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The Disney Thread | Happy 90th to Donald Duck!

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I will say investor calls aren't typically where you get reassurance of a commitment to original narratives


Can't really argue with Iger's points, they have lost quite a bit of money on some of the stuff they produced last year and foolishly moved their film with the biggest chance of success straight to streaming.

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If there can be a Fast and Furious 10, Transformers 5, Pirates of the Caribbean 5, etc.

then I don't see a problem with a Toy Story 5 and Frozen 3.

Especially since both of their predecessors ended on a bittersweet note with the main characters separating despite being known and beloved for their bond and closeness.


Did people complain about 5 Ice Age movies, 3 How To Train Your Dragon movies, 5 Despicable Me movies (including the Minions movies) and the upcoming sequel?


I also wish Incredibles 3 would get made. I want to see how the family deals with Jack Jack's newly discovered powers. And how they navigate the world as legal superheroes. Will the kids show off their powers in school? How will Tony and Violet's relationship work?

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42 minutes ago, HouseOfTheSun said:

Some weird nonsensical comments in here knocking Disney for making movies that will drive people to the theaters. 

Imagine being a supporter of movie theaters while theyre going though existential crisis and mocking the biggest audience driving movie company for making popular, audience driving movies. 

sorry they don’t want to make movies that make $346 at the box office on a 20 million dollar budget. 


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46 minutes ago, Royce said:

If there can be a Fast and Furious 10, Transformers 5, Pirates of the Caribbean 5, etc.

then I don't see a problem with a Toy Story 5 and Frozen 3.

Especially since both of their predecessors ended on a bittersweet note with the main characters separating despite being known and beloved for their bond and closeness.


Did people complain about 5 Ice Age movies, 3 How To Train Your Dragon movies, 5 Despicable Me movies (including the Minions movies) and the upcoming sequel?


I also wish Incredibles 3 would get made. I want to see how the family deals with Jack Jack's newly discovered powers. And how they navigate the world as legal superheroes. Will the kids show off their powers in school? How will Tony and Violet's relationship work?

Aside from How to Train Your Dragon, all those other movies you mentioned are not exactly beloved by all. The Ice Age franchise in particular was pretty universally seen as bottom of the barrel as far as big studio animated films were concerned. 

Besides, why would the previous movies having bittersweet endings (which are more or less the same, oddly enough) necessitate the need for sequels? 

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1 hour ago, John Marston said:

So people were cheering Bob Iger’s  return and his strategies are layoffs and more sequels which is probably what Chapek would have done. Lol

Why would anyone be expecting something other than layoffs and more sequels in this environment? The hope was for Iger to make better sequels and distribute them better.

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1 hour ago, cannastop said:

Implying that Disney wasn't always a sequel and IP mining machine?

True,but you can say that about every major studio nowdays.

Only difference is that Disney was better at it then the others.

I think all the studios are going to play it very safe until the current situation in the film business stratitens itself out.

Film industry is facing the biggest crisis as far as theater box office goes since the coming of Television in the late 40's..which cut movie attedence nearly 40%,

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1 hour ago, Royce said:

If there can be a Fast and Furious 10, Transformers 5, Pirates of the Caribbean 5, etc.

then I don't see a problem with a Toy Story 5 and Frozen 3.

Especially since both of their predecessors ended on a bittersweet note with the main characters separating despite being known and beloved for their bond and closeness.


Did people complain about 5 Ice Age movies, 3 How To Train Your Dragon movies, 5 Despicable Me movies (including the Minions movies) and the upcoming sequel?


I also wish Incredibles 3 would get made. I want to see how the family deals with Jack Jack's newly discovered powers. And how they navigate the world as legal superheroes. Will the kids show off their powers in school? How will Tony and Violet's relationship work?



Frozen 3 makes sense. Toy Story 5 does not. The best news is we're getting a Zootopia sequel. Enough of these Disney Plus shorts. 

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47 minutes ago, Favorite Fearless Legion said:

Why would anyone be expecting something other than layoffs and more sequels in this environment? The hope was for Iger to make better sequels and distribute them better.

I don’t see why the quality of the films in question would be any better under Iger. 

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2 hours ago, YM! said:


Is it only ever allowed to be criticism? What they’re doing makes perfect business sense and the majority of fans of those movies want more content. 


Or are we doubling down and wanting them to make movies that 14 people watch and hasten the demise of an already death spiraling theater industry?


for a forum literally dedicated to tracking and celebrating movies from these companies that make massive financial profit, you guys have some next level brain dead logic simply so you can play the role of hot take artist. 

Edited by HouseOfTheSun
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25 minutes ago, HouseOfTheSun said:

Is it only ever allowed to be criticism? What they’re doing makes perfect business sense and the majority of fans of those movies want more content. 


Or are we doubling down and wanting them to make movies that 14 people watch and hasten the demise of an already death spiraling theater industry?


for a forum literally dedicated to tracking and celebrating movies from these companies that make massive financial profit, you guys have some next level brain dead logic simply so you can play the role of hot take artist. 

Tbh I’m not even tripping about the sequels being made as that’s been Disney MO since like 2016, and as long as I’m getting originals from WDAS and Pixar and the sequels are component enough (apart from Lightyear, I’ve liked all the Pixar sequels (Yes even Cars 2)) and keep them going I’m okay with it. I’m cautiously excited for Zootopia 2. I’ve made peace with this years ago, and I’m not shaming anyone who is excited for them, especially when I’m a fan of a lot of their subsidiaries. I’m usually one of the people not complaining about the state of cinema currently. 

I just think a Toy Story 5 is redundant (I fucking loved 4 but I don’t know narratively where to go from their) and at the end of the day, my mild criticism of that is redundant to the GA and likely won’t matter. In fact most of these criticisms are mild. No one is really doing Disney is creatively bankrupt in the comments. I don’t see the harm in saying I’m not excited for Toy Story 5. Disney will be here long before and after us and the public loves them and all these sequels will make money and continue to fuel the animation industry.

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I’m very curious about a Zootopia 2, don’t love it as much as I first did back some odd years ago but it’s still a very strong movie and am excited to see they go next and how they build on the themes.

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*cracks knuckles*


21 minutes ago, HouseOfTheSun said:

Is it only ever allowed to be criticism?

No. If you are excited about Toy Story 5 or Frozen 3, that's awesome. Nobody has a problem with others being excited for a new sequel to something. And I understand it sucks to see something you love get dunked on by others. I've been in the same boat before. But just like those people have the right to be excited, the opposite side of the coin has just as much right to complain, criticize, be cynical, etc. These are just silly kids movies at the end of the day. It's not like a Disney sequel is above any criticism from a bunch of forum members. And frankly, this is rich coming from you. You're more than happy to dunk on pretty much every non-Disney studio out there. So what gives you the right to mock studios you don't care about, but when people do it to studios you like that it's now suddenly a problem?


This kind of holier than thou attitude of yours is really something we don't need on this forum. So please quit with this.



What they’re doing makes perfect business sense and the majority of fans of those movies want more content. 


Just because it's "perfect business sense" doesn't mean we can't criticize these business decisions and how they damage art. I love movies and I find these endless franchise extensions exhausting and anti-creativity, anti-originality, and frankly anti-art. And me saying that isn't going to hurt your precious multi-billion dollar corporation. Is being negative about a sequel to a kids movie about toys that seemingly only exists to make a profit and nothing else going to cause a meteor to hit the Earth? Will Daddy Iger lose his job because some random weirdos on a box office forum site think a Frozen 3 is dumb? Is mocking a Zootopia 2 specifically going to cause the end of movie theaters forever? No, no, and no. So stop acting like it is and let people say mean things about these kids movies. Trust me, you'll live.


And as for the whole "well the fans want it", so what? Most Pixar and WDAS fans have been more than happy watching movies that don't have a "2" slapped on them for decades. If anything, many fans were critical about the constant barrage of Pixar sequels in the 2010s. But I guess their opinions are invalid to you, because they dare to say something bad about a conglomerate full of executives that make more money than you will ever make.



Or are we doubling down and wanting them to make movies that 14 people watch and hasten the demise of an already death spiraling theater industry?


Oh, and can you not with this insane strawmanning? You know damn fucking well that's not what anybody is wanting here. Nobody is expecting or demanding esoteric Gaspar Noe style features from Disney. Even bombs like Strange World didn't just sell 14 tickets buddy boy. They just want some fun fantasy adventure comedies that don't just exist to make capitalist shareholders happy. Those movies have done well before. And perhaps post-COVID there is no market for something like encanto. But frankly...I don't care if there's no market or if audiences hate original movies. Frankly, the modern audience member's incuriosity and refusal to see anything that isn't just cheap thrills or a nostalgic toy commercial is one of the most depressing aspects of society and modern film discourse. And it's frustrating to see an art form like film continue to be exclusively just regurgitations of stuff I liked as a kid, even if that's "what people want". Why should we applaud a business decision that is anti-creative just because the normies like it? That's an awful way of viewing things and is a slap in the face to the medium of film. And honestly, if that's how things are gonna roll, then maybe movie theaters should die, as a symbol of how bleak and depressing and anti-creative and anti-curious society has become and how it has damaged an incredible art form.



for a forum literally dedicated to tracking and celebrating movies from these companies that make massive financial profit, you guys have some next level brain dead logic simply so you can play the role of hot take artist. 

I hate to burst your bubble, but despite what it says at the top, this isn't just a box office forum. 95% of the users here are people who love the medium of film first and foremost. They love discussing film, arguing about which movies rock and which ones suck, looking at trends within filmmaking, and so on. Profits and tracking is important and very fun, but the box office is just a vessel for us to come together and talk about the main thing that we love. That being films and the art of film in general.


If anything, the biggest problem this forum has had lately, and something that drove a ton of old veterans away over the past few years, are people who think too corporate and too much on the profit and bottom line. People who only want to talk about numbers and argue about how "popular" something is. People who only wish to brag about how good their favorite corporate franchise is compared to all the others and using box office just to spite the other side. You know, the stuff you do as you go all "yay Disney boo WB" every other post.


Frankly, I prefer the BOT members who are in it to make jokes, talk about movies, and dunk on greedy studio execs who simply don't care about the medium of film than the members bootlicking to megacorporations that will happily lay off employees at a moment's notice. And I feel very confident in saying I'm not the only one who thinks that.


And yeah, the idea of us applauding a studio for making a pointless kids movie sequel even if it's a symbol that goes against the thing we love as an art form doesn't sit well with me, and I don't think is what BOT is all about nor what it should ever be about. I apologize if this is what you want to see on this fourm, but I simply think you need to find another website that's more your speed. We're not the only place on the Internet where people talk about box office, and the way things roll here have been just fine for over a decade. There's no reason we should change things now.


But if you want to stay, please stop getting angry at people who dare to say mean things about a silly movie company that has a $204 billion market cap. You're an adult, so I would hope you can handle people being negative over something you like. Especially when it comes to a corporation full of greedy suits and executives.

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Y'all knew Toy Story 5 was inevitable, everyone pretending to be shocked that Disney's milking their biggest IPs to death (like they've always done - the DTV sequel craze of the 90s and 2000s, anyone?). If anything's guaranteed to make a boatload of cash, it's the reunion of Woody and Buzz.

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24 minutes ago, filmlover said:

Y'all knew Toy Story 5 was inevitable...


... once Lightyear imploded. 


Well, maybe even if Lightyear was successful, they would have eventually made TS5.  But I think Lightyear flopping hastened the process something fierce.

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I figured at least one of the 2026 movies was gonna be a sequel, Pixar's MO now seems to be originals every year and franchise every other year. Despite all the insistence that Toy Story should've ended already the concept is one that lends itself to a long running franchise. The characters are essentially immortal and can get bounced around to a bunch of owners as long as they remain a box office draw.


It's also probably the least friction sequel request for Pixar to commit to, I assume Stanton and Bird have the last authority on another Nemo or Incredibles sequel being made. I'd guess another Monsters movie is down the road at some point though.

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