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Toy Story 4 | June 20, 2019 | 6th most profitable movie of 2019. Disney does it again!

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Rambo IV?

This movie is gonna be fucking gory isn't it?

Yes, there will be polyfill flying all over the place, oh my God! ;)



Would be a lot more exciting if they came up with some original premise.

Agreed, and I don't think this is necessarily just Disney making them do it. Pixar had begun to go conservative even before Disney acquired them, which I think was one reason they sold themselves to Disney to begin with--while at the top of their game--instead of choosing to stay fiercely independent and working out a new distribution deal with Disney's new CEO Bob Iger (Pixar would seem to have had all the leverage) or with another studio (in hindsight we know now that they had never seriously pursued this, despite what they had threatened at the time). Personally, I think that they're afraid of failure now (at least to a higher degree than before), even with the Disney empire's backing, and especially with their own escalating costs.

Additionally, I don't think it's necessarily a coincidence that a sequel (yet another one! :rolleyes:) has been announced between the costly delay and the release of The Good Dinosaur--they need another surefire blockbuster to help mollify the corporate management regarding their costs, and thus the pressure to produce really big blockbusters continues to build and conservatism keeps creeping up on them.

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Between Finding Dory and Toy Story 4, I'm pretty sure Pixar has nothing to worry about.

Their thought exactly, and that is why they're doing this instead of making additional or all original projects. What I said earlier was meant as an observation rather than a condemnation--Pixar is and has been faced with certain real-world issues, and they are trying to be pragmatic in how they deal with them. The questions are whether this has gone too far, how much farther it is going to go, and how sustainable their business model will ultimately prove to be.

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A couple years ago they were planning a model of an original every year plus a sequel every other year. GD's delay threw a wrench into that, and they also have to work around WDA's schedule which is why Dia de los Muertos is getting delayed so much as I think they'd prefer to have that film be a fall release.

Edited by tribefan695
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A couple years ago they were planning a model of an original every year plus a sequel every other year.

Despite the two original movies coming out next year, it seems that the proportion of sequels is on the rise overall.


GD's delay threw a wrench into that,

I think that it might well have resulted in a whole new sequel that Pixar weren't even going to consider before (the one this thread is about).


and they also have to work around WDA's schedule which is why Dia de los Muertos is getting delayed so much as I think they'd prefer to have that film be a fall release.

But the only reason that WDAS' schedule got this way in the first place was to fill in for The Good Dinosaur (or else Disney would have had only a single tentpole animated feature that year). For example, Frozen's schedule was moved up at least an entire year(!), giving WDAS less than 3 years to complete a project that had been in limbo for decades. While it's hard to complain now, given the benefit of hindsight and the results, at the time the project was in trouble itself (like most of these movies are at the same point)--it just hadn't quite been written so tightly into a corner as The Good Dinosaur had been just yet. In the end, both projects had to be reset anyway, but WDAS was given a lot less time. Some have taken this to indicate how much faith Lasseter had in WDAS, which he has personally described as being more nimble than Pixar is right now, while others I've spoken to view this as Lasseter sacrificing WDAS for Pixar's sake (increasing the former's risk of failure in order to decrease the latter's). Who really knows, but The Good Dinosaur's troubles, which in retrospect were allowed to get too far along, impacted both studios and their schedules.

As for Pixar's Dia de los Muertos project, given the recent release of The Book of Life and that there is another upcoming movie based on the same holiday, Pixar may want to consider retooling their own project anyway (if they feel it's necessary).

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Who knows. They tend to keep a better lid on their original movies. First anyone had heard of Inside Out was their official D23 announcement.

You may be right, and I hope that you are. But given that 3 out of their last 4 movies are sequels/prequels, and that 4 out of their next 7 known upcoming projects are as well, the sense of encroaching sequelitis can understandably be overwhelming. 7 sequels to 4 original movies is almost the inverse of the ratio we were told. They'd better have a bunch of super-secret original projects waiting in the wings if they plan to make up for this anytime soon (like in the next decade). :unsure:

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so bitter ugh


110/350, may be higher depending on quality. 


Many teenagers/kids who grew up with this series got their retribution with TS3. I personally am a huge fan of this series, but find it so unnecessary that I kinda don't even want to see it

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@gholson: TOY STORY 4 because they can put Marvel and Star Wars characters in it now and make it Disney's LEGO MOVIE.

Americans love their toy movies

LEGO, cars, my little pony,transformers,GI.Joe,Battleship,care bares,small soldiers


and stories about toys

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I dont think this will beat TS3 which is franchise peak. Based on reviews I would its range is something like 250-350m. OS will increase for sure. I am thinking this could challenge frozen's OS gross just with China growth. TS3 did well for that year. SO WW gross of 1B+ should happen even if domestic "disappoints".


dory has better chance to break out but I still dont see it beating frozen domestic.But that can challenge frozen OS and WW for sure.

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As for Pixar's Dia de los Muertos project, given the recent release of The Book of Life and that there is another upcoming movie based on the same holiday, Pixar may want to consider retooling their own project anyway (if they feel it's necessary).

Yeah, when The Book of Life came out, I was like "Aw man!  I was looking forward to that Pixar movie and now they might have to change it!":(


I couldn't help thinking Emily Hahn sounds a lot like Madeline Peters now

Haha, I didn't notice that, but now I'm probably going to be thinking that, lol.

Edited by FrozenUnicorn
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