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Avatar: The Way of Water | 16 DEC 2022 | Don't worry guys, critics like it

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In all fairness Kal, I believe that right about the time before The AVENGERS came out, Cameron re-released TITANIC which I think made an additional 50M adding to it's already total, however, had James Cameron decided not to re-release it, The AVENGERS would've destroyed it when TITANIC was at 600.1M.. I'm sure if Disney/MARVEL decided to re-release The AVENGERS about 2 weeks before TA2 Premieres, it would rack up $$$$$ as well to add to it's 623M Total...


623 M vs 600 M...destroying? lol

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TDKR peaked too and couldnt come back to the glory of TDK...So though its not likely, it could happen. Max I see is 1.4-1.6B WW


Still not enough BKB to beat SW7 much less come close to Avatars 2 likely 2.5-3B+ WW gross :)

1.6B could beat VII, as of now VII has no reason to do above 1.2B-1.3B.


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How dare you speak the lords name in vain.

He's right, Cameron is not God.Cause I mean, do you think God could make two multi billion dollar grossers in a row? I don't think so. And on the seventh day, he directed Avatar 2.
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Early reviews for Dawn of the Planet of The Apes bode well for Avatar 2 as it will have two of the same writers.Unconvinced by the writer for the fourth though. Seems like a dodgy choice.

That is awsome. here is to hoping this movie is every bit as good as the first. 

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I love how the budget is high, but the box office of the first movie already payed for it, and it still have additional 2 billion dollars.  :P


James Cameron will do nothing but profit money with this franchise. Even if it does not reach to the same numbers as the first. (what is likely to happen, because at the time the film was released the tickets were more expensive)

Edited by xSabrinax
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I love how the budget is high, but the box office of the first movie already payed for it, and it still have additional 2 billion dollars.  :P


James Cameron will do nothing but profit money with this franchise. Even if it does not reach to the same numbers as the first. (what is likely to happen, because at the time the film was released the tickets were more expensive)

 Yep. :)

Bring on the awesomeness (and the money making machine)!

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Thanks to Cochofles for this post in another thread


In my opinion, his masterpiece will always be Thelma & Louise. Darkly funny, action-packed yet emotionally resonant, superbly acted, featuring glorious cinematography and a brilliant score and soundtrack, skillfully directed with a sharp eye for the nuances of human interaction, and featuring an Oscar-winning script that is so fricking good that it is still used in tons of screenwriting classes in the US. In fact, the late great Syd Field's legendary screenwriting method named Thelma & Louise, Terminator 2, Silence of the Lambs, and Dances with Wolves as 4 examples of perfect screenwriting structure. T & L is just heartbreaking, became a pop culture watershed moment (it made the cover of TIME magazine back when that publication still had a modicum of respect as a "serious" magazine), and gave us one of the most iconic scenes/endings in cinema history, and two of the most iconic characters in film of all time. I love Blade Runner and "Glaaadiator!!"(in the voice of a drunken Liz Taylor), but T&L will always be, to me, Ridley Scott's finest hour. Yes, even better than Alien, if you ask me.


I did some search on google and find that the screenwriting guru Syd Field is apparently a big James Cameron fan, and in fact a big fan of his writing as well.


Here's his article how Terminator 2 really impressed him and him interviewing Cameron.

(Part 1) http://sydfield.com/interviews/james-cameron/

(Part 2) http://sydfield.com/interviews/james-cameron-part-2/


Here's him even sort of fanboying Avatar and saying how Inception didn't impress him as much as Avatar did. (Sorry I'm not trying to stir thing up. It's just what he said in the interview.

(Part 2) http://www.movieoutline.com/articles/interview-with-screenwriting-guru-syd-field-part-2.html

(Part 3) http://www.movieoutline.com/articles/interview-with-screenwriting-guru-syd-field-part-3.html

(Part 1, not much about Cameron tho.) http://www.movieoutline.com/articles/interview-with-screenwriting-guru-syd-field-part-1.html


I guess saying Cameron is a great writer doesn't mean anything if it's from a nobody like me, but those words surely mean a lot coming from a screenwriting guru.

Edited by vc2002
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Early reviews for Dawn of the Planet of The Apes bode well for Avatar 2 as it will have two of the same writers. Unconvinced by the writer for the fourth though. Seems like a dodgy choice.

Given how they approached the project, it seems better to think of them as a big writing team, as opposed to worrying about each writer individually.
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