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Avatar: The Way of Water | 16 DEC 2022 | Don't worry guys, critics like it

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2 minutes ago, JB33 said:

I wouldn't consider myself a Marvel fanboy because I don't have the attitude of "It's all Marvel or BUST!". I love Marvel because I grew up reading some of the comics and watching the cartoons. I love these characters! However, I won't keep going back to the Endgame thread all year and jerking myself off to the Russos. I'll move on and look forward to the other great films this year has to offer!


Meanwhile, Avatar 2 still here for another year and a half, while Alita came and went, yet both threads are routinely on the first page because the same posters keep circle jerking in them. I mean, it's fine, you're not breaking any rules. It's just funny and sad at the same time.

As oppose to Marvel fanboys infesting 80% of the threads on this forum?, no wonder AVATAR/Cameron fans stick to the coresponding threads. I know its hard to believe when you're part of an overly nerdy site like this, but there were actually fans of AVATAR, quite a lot of them as well. I dont really see whats so wrong with AVATAR fans posting in the AVATAR 2 thread, isnt that what its for?. There is no point them posting anything AVATAR related in other threads of they will be shot down by the Marvel defence force (something you know about wink wink).


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1 minute ago, NCsoft said:

and imdb especially, that's really like a cult.

Marvel boys on twitter is also celebrating the fall of Titanic, as if it's the fall of some evil dictator, and not a brilliant piece of original film perfectly realized by an ambitious genius filmmaker, yet it's the Cameron fans that are circle-jerking...

Yes congrats to arguably the biggest nerd film of all time, with a 1.2bil worldwide opening weekend, , beating a 22 year old film.🧐

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7 minutes ago, JB33 said:

I wouldn't consider myself a Marvel fanboy because I don't have the attitude of "It's all Marvel or BUST!". I love Marvel because I grew up reading some of the comics and watching the cartoons. I love these characters! However, I won't keep going back to the Endgame thread all year and jerking myself off to the Russos. I'll move on and look forward to the other great films this year has to offer!


I'm not Cameron or bust person, I'm sure most poster here aren't either.

I'm a big Pixar fanboy, and almost as much of a fan of Fincher/Ang Lee/villeneuve, but we're on a box office forum, what is more fun, as a box office fanatic, to wonder about the sequel performance to the highest grossing film of all time?

If anything, I'm surprised that there aren't even more Cameron fanatics here.

I would have cheered for Alita, even without Cameron's involvement, for the sake of the health of this industry, which creates precisely zero ambitious/big budget "original" properties anymore, or even adaptations of "relatively unknown" source material. We're living in the shadow of the 1950s, 1970s, 1980s, and 1990s.


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17 minutes ago, stuart360 said:

As oppose to Marvel fanboys infesting 80% of the threads on this forum?, no wonder AVATAR/Cameron fans stick to the coresponding threads. I know its hard to believe when you're part of an overly nerdy site like this, but there were actually fans of AVATAR, quite a lot of them as well. I dont really see whats so wrong with AVATAR fans posting in the AVATAR 2 thread, isnt that what its for?. There is no point them posting anything AVATAR related in other threads of they will be shot down by the Marvel defence force (something you know about wink wink).


Yep, we have to stick around here, because we've got literally no human right outside of this thread, we're getting called out left and right even if we didn't start anything, Marvel boys can insult and degrade Cameron and Avatar/Titanic all they wanted, and it's circle-jerks "likes" "thanks" and "haha" galore, the moment we defend anything, it's "inciting fan wars", "taking this shit inflation talk everywhere" "this is a numbers thread"... then followed by circle-jerk laughing and calling Cameron fans collectively "Avatard".


Been lurking around since 2015, and never been more tired of this place. But for Avatar and Jim and everybody in this thread and "Jim Gang", that gives me motivation to stick around!;)

Edited by NCsoft
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2 minutes ago, NCsoft said:

Yep, we have to stick around here, because we've got literally no human right outside of this thread, we're getting called out left and right even if we didn't start anything, Marvel boys can insult and degrade Cameron and Avatar/Titanic all they wanted, and it's circle-jerks "likes" "thanks" and "haha" galore, the moment we defend anything, it's "inciting fan wars", "taking this shit inflation talk everywhere" "this is a numbers thread"...

Been lurking around since 2015, and never been more tired of this place. But for Avatar and Jim and everybody in this thread, that gives me motivation to stick around!

Exactly how its used to be with Nolanites on here. Thankfully they have died down a bit in recent years after he moved on from Batman.

This place nearly gave me a mental breakdown, hense why i left for 18 months lol. Nothing has changed though, exzcept now its Marvel and not Nolanites.

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10 minutes ago, stuart360 said:

Exactly how its used to be with Nolanites on here. Thankfully they have died down a bit in recent years after he moved on from Batman.

 This place nearly gave me a mental breakdown, hense why i left for 18 months lol. Nothing has changed though, exzcept now its Marvel and not Nolanites.

Didn't pay much attention with Nolan fans here, but definitely I believe you, after witness some of their behaviors elsewhere :ph34r:.  I do remember ongoing debate with TFA defense forces a few years ago, now it's like reliving the same thing with MCU fans, everything is cyclical, haha.

But I do think you should try to stick around, Stuart, even if it is just this thread, and ignore what annoys you!

Edited by NCsoft
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56 minutes ago, stealthyfrog said:

I have no horse in this race, but maybe, just maybe it isn't cool to walk into a thread for a movie and shit on that movie's fanbase...

That's fair. Doesn't make it any less true though. 


Alright, I'm out. Going to try not to revisit this thread until August/September 2020.

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1 hour ago, JB33 said:

I wouldn't consider myself a Marvel fanboy because I don't have the attitude of "It's all Marvel or BUST!". I love Marvel because I grew up reading some of the comics and watching the cartoons. I love these characters! However, I won't keep going back to the Endgame thread all year and jerking myself off to the Russos. I'll move on and look forward to the other great films this year has to offer!


Meanwhile, Avatar 2 won't be here for another year and a half, while Alita came and went, yet both threads are routinely on the first page because the same posters keep circle jerking in them. I mean, it's fine, you're not breaking any rules. It's just funny and sad at the same time.

What's there to jerk about in the Endgame thread? The movie didn't have a single character make even one difficult choice that they didn't already make in a previous movie. It didn't push cinema forward across any dimension. The third act, "the battle", wasn't even done a quarter as well as Avatar's 3rd act. Endgame was a kitchen sink of fan service that felt more like fan fiction than anything else. Say what you want about TLJ, I hate that movie, but Endgame might be even more disappointing just for being so damn bland. After this movie, how can anyone trust the MCU to make any hard story choices in the future? The sense of intrigue/danger/mystery is completely gone, it's gone from an adventure franchise with some comedy to a comedy franchise with some adventure. It wouldn't be out of place to add a laugh track to the MCU.


Besides, this isn't even true, a fair comparison would be to add up all the Infinity War + Endgame talk and I've seen 100 times more of that online than I have seen talk about Avatar 2. We have our Avatar 2 thread and sometimes we stop by in the fanboy wars thread, but otherwise we don't bother you. Why would you come in here to call us "sad" when our movie is about to be beaten?


Finally, it's not like we necro'd this thread just because Endgame came out and our precious WW records are going to be wiped, this thread has been active for 8 years, we're only discussing Endgame right now because it's topical and gives us some data points to estimate Avatar 2's BO under various scenarios. We'll let you pretend that inflation and growth in foreign markets don't matter in your MCU threads, but allow us to discuss the reality of Jim's generational dominance here, thanks.

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3 minutes ago, JimiQ said:

Well, youtube compression and PC display are not doing it any favors. I remember it better looking from cinema

I find to be the case all the time with CGI. Usually most of my CGI complaints that I see in trailers goes away when I watch in cinemas unless it's really bad. 

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4 hours ago, Pure Spirit said:

What's there to jerk about in the Endgame thread? The movie didn't have a single character make even one difficult choice that they didn't already make in a previous movie. It didn't push cinema forward across any dimension. The third act, "the battle", wasn't even done a quarter as well as Avatar's 3rd act. Endgame was a kitchen sink of fan service that felt more like fan fiction than anything else. Say what you want about TLJ, I hate that movie, but Endgame might be even more disappointing just for being so damn bland. After this movie, how can anyone trust the MCU to make any hard story choices in the future? The sense of intrigue/danger/mystery is completely gone, it's gone from an adventure franchise with some comedy to a comedy franchise with some adventure. It wouldn't be out of place to add a laugh track to the MCU.


Besides, this isn't even true, a fair comparison would be to add up all the Infinity War + Endgame talk and I've seen 100 times more of that online than I have seen talk about Avatar 2. We have our Avatar 2 thread and sometimes we stop by in the fanboy wars thread, but otherwise we don't bother you. Why would you come in here to call us "sad" when our movie is about to be beaten?


Finally, it's not like we necro'd this thread just because Endgame came out and our precious WW records are going to be wiped, this thread has been active for 8 years, we're only discussing Endgame right now because it's topical and gives us some data points to estimate Avatar 2's BO under various scenarios. We'll let you pretend that inflation and growth in foreign markets don't matter in your MCU threads, but allow us to discuss the reality of Jim's generational dominance here, thanks.

Alot of the marvel and sw fanboys cant handle the blatant success of JC over their franchises and reap up the critic rewards ontop of it all like a worldwind. The good thing is no matter how they try to ignore the facts and try to keep up Camerons innovation and storytelling trumps all their films.

I agree with Nc, Jimbo , JimSchol and my fellow Pandorians. I'll always choose innovation over formulaic repeativeness of the pretenders franchises of today. Since the breakthroughs that was Cap Winter Soldier, I dont think weve seen anything that shook us up from the marvel kingdom. They need a Jc to helm some of their next stories. Still I enjoyed E.g. Its no Titanic or Avatar. Its not even a JP. 

Innovation and movie magic that changes audiences profoundly from the movie experience. 

This is our land!😉

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9 hours ago, NCsoft said:

Yeah, this is the one thing I kind of hold a grudge for, Avatar 2 can't use : "the sequel to the highest grossing film in history" line anymore.

We'll just have to settle for this:

From the director of -- Terminator, Terminator 2, Aliens, True Lies, Titanic and Avatar! Comes an epic 11 years in the making...

Heh heh advertisng those films will be more than enough to remind the fans the time to visit Pandora has returned. Also remember Avatar hasnt yielded  yet Nc😎

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17 minutes ago, JamesCameronScholar said:

I forgot just how much content Kal creates. Boy oh boy.


I can't say how proud I am of how many brilliant minds we have in the Jim Gang.

I love our family here as well JCScholar. :)

And It begins with an Avatar2 Day announcement and ends with A2 obliteration of bo records Dec 18th 2020- 2021 

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Ah, if only we didn't feel the need (I don't) to crap all over other massively successful films to prop up our love for Avatar. Endgame is fantastic imo, I worship Avatar, I love DC, I love Marvel (not as much as DC though). I can somehow understand the feeling to be so defensive, especially with the countless idiots on Twitter who are quick to diminish Avatar's performance only to elevate Endgame's, but it's very possible to like it all.


Despite that, I've defended Avatar a lot these last few days with some of the clueless takes out there. 

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