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Avatar: The Way of Water | 16 DEC 2022 | Don't worry guys, critics like it

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Actually I wanted to get the blu ray because I thought it would be the closest thing to the cinema experience apart from having 3D technology at home. At least better than DVD anyway.


It has also a far sharper visual, and better sound, l´plus depending on the version rather big differences in the ammount of extras including the length of extra film scenes (max I know 1hour more than the theatrical release)

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No. I went to see Avatar because a bunch of female friends of mine who could care less about F/X told me that they loved the characters and the romance in the film. Ad they also went to see the film for the same reason. They also told me that they were enraptured by the characters' plight. After I saw the film, I totally understood why they felt like that, and I proceeded to see the film 4 more times in theatres for that same reason. Not to see shiny colors or to be dazzled by 3D, but to see Jake and Neytiri's story unfold before my eyes again.


See, characters don't have to be intricate or profound or complex for audiences to connect with them. All they have to be is vivid and relateable.

So, to say that "Everyone went to Avatar because it was one of those in-theater experiences" is not entirely accurate because, at least on my neck of the woods, there is a bunch of female moviegoers who didn't go to see the film to watch this supossed event. We went to see it because we had been promised a gorgeous romantic experience that was touching and heartbreaking. And just like what happened with Titanic, that was Avatar's secret box office weapon: simple storytelling, universally relateable characters, and a central story that a WHOLE LOT OF women loved.

Anecdotal evidence doesn't really prove anything. I don't know anyone in the real world who actually loved Avatar for the story and characters (or even talks about the movie anymore), but that doesn't mean they don't exist. All we can say for sure is that the movie made a shit ton of money and a large percentage of that was thanks to 3D. Whether that same audience is still up for seconds is something nobody here can say for sure until 2017 (or 2018, or 2019, or 2020 . . .)

Edited by Darth Homer
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Anecdotal evidence doesn't really prove anything. I don't know anyone in the real world who actually loved Avatar for the story and characters (or even talks about the movie anymore), but that doesn't mean they don't exist. All we can say for sure is that the movie made a shit ton of money and a large percentage of that was thanks to 3D. Whether that same audience is still up for seconds is something nobody here can say for sure until 2017 (or 2018, or 2019, or 2020 . . .)


Doesn't proof anything... in your opinion


You seem to need to get to know more people ;)


The rest I agree to ~


My impression about Avatar's actuality:


~ 1/2 day per week I sit in a school library:


#1 lent book is the Guinness book of Records (or however that is named in English)


some novels, soccer/sportsbooks... then movie related books


Movie related books (mostly behind the scene or how to do's ...)


#1 a few Star Wars Behind the scene and such (falling interst for German and English... beside a few ~ novels for reader level 3 similar)


then Avatar books (growing interest)


some less loved Star Wars books as in English, bought as the German version wasn't then available


Marvel/DC background (growing interest)


Hunger Games novels - steady


LotR / Harry Potter  novels and behind the scene (falling interest)


then the other movie related books


And other books groups....



In my discussion & media comparisons...class I teach in addition:

Avatar is still actual, but not even the half of them had seen it yet.


What I observe since a time:

in general a lot less teens even do watch a movie without parents... involved, even less of them in a cinema. :(

Counting for my region.

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You have weird friends.. I don't buy into this seeing a movie like AVATAR for the romance and characters.. They're a lot of other movies you could see for that factor alone and AVATAR wasn't one of them.. It was clearly an FX driven movie that won the general public over with the 3D.. Now something like TITANIC??? Yeah, I could buy into your friends seeing that movie for the romance an characters... Just not AVATAR and I'm not hating either before you level me..



LOL! Of course you don't "buy it." You can't fathom anybody liking anything but Marvel superhero films. That's why your opinion about films is not even worth discussing. Your entire taste in film revolves around superhero films made by Marvel studios, which totally invalidates any opinion you could have. ;) Bye.

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LOL! Of course you don't "buy it." You can't fathom anybody liking anything but Marvel superhero films. That's why your opinion about films is not even worth discussing. Your entire taste in film revolves around superhero films made by Marvel studios, which totally invalidates any opinion you could have. ;) Bye.

And against anything that topped The Avengers. :lol:

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You have proof they weren't??? Naturally you'll say you didn't see it in 3D to prove me wrong, but in the end, you don't exactly have proof that the tickets purchased weren't in 3D???

Well I don't have to prove anything the burden of proof lies on you to prove that  all tickets were sold merely on 3D and you can't. Actually I do look at the 3D/2D ticket ratio that info is out there, all movies at least major one get this. So again waiting for you to prove all tickets were sold for the 3D experience and all tickets were for 3D showings.

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And once again, don't spin it.. People purchased the movie in droves on Blu-Ray to try and replicate that theatre experience, whether purchased in 3D or not.. People weren't thinking that at the time of purchase... This isn't that hard to grasp and figure out folks...

What theater experience the 3D one that you think all 2.7B tickets were sold in 3D these people? Are people that gullible to believe a 2D movie will get them 3D experience? No one is this unaware of the situation.

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Again BKB has no leg to stand on.

He can's stand the fact that his precious little Avengers film could not dethrone TWO Cameron films, and he knows that AVATAR 2 will once again show Avengers how it's done. LOL He can's stand the thought of it. ;)

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He can's stand the fact that his precious little Avengers film could not dethrone TWO Cameron films, and he knows that AVATAR 2 will once again show Avengers how it's done. LOL He can's stand the thought of it. ;)

Its funny how the burden of proof lies on him and I have to prove it. I also did prove it by saying look at the 3D/2D sales reports that Avatar had on OW clearly shows Avatar had 2D ticket sales.

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You have proof they weren't??? Naturally you'll say you didn't see it in 3D to prove me wrong, but in the end, you don't exactly have proof that the tickets purchased weren't in 3D???

My local cinema didn't have 3d capability when Avatar was released and people still turned up in hordes, there goes your argument.

And once again, don't spin it.. People purchased the movie in droves on Blu-Ray to try and replicate that theatre experience, whether purchased in 3D or not.. People weren't thinking that at the time of purchase... This isn't that hard to grasp and figure out folks...

It is quite hard to grasp actually, you are basically saying mankind is a dumb species that is willing to buy a 2D blueray in the hope that it magically plays back in 3d when they put it on their 2D TVs

No, you were the one that once again challenged me on it since you seem to think it's so damn important, so prove me wrong.. Prove that people didn't purchase the movie, via 2D or 3D to try and replicate that theatre experience at home??? Do me and everyone else a favor: Go away.. You Fail Neo.. FAIL!!!

It's pretty clear you've failed here BKB, you are literally embarrassing yourself and further highlight the fact you don't know what the fuck you're talking about with every post you add. Can't you just go back to over predicting marvel movies? it was more entertaining to read.

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I'm standing just fine Neo.. You're the one that hasn't proven me wrong otherwise.. You can't prove it anymore than I can..

Like I said the burden of proof lies on you and I also told you the evidence of reports saying the 3D/2D ratio on OW that shows tickets were sold in 2D. Well if you are to stubborn to find evidence I guess I will:

Showing on 3,129 3D screens at 2,038 sites, the format accounted for an estimated $55 million of the gross.


And Avatar did 77M OW so do the math it wasn't all in 3D. http://boxofficemojo.com/news/?id=2632&p=.htm Even if the other 700M+ tickets were in 3D which they were not like I said the OW had this report. Now its your turn to show me where all the tickets that were sold were for 3D showings.

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I dont think people bought the bku ray because the expected it to magically turn into 3d. But I bought blu ray because I thought it would be the closest thing to recreating the incredible 3D experience.

Maybe they just bought the blueray because they liked the film, like me

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