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Avatar: The Way of Water | 16 DEC 2022 | Don't worry guys, critics like it

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Furthermore, the movie's very clear that the armed security team are corporate mercenaries. While they have a military background (same as most mercs actually do), they are not "the military".

This times 1,000. I got into an argument with a friend because of the same thing. I guess there are loads of people that really think it's anti-Amirican. They are very clearly some type of para-military organization that just operates as security. That's it. It was, however taking direct plugs at the war in Iraq and the Bush administration. But that doesn't make it anti-American at all.
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Just another bullshit argument to bad mouth avatar. The brother of james cameron is a marine. Its about the human nature to conquer and destroy, it has nothing to do with america in particular, its more about the so called "civilizied world".

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 Its whole anti-military theme. Clearly aimed at the USA. With the military being made to look like evil idiots as usual.  

Doubt its anti-military.  More like anti-Blackwater.  Or any private military forces used by corporations.

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AVATAR wasn't anti military, it was anti big corrupt corporations. The mercs were just tools to get the job done.

Plus you would have to be pretty naive to think that stuff like this wouldn't happen in real life. Governments don't actually love 'the people' you know, they are run by the mega corporations who only care about profit.

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Here's news for anyone that honestly cares about this.. As expected, these movies will make $$$$, but just how much?? An interesting quote to take note of while predicting these massive numbers(cough: Kal: cough) and any backlash that will ensue and it WILL happen:




Gee?? You think the intro to 3D had something to do with it like I've said 1000 X over???

Intro? 3D has been around for decades. Isn't any sequel motive to make money?

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Stop.. Just STOP Neo.. You and everyone know fully goddamn well that Cameron's 3D ws the thing that sold his movie and I'm not gonna go around and round with this same shit over and over like it was back on page 100 or whereever the fuck it was at.. If you really don't think 3D didn't sell the movie, than I'm moving on, but the link speaks for itself in that there will ultimately be a backlash to these movies and it will start when AVATAR 2 doesn't make a fraction of rhat the 1st one did..

And the team up sold Avengers, right? A lot of movies were sold on their 3D and failed to make a 1/10 of Avatar, what happened? All of its earning didn't come from 3D would have still been near Titanic without 3D. Fraction? If it was all 3D should have fell more than it did on upcoming weekends and weekdays, can't hide the % drops. When is the last time a movie has had these kind of drops? If the story is engaging audiences will come back. Avatar had a strong message, a hero you could get behind.

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Not necessarily more complex, but at least the characters in TA had personality and a sense of humour. No one in Avatar was developed as anything more than a generic archetype. Which I found very disappointing from a filmmaker who used to develop even minor characters like the marines in Aliens or the oil rig crew in The Abyss.

BS.The Avengers are all every bit as archetypal as the Avatar figures. Every single one. The Hulk, BW, Iron Man, you name it. Comic books are all about archetypes. And what you call humor, some people call Joss Whedon's hackneyed humour. Say what you want about Avatar, but don't trybto act as if The Avengers cardboard figures, symbols of comic books' tropes were razor-sharp character studies full of nuance and complex observational humor. Nope. They were comic book tropes spouting off Whedonesque jokes.
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Again, if you think Avatar is anti something,please open any history book and see how our current world was shaped and it is still being shaped.

We conquer, this the nature of all living things.

Is there a diffference between Google and the guys who conquer Pandora ? Not much.


Avatar is anti nothing, it is just putting a mirror in front of humanity's hypocrisy & voracity.

Edited by The Futurist
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BS.The Avengers are all every bit as archetypal as the Avatar figures. Every single one. The Hulk, BW, Iron Man, you name it. Comic books are all about archetypes. And what you call humor, some people call Joss Whedon's hackneyed humour. Say what you want about Avatar, but don't trybto act as if The Avengers cardboard figures, symbols of comic books' tropes were razor-sharp character studies full of nuance and complex observational humor. Nope. They were comic book tropes spouting off Whedonesque jokes.

Can't say I see any lies, even though I think Avengers is a bit better than Avatar

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BS.The Avengers are all every bit as archetypal as the Avatar figures. Every single one. The Hulk, BW, Iron Man, you name it. Comic books are all about archetypes. And what you call humor, some people call Joss Whedon's hackneyed humour. Say what you want about Avatar, but don't trybto act as if The Avengers cardboard figures, symbols of comic books' tropes were razor-sharp character studies full of nuance and complex observational humor. Nope. They were comic book tropes spouting off Whedonesque jokes.


Avengers is much ado about nothing compared to Avatar. (And I'm not talking about the Shakespeare's play).

Edited by dashrendar44
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The other movies didn't have 3D worth a fuck compared to what Cameron gave you in AVATAR Neo.. Are you seriously going to fucking argue with me about this??? 3D in just about every movie now after AVATAR is not necessary, but used as a tool to make more $$$$.. Stop being a simpleton and arguing shit you know I'm saying is true.. The only reason you're doing so it's because it's ME..

What movies didn't have 3D?


No. You are the one that keeps arguing, why don't you stop and it would be over. All you have to do is stop posting the same thing and again of how Avatar is played out and make near it the first ones gross. If you would do this I can GUARANTEE that I would stop arguing, but can you? Its not me you see its you that starts it and I try to end it. Not one have you proved me wrong, but still want to go at it, I can do this all the way through Avatar 4 to Battle Angel franchise is over, its on you now if you want to continue.

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Alright, let's do it.. I give 0 fucks about your so called logic on this and I've already pointed out my theory and you haven't proven me wrong about it either.. Before AVATAR Neo, no movie had 3D like this movie had and enough for it to make the $$$ it did, but you're too dense to see this so bite me..

You say to drop it, but keep on arguing. Everyday, everyday prove you wrong your fanboy logic gets in your way time and time again. It wasn't just the 3D like I said and gave my reasons which are right, but still continue to argue your losing battle with me.

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Alright, let's do it.. I give 0 fucks about your so called logic on this and I've already pointed out my theory and you haven't proven me wrong about it either.. Before AVATAR Neo, no movie had 3D like this movie had and enough for it to make the $$$ it did, but you're too dense to see this so bite me..

Actually both he , myself and dash have made your commments look ludcrious. Avengers was nothing on HV compared to Avatar either and you cant get the Avatar experience at home  now can you BKB ;)


Just face anything Cameron works on thats named Avatar or Battle Angel will dominate anything comic movie related as long as Cameron doesnt lose his touch to wow audiences with the elite of epic filmmaking.


Cameron is the Omega brand, Avatar 2 is the tool thats hes going to use along with everything else to make untold billions.

It will take many avengers movies to catch up to  what just 4 Avatar films put out there BKB.


That is the facts.

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You say to drop it, but keep on arguing. Everyday, everyday prove you wrong your fanboy logic gets in your way time and time again. It wasn't just the 3D like I said and gave my reasons which are right, but still continue to argue your losing battle with me.

 I wonder how he has beat you , when Avengers shows major limitations , did not break records on Home Video, neither was it a must own item like Avatar...  I mean the Avatar artbook alone is like 30-50.00 and sold millions of copies ...Folks are obsessed with Pandora..When they have a definitely date announced, everyone and I mean even grandpas who are alive are coming back.


Which point BKB won ?? :stirthepot:

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http://screenrant.com/3d-movies-green-lantern-sucker-punch-alien-prequel-pauly-48813/�TP/1.1 4294967295 Content-Length: 89 Content-Type: text/html


 And as always, here's the quote that pretty much seals WHY AVATAR did what it did at the box office:

Excuse BKB you just shot yourself in the foot guy..did you even read  your post.. LOL avatar blew apart your film when there were only 1000+ screens OS with 3D. Now theres 5000+ and climbing, and  your Avengers could achieve even HP numbers OS with much more screens than Avatar I. . I think even a 12 yr old BKB can see with over 400% increase of 3D capable theaters OS,  and a  nice increase domestically.... That Avengers has no chance to win domestically or OS or in any cateogory beside OW and fastest to 100-200M etc domestically. :) Although I wouldnt put Avatar 2 completely out of the OW record war. yet



Since some are predicting 150-250M OW in freaking december!! --Damn!

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And there it is: After all this time, Screenrant reveals truly WHY AVATAR made what it did: 3D.. And since I've proven you and your brother Neo wrong, I'm content leaving this dumb movie and it's topic of it's box offixce success to rest finally thanks to Screenrant proving you simpletons wrong just like I said and it took posting that quote to seal the deal...

Lol BKB Avatar sold more tickets than Avengers did Domestically lol.So even if you took  out the 3D Avatar made more. It also sold an even more embarrassing number of tickets than Avengers abroad.


Lol Avengers  on 10-15000 screens cant beat an Avatar 1 on 7000 screens WW . Both films were in 3D.

I hope that computes on what Neo and Dash and others with logic have been trying to tell you..Why avengers has no chance to win in any dept. LOL



Wow whats more amazing Neo Avatar 1 was only in 2700 Screen-2900 screens domestically and put up 760+Mil. lol.


Avengers was in almost 5000 screend domestically with 3D and made 600+ lol



Avatar 2  will be in more screens than Avengers 2 domestically and OS this time.  .Oh my what numbers will it make when Avatar 2 is showing on 11-14,000 screend worldwide this time..



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