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Weekend ASM2 thread: 92M

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  • Founder / Operator

The movie would have been fine without him. Harry could have had a better story with Peter.I thought the love story was great. No sex scene though.


I agree, but at that point I think they would have been treading old ground again (Harry vs. Peter as the centerpiece). They barely got away with it (redoing the origin) on TASM1.

Edited by ShawnMR
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I really liked Electro's concept in the film. The whole "look at me" and desire to just be noticed. It wasn't executed especially well (except for the music), but I really dug the idea.


What would have been neat had they reversed the intro and climax fights. You start off with him trying to be a hero and failing, so then he's just trying to get Spidey to notice him by taking out the power grid. Finish it off with a battle in Times Square with the whole world watching, so in a way he gets his wish, but in some fashion it proves too much for him. You could still have Harry in there as a mastermind, but cut out the goblin reveal.

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The story overall was going all over the place. The ending was perfect though.


Not quite. They laid it on too thick with the cheese at the end. It almost worked really well though



Don't. I'd probably get bitched slapped if she ever read this.Let's walk away slowly Pink.



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I agree, but at that point I think they would have risked treading even more similar ground again (Harry vs. Peter). They barely got away with it (redoing the origin) on TASM1.

I agree. I still don't think this was the worst Spider-Man movie.
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  • Founder / Operator

I really liked Electro's concept in the film. The whole "look at me" and desire to just be noticed. It wasn't executed especially well (except for the music), but I really dug the idea.


What would have been neat had they reversed the intro and climax fights. You start off with him trying to be a hero and failing, so then he's just trying to get Spidey to notice him by taking out the power grid. Finish it off with a battle in Times Square with the whole world watching, so in a way he gets his wish, but in some fashion it proves too much for him. You could still have Harry in there as a mastermind, but cut out the goblin reveal.


Couldn't agree more.

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I never understood what's so bad about villains being just villains without emotional problems like the red skull, doctor doom,iron monger, abomination and more that we have seen on screen already. Both Spider-Man series had that flaw , trying to give "depth" to the villains .thankfully marvel studios is staying away from this cheap crap , possibly because, unlike the other studios, they aren't embarrassed to release super hero movies

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$8.7 million previews/opening night.

$26.8 million Friday minus said previews.


I'm thinking for the rest of the weekend-


Sat - $30.9 million (+15% for matinee's. It's still Spider-Man, so yeah the family factor should be big)

Sun - $22.5 million (-27%)


$88.9 million opening weekend.

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I think Sandman was pretty good as well. What hurt him was retconning him as Uncle Ben's killer, and having Venom crammed in. Drop the retcon and cut Venom, and he would've worked really well.


His background with the sick daughter was horribly cliche as well. I imagine he would have fared a lot better if they had stuck with the original "Vulture and Sandman break out of prison together" background

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That's doable. But like I said last night, Sony will continue making these even of North America gives up completely. Unlike Americans, who prefer doom and gloom in their heroes, OS audiences embrace the lighter fare. We'll eventually turn on the Marvel stuff as well("If there's anything they like more than a hero is to see a hero fail, die trying.") . Wonder what that says about US as a society? Luckily, Americans do not steer the blockbuster ship anymore.  ;)


None of the Iron Man films are doom and gloom, neither is The Avengers.


I highly doubt that. SM3 was a perfect storm for bad legs since it was incredibly anticipated and incredibly disappointing. 


It was poorly received, but it certainly didn't help having Shrek 3 and Pirates 3 release the same month and both open over $100m.

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Another regarding the end:


Gwen's death actually surprised me. I know that it's a plot in the books, but even when it was happening, I didn't think they'd go through with it. And THEN when Peter was holding her, I thought she was going to breathe in. And THEN when the funeral was happening, I thought was for someone else at first. I guess I was really invested in Emma Stone's performance that I didn't want it to be the end.

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None of the Iron Man films are doom and gloom, neither is The Avengers.



It was poorly received, but it certainly didn't help having Shrek 3 and Pirates 3 release the same month and both open over $100m.


It had the weakest competition for its first two weeks of any big opener that I've seen. That was plenty of time for it to rack up a ton of money and the thing collapsed like a cheap tent despite no competition. SM1 dealt with some pretty steep competition and held up like a champ by comparison.

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I think people are really glossing over a lot of the flaws in the movie. It gets brought up that the internet brings out the haters, but I see the exact opposite happen all the time. It's kind of par for the course for blockbuster films during opening (and something I've done in the past, and I cringe thinking about it). I call it "The Honeymoon" phase. 


Can't get much worse than SM3. Haven't seen ASM2 yet, but I will be shocked if it's anywhere near that bad.

Csokas and Giamatta try their damnedest to do just that.

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It had the weakest competition for its first two weeks of any big opener that I've seen. That was plenty of time for it to rack up a ton of money and the thing collapsed like a cheap tent despite no competition. SM1 dealt with some pretty steep competition and held up like a champ by comparison.

As much as I dislike SM3 opening right before two 100m opened probably dented it a bit
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