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The Amazing Spider-man 2 (2014)


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^I wish there was an Unlike button. You shouldn't get to "review" a movie if you are watching a pirated copy off the internet. 


It's been out for two weeks.

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^I wish there was an Unlike button. You shouldn't get to "review" a movie if you are watching a pirated copy off the internet. 


Give it a rest it ain't like watching a pirated version of Avatar


Also cameras evolved nowadays the quality on some of those pirated copies ( like the one I watched ) is top notch


And finally I had zero interest in Thor 2 so I saw it on my computer few months after it was released ... I thought it was passable entertainment since I expected something worse I was marginally pleased so you CAN like a film you saw a pirated version of

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^I wish there was an Unlike button. You shouldn't get to "review" a movie if you are watching a pirated copy off the internet. 

I completely and utterly disagree with his opinion, but he's still welcome to it whether he watched in a cinema or pirated it.

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^I wish there was an Unlike button. You shouldn't get to "review" a movie if you are watching a pirated copy off the internet. 


Why? its still the same shitty story, just not as nicely airbrushed. Its like seeing Mila Kunis in the real world instead of in a Hollywood movie lol.

Edited by Jessie
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It is all kinds of stupid, It gets boring after 30 minutes, it has an awful juvenile humor, fucking awful villains, the "now I'm happy with you, (next second) I'm sad because I can't stay with you" drama is cringeworthy, in the original trilogy we knew that Peter and Mary were in love because it felt natural, in this one, Peter write a giant  "I love you" on a bridge to say that he loves Gwen :puke:, it's the pussyfication of Spider-Man, indeed. What I hate the most about this new series is Peter/Spider-Man personality, he looks like a douche, he acts like a jerk, he's over complicated, if that is faithful to the comics, then I think I hate Spider-Man, I just can't like a film where I despise the main character. What I liked was Sally Field and DeHaan acting, Stone incredible charismatic as always (that was the only reason why I got emotional at the end) "My Enemy" track is superb and 4 specific scenes were great; the prologue, Harry trying to convince Electro (I did root for the villains in that part) and Gwen's death.


C- (40)

- 3D is barely noticeable, like the first one. 

- One thing's for certain, GA won't like this, people laughed all in the wrong moments in my showing.

- Webb tried to copy Raimi typical camera movements, I don't even need to say he failed miserably. 

- I got the first five minutes of HTTYD2, didn't like (I'm not a big fan of the first one)
- The X-Men post-credit scene is awkwardly edited, like this Wolverine clip

Edited by Goffe Rises
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Also, Peter kinda created Green Globbin and it was his fault that Gwen died, if it wasn't for him over complicating things (aka being stupid),his best friend wouldn't want to get revenge and Gwen wouldn't been killed.

Edited by Goffe Rises
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I'm getting a Ghost Rider 2 feel, when the movie opened people generally said that it was better than the first, but with time, people came to the conclusion that it really wasn't.

Edited by Goffe Rises
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Just came back from a 3d showing . Give me the campy batman and robin with Arnie any day of the week. This was complete trash ,I was honestly speechless in the theater . Half the movie is horrible beyond belief dialog between Gwen and Peter, the villains are on par with batman and robin ,they COMPLETELY RAPED The Spider-man mythos and universe and the death of Gwen Stacy felt irrelevant with none of the pathos of the comic book version . The whole story of both of these movies, they left nothing untouched for the worse . It's like this was made by people who hate Spider-Man .Seriously the franchise in its current form can't be saved, not with a new director, not with more action , not with anything . Please no amazing spider man 3 , let the web slinger rest for some years and start fresh with people that will respect him .

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Figures, they would kill the character who is actually somewhat likable. Too bad they made everyone else completely Unlikable! Spiderman portrayed by Andrew Garfield is an unlikable twat. You don't care for him, even after the death of Gwen Stacy. Congrats Mark Webb, you butchered one of the most well-known superheroes.


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The death of Gwen Stacy was an epic moment in the comics , but all the characters were different, Peter Parker, captain Stacy, Gwen Stacy , the real green goblin....it almost felt like a scene from a horror comic book . I. The movie version, where everything was changed anyway , felt flat and indifferent . The death of Gwen Stacy was like the death of an angel (cause that was Gwen Stacy in the comics instead of the shitty version we got in the movies) I am furious , raimi should have done this moment justice when he was in charge of the franchise instead of ignoring the whole Stacy family .

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The opening sequence reeled me in right away.  It felt much different than the last film right away.  The first film was sloppy, stupid and really felt rushed and it seemed like they didn't care about anything except getting it out.  But the pace, the direction, music, action and the acting felt different in the opening 10 minutes.  


Spider-man's first appearance in the film felt all wrong and at this point I began to wonder if it was going to be like the first film all over again.  But after 10 minutes of cringe-worthy stuff, it got really good again.


Jamie Foxx was my favourite performance.  He had a difficult task.  Max/Electro didn't start off to be a good character and his reasons for hating Spidey are really sudden and dumb, but again, once I got over that, he was terrific and his story line was well done.


Stone was great.  Garfield much better than last time.  Field was wonderful and DeHaan was good too.  


Cooper's story as Norman was bad and rushed.


The relationship between Peter and Gwen was really well done.


The big spoiler that isn't a spoiler anymore, hit me.  I actually got somber when it happened.  I was shocked at how many moments were (pardon the pun) electric.


I think they had the smarts this time to tell their own story, not rehash one from 10 years ago and that made the difference.  


I didn't love it, but I liked it a lot and I'll see it again.



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My expectations were low enough that I had an enjoyable time at the theater with this, though I do hope the best of the summer is alot better than this. What this movie needed was alot of trimming and editing. Too many subplots, both minor (the airline bullshit) and major (the whole parental mystery and Oscorp consipracy) that just did not feel like they needed to be in there. Too many similar looking action shots and emo Spidey montages. It felt LONG, but at the same time very underdeveloped- I never really believed Peter and Harry's friendship. And Electro had some cool moments, but was generally a waste of a brilliant actor. The good is that Garfield is a brilliant Spidey and Stone is wonderful. Webb nails the central conflict and romantic theme of this movie. He makes you care about these two characters, and Gwen's death actually MATTERS because Garfield and Stone make it such a likable and relatable romance. Also, some of the score/action moments were pretty electric, and I enjoyed Dehann, as usual. It's fun, and I didn't feel like I wasted eleven bucks. Decent way to start summer. Really should have been like, 25 minutes shorter. Needed alot of fine tuning. 

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The opening sequence reeled me in right away. It felt much different than the last film right away. The first film was sloppy, stupid and really felt rushed and it seemed like they didn't care about anything except getting it out. But the pace, the direction, music, action and the acting felt different in the opening 10 minutes.

Spider-man's first appearance in the film felt all wrong and at this point I began to wonder if it was going to be like the first film all over again. But after 10 minutes of cringe-worthy stuff, it got really good again.

Jamie Foxx was my favourite performance. He had a difficult task. Max/Electro didn't start off to be a good character and his reasons for hating Spidey are really sudden and dumb, but again, once I got over that, he was terrific and his story line was well done.

Stone was great. Garfield much better than last time. Field was wonderful and DeHaan was good too.

Cooper's story as Norman was bad and rushed.

The relationship between Peter and Gwen was really well done.

The big spoiler that isn't a spoiler anymore, hit me. I actually got somber when it happened. I was shocked at how many moments were (pardon the pun) electric.

I think they had the smarts this time to tell their own story, not rehash one from 10 years ago and that made the difference.

I didn't love it, but I liked it a lot and I'll see it again.


Posted in main spidey thread but figured deserves posting again here:

See this is why Baumer is great...he's always honest in his reviews, even if all thought he'd hate on this no matter what, he liked it and is honest about. No agenda, just Baumer.

Also, I totally agree with him, just got back from seeing it in imax 3d and it was pretty damn good. The swinging shots and following spidey through the city in the beginning were amazing (npi) and I was hooked from the start. Peter/Gwen were also great. Yes there are some cheesy/campy parts and dumb lines, etc. but I liked this more than the first and am now really surpirsed it's rt rating is so much lower than the first. 8/10 from me as well (trying to be a spoiler free as possible, perhaps I'll elaborate later). I'll also definitely catch it again in theaters.

Oh, and even though I knew (or expected) the "big moment" it was still a complete gut punch and got me a little choked up.

Edited by FTF
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It’s easy to bring up the multiple villains as where Spider-Man 3 went wrong, but that’s missing what really happened. The film’s main crux is more fundamental: it tries to weave together so many plots that it was bound to fail. Even if the execution was perfect, there is simply no way Spider-Man 3’s 25 different plot points could be reconciled into one coherent whole.


So it’s really regrettable that The Amazing Spider-Man 2 runs right into the same plight. In fact, it does something even more remarkable: go through huge amounts of plot and the meanwhile leaving enough resolved to feel like a real tease. Off the top of my head, I can think of at least a dozen different plot points that begin and (for some) end within this movie two and a half hour runtime. Often times they are dropped for significant portions of time, only to  pop up again seemingly at random. Worse yet, many of these are tonally different, some to such a degree they feel like they belong in entirely different films.


The biggest offender is probably anything revolving around Max Dillion. It’s something else that the filmmakers hired Jamie Foxx to be the most pathetic human being in New York City, with a bizarre comb-over, buck teeth, and pens flooding out of his pocket protector. He’s the kind of stereotypical nerd I don’t think I’ve seen in a film that’s come out in the last 5 years. The scene in his apartment is essentially Jim Carrey’s Edward Nigma turned all the way to eleven. His Electro is no better; from the 180 character development, to  his uncomfortable “roars” and grunts, not to mention the power ranger costumes he sports near the film’s end, he’s straight out of Schumacher’s Batman. Foxx even gets a couple a puns in for good measure. (Special note needs to be given to Dr. Kafka, who shares all of his scenes with Electro, and manages to be the biggest cornball in the room)


Dane DeHaan manages to fair better… until his character also goes through 180 degree development. It’s no exaggeration to say that Harry Osborne goes through two and a half films worth of story here. It makes him impossible to empathize with, as does his hurry to use Spider-Man’s blood. A line about the disease acting more progressively in him was apparently too much to ask from Kurtzman and Orci.


The script even made me turn against the Parker/Stacy relationship, one of the highlights of the first film. Emma Stone tries her best with her copious amounts of charm to make things enjoyable, but seeing a ninety minute on-again-off-again relationship is never something I want to see. It’s also completely ridiculous how much

the film foreshadows her death. Her graduation speech early on is just the beginning. And her speech about her arrival at the final battle being “her choice” felt like such hackneyed, obtuse way to remove the blame from Peter Parker. Would it make sense for the next movie to deal with the ramifications of her death, and have Peter come to terms with that on his own? Yes it would. Maybe that’s why it doesn’t happen here.


All of this ignoring how little sense it even makes that Gwen dies the way she does. The movie shows in its second big action sequence that Spider-Man reflexes and webbing literally move faster than electricity.


It all wraps up with a tease of what’s to come. And none of what’s shown gives me any hope that it will be any more of an absolute mess than this was. Somehow that’s fitting.



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First, I watched TASM today before seeing this, and what stood out the most was the score. My god, the score in this film is obnoxious and does not sound anything like any Spider-Man score, not the Raimi films or TASM1. It is the worst score I have ever heard for a SH film.


Second, this film was a mess. The one thing that intrigued me was missing--the scene in the trailer where Oscorp is spying on Parker. That sounded interesting. I actually came in to this film with that scene on my mind.

Third, I thought Electro was poorly developed. His motivations are weak and he just looks weird.


Third, the Green Goblin is rushed. I was also upset that Harry became the GG and not Norman. I don't think Norman Osborne is dead. Anyway, the movie felt near complete when Electro was defeated, but then the Green Goblin comes along and that felt even more rushed than Venom in Spider-Man 3. Then, we get Rhino at the end and then that's it. What a mess, and no buildup to Rhino either except that early scene.


The only scene I really liked was the opening scene on the plane. That was cool. Everything else was meh.


I felt like Webb had no control over the film. It seems Sony has not learned their mistakes and studio meddling is very evident. Sadly, the TV show Arrow is better than this shit.


I would say this were on the same level as Spider-man 3, but at least this doesn't have the emo dance scene.


I give it a C. Just an average movie. Perhaps, I am being generous.

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I feel like I've given the movie a proper shake, so can I be perhaps a little nitpicky now. 


How stupid was it that Spider-Man was joking with Rhino while he's brutally t-boning cars and surely killing people? And then he takes what seems to be forever to console Max, presumably while the t-boning is still happening.

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I feel like I've given the movie a proper shake, so can I be perhaps a little nitpicky now. 


How stupid was it that Spider-Man was joking with Rhino while he's brutally t-boning cars and surely killing people? And then he takes what seems to be forever to console Max, presumably while the t-boning is still happening.

I agree. That was very poor writing. My guess is that an unnamed studio exec combed over the script and made their own stupid changes. This person also probably had a hand with Spider-Man 3. 

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