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Avatar: The Way of Water | 16 DEC 2022 | Don't worry guys, critics like it

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Me too. It took me by surprise. (Thanks god they didn't put that shot in those bloody extended trailers).


It struck the right chord on the right moment. We talk about "money shot" to describe action bits but for me that was the "emotional shot" that became the best "money shot" of the movie.


I totally forgot that was CG. It was genuine and perfect. Two worlds meeting. A giant Alien blue woman cuddling her frailed human lover like a Madone cuddling her sweet baby Jesus, seeing each other for the first time as a pay-off to the "I see you" mantra. That's when I said to myself, "Cameron did it again, he just blew my mind and my heart".


Yeah, I never saw that in a movie before.


Yeah i think thats the best effect shot in the whole film. I still watch that scene on Blu-Ray today and i honestly can't tell that Netyri is not real, no matter how hard i look, she just always looks like a living, breathing humanoid and real.


I remember seeing the film on launch day with a packed out cinema and feeling completely drained from the experience i had just watched then this scene came up and slapped me around a bit more. I even remember saying on Mojo the very next day that this film could do Titanic numbers if the film clicks with people the way i thought it would.

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A billion for all three seems low. In any case, that'd be a slam-dunk in terms of profitability. (Consider that the HOBBIT trilogy is gonna cost around a billion, all told, including marketing; that's gonna be insanely profitable, and AVATAR is head-and-shoulders above HOBBIT both domestically and internationally).



Umm..what?  I haven't heard anywhere near $1 billion for The Hobbit trilogy.  If that is the case then $2 billion would be about where you start seeing profits.  The first one knocked off $1billion in debt (a little more but who's counting..lol).   That leaves 2 Hobbit films needing only to gross a measly $1 billion between the two of them.  



Regarding Avatar...

Source of $1billion conjecture

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Umm..what?  I haven't heard anywhere near $1 billion for The Hobbit trilogy.  If that is the case then $2 billion would be about where you start seeing profits.  The first one knocked off $1billion in debt (a little more but who's counting..lol).   That leaves 2 Hobbit films needing only to gross a measly $1 billion between the two of them.  


The billion for TH includes marketing. There was a Variety article about it around the time TH:AUJ came out. More recently, we've gotten an actual hard number of $569m for the first two movies (not including the end of TH2 post-production, the additional shooting for finessing TH3, plus post on TH3). With that number, around a billion for production & marketing seems about right.

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That's a good way to market the sequels before the scipt even finished. And I expect this kind of "green" marketing vids coming out from time to time all the way to the release of A2.

Edited by vc2002
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Its 1 billion for all 3 sequels Noctis lol, even Cameron wouldn't be able to get a billion for one film!.


A billion dollars isn't cool. You know what's cool?





















OK I admit that's a lame-ass quote I did right there. Just couldn't resist. :lol:

Edited by vc2002
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Me too. It took me by surprise. (Thanks god they didn't put that shot in those bloody extended trailers).


It struck the right chord on the right moment. We talk about "money shot" to describe action bits but for me that was the "emotional shot" that became the best "money shot" of the movie.


I totally forgot that was CG. It was genuine and perfect. Two worlds meeting. A giant Alien blue woman cuddling her frailed human lover like a Madone cuddling her sweet baby Jesus, seeing each other for the first time as a pay-off to the "I see you" mantra. That's when I said to myself, "Cameron did it again, he just blew my mind and my heart".


Yeah, I never saw that in a movie before.


That's actually beautiful writing right there. I always said that the script of Avatar got quite a few problems, but structure is excellently handled, as always been in any of Cameron's movies (except maybe The Abyss, which the ending is kind of a mess). The magic of that "I see you" shot is that after the epic journey (love, hate, war) they've been through together, it's actually the first time they truely meet each other. The structure of the story is so critical to make that shot work, as played so perfectly it was in the movie.


That shot is greatly handled also in a very believeable way because a lesser filmmaker would've had Jake and Neytiri talk a lot. I mean, that's understandable cause they met for the first time and it sounds natural to let them chit chat a little bit right? But understand that situation (right after a life&death battle, and Jake nearly killed), "I see you" is more than a hundred lines. I saw the same brilience in the incinerator scene Toy Story 3 (right after toys getting saved).


BTW, I'm poor at English. The best way to describle Jake's feeling at that moment is in Chinese "恍如隔世". Don't know how to translate it in English.

Edited by vc2002
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If the $1b overall production rumor is correct.  I estimate all 3 movies combined would have to make $2.6 WW just to breakeven.  Yikes.




($1 billion + 300m combined advert budget) x 2

Under 900M per movie? That is a cake walk.

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I honestly expect all Avatar movies to make $2B WW+So make the budgets pretty much whatever. Cameron will have fantastic ROI with whatever you give him.

Not going to happen.


Filming, allegedly for real this time, set to start a year from now, Oct '14. Released what, summer '16...who except the fringe die hards will still care? I don't sense anyone cares now. I just came from a convention with 15K attendance and not one Na'vi or Avatar item was for sale, no one dressed up....cause no one cares. People were dressed up in all manner of things new and old, not one thing from Avatar. 

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That's actually beautiful writing right there. I always said that the script of Avatar got quite a few problems, but structure is excellently handled, as always been in any of Cameron's movies (except maybe The Abyss, which the ending is kind of a mess). The magic of that "I see you" shot is that after the epic journey (love, hate, war) they've been through together, it's actually the first time they truely meet each other. The structure of the story is so critical to make that shot work, as played so perfectly it was in the movie.


That shot is greatly handled also in a very believeable way because a lesser filmmaker would've had Jake and Neytiri talk a lot. I mean, that's understandable cause they met for the first time and it sounds natural to let them chit chat a little bit right? But understand that situation (right after a life&death battle, and Jake nearly killed), "I see you" is more than a hundred lines. I saw the same brilience in the incinerator scene Toy Story 3 (right after toys getting saved).


BTW, I'm poor at English. The best way to describle Jake's feeling at that moment is in Chinese "恍如隔世". Don't know how to translate it in English.



Bullocks !!!


How many times we have to repeat this : people flocked to see Avaretard for its shiny colors and 3d.

Story and characters didn't mean shit.

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Not going to happen.


Filming, allegedly for real this time, set to start a year from now, Oct '14. Released what, summer '16...who except the fringe die hards will still care? I don't sense anyone cares now. I just came from a convention with 15K attendance and not one Na'vi or Avatar item was for sale, no one dressed up....cause no one cares. People were dressed up in all manner of things new and old, not one thing from Avatar. 


Yeah because conventions are totally representative of the real world.


Scott Pilgrim and Kick-Ass were convention's darlings...


I see girls in Baby Doll's cosplay at conventions, what does that mean? That Sucker Punch is more popular than Avatar? Or Sucker Punch 2 has more chance to beat Avatar 2?


Or that a certain fringe of convention fanboys/girls that represent a minimal fraction of WW BO (0,00015%) is not keen on Avatar's cosplay and merchandising?

Edited by dashrendar44
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Not going to happen. Filming, allegedly for real this time, set to start a year from now, Oct '14. Released what, summer '16...who except the fringe die hards will still care? I don't sense anyone cares now. I just came from a convention with 15K attendance and not one Na'vi or Avatar item was for sale, no one dressed up....cause no one cares. People were dressed up in all manner of things new and old, not one thing from Avatar.

That's no representation of ticket sales. Some of the biggest 'cult' films were nothing at the box office, and some of the most memorable in their home DVD runs, or even just well known by so many people.
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Not going to happen.


Filming, allegedly for real this time, set to start a year from now, Oct '14. Released what, summer '16...who except the fringe die hards will still care? I don't sense anyone cares now. I just came from a convention with 15K attendance and not one Na'vi or Avatar item was for sale, no one dressed up....cause no one cares. People were dressed up in all manner of things new and old, not one thing from Avatar. 


This is why so many people failed by calling Titanic & Avatar were supposed to flop, and why many of them will continue to fail on Avatar sequels. They try to use the common sense. They go for how many people they know talk about it, how many dress up themselves as the characters in the movie, how many give thumb ups on the internet... What they dont understand is that this is how films like TDK and TA worked, not how Cameron's mojo worked. It's the way to predict how much TA2 is gonna make, but not A2 because Cameron doesn't work in your (or even hollywood's) common sense. He managed to get the most movie goers into the theaters twice in two different eras with almost nothing but only WOM of the movies themselves. But what's really happening in this industry nowadays? More frontloaded and bigger OWs. Cameron's magic works beyond the common sense of yours and this industry's.


One can never get the Avatar sequels right if they dont understand the keys to the success of Titanic & Avatar in the first place.

Edited by vc2002
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it's pretty simple actually- if the Avatar sequels have groundbreaking technical aspects like the first Avatar and Titanic, they will create magic for Cameron again. Otherwise if they just try to piggyback on Avatar success like Hobbit trilogy piggybacking on LotR, their BO will underwhelm spectacularly.

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