have to be a huge game changer.

But, I bet I will be taking this all back when the first trailer drops.

Edited by TStechnij
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I think that this will go down from Avatar because it is coming out in an award time where it has lost relevance and hasn't gained nostalgia.



What?!?!?  ComicCons are overrun with AVTR cosplayers!!!  Every day I hear people repeat its pithy one-liners and talk optimistically for a return of "Jake Sully" and "Neytiri"!!!


Sarcasm.  Haven't seen AVTR cosplay since 2010 and have not even heard the character names in years since I just typed them right there.


You are correct: this movie has no retention in the public consciousness at all.  It's the anti-Star Wars.

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AVATAR 2's opening will baffle all these people who keep claiming that nobody cares about the property. Then, to try to belittle its success, they will say that the sequel was successful not because of its purported quality, but because it was the inevitable follow up to a beloved smash, even though now they say that nobody loves AVATAR.

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AVATAR 2's opening will baffle all these people who keep claiming that nobody cares about the property. Then, to try to belittle its success, they will say that the sequel was successful not because of its purported quality, but because it was the inevitable follow up to a beloved smash, even though now they say that nobody loves AVATAR.


sure it will

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Also....Avatar 2 will ultimately top the first one WW.

It's been 8 years since Avatar was released and became the highest grosser of all time. And with China's markets increasing like crazy.....I really don't see why it wouldn't top the first one.

Also...the "James Cameron" brand name will help this one. It helped with his last 2 juggernauts, Avatar & Titanic.

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Also....Avatar 2 will ultimately top the first one WW.

It's been 8 years since Avatar was released and became the highest grosser of all time. And with China's markets increasing like crazy.....I really don't see why it wouldn't top the first one.

Also...the "James Cameron" brand name will help this one. It helped with his last 2 juggernauts, Avatar & Titanic.

This is what I am thinking for.


I'm hoping that this surpasses $3b WW.

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Also....Avatar 2 will ultimately top the first one WW.

It's been 8 years since Avatar was released and became the highest grosser of all time. And with China's markets increasing like crazy.....I really don't see why it wouldn't top the first one.

Also...the "James Cameron" brand name will help this one. It helped with his last 2 juggernauts, Avatar & Titanic.


Yeah, the brand name did wonders for that monster hit, 'Avatar: Special Edition'.  I saw it opening night.  On an IMAX screen.  With five people in the theater.  This was representative of how popular AVTR was just nine months after release.

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