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The Disney Thread | Happy 90th to Donald Duck!

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36 minutes ago, YourMother said:

Also to add insult to injury. Disney only started speaking to DeSantis yesterday, not days priors like they said:



In all fairness, do teachers really need to discuss things like the ever growing number of genders with 6-9 year olds? It's very controversial because many parents disagree with some of the theories. Kinda stuck between a rock and a hard place there

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7 hours ago, BadOlCatSylvester said:

On another note, I have a hunch Phase 4 might be seeing another shuffle. Thor is just 4 months away and yet aside from merchandise we haven't seen anything from it. And I highly doubt there are any No Way Home-level secrets in a Thor movie of all places unless they want to have Christian Bale's involvement be a big surprise. Which they can't. Wouldn't be too surprised to see that one shift to November (especially now that Flash is out of the way) with Black Panther 2 getting kicked to 2023 and the rest of the slate readjusted accordingly.


Plus if they move it to November, it'll match Thor; Ragnarok's release schedule. Keep the Doctor Strange the theatrical release of the summer as its likely going to do considerably more than the original, and people will have had Moon Knight, Ms. Marvel and She Hulk leading up to it as well.

Edited by Yandereprime101189
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40 minutes ago, Tarintino said:

In all fairness, do teachers really need to discuss things like the ever growing number of genders with 6-9 year olds? It's very controversial because many parents disagree with some of the theories. Kinda stuck between a rock and a hard place there

Yes. Those parents suck.

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42 minutes ago, Tarintino said:

In all fairness, do teachers really need to discuss things like the ever growing number of genders with 6-9 year olds? It's very controversial because many parents disagree with some of the theories. Kinda stuck between a rock and a hard place there


Those parents are stupid and wrong.

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2 hours ago, Tarintino said:

In all fairness, do teachers really need to discuss things like the ever growing number of genders with 6-9 year olds? It's very controversial because many parents disagree with some of the theories. Kinda stuck between a rock and a hard place there

this is a bill designed to chill all discussion of lgbt people in elementary school, which is absurd. Lots of children are queer, and lots of their parents are queer. to say that you can't even bring the subject up at all in a class discussion is ridiculous.

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2 hours ago, Tarintino said:

In all fairness, do teachers really need to discuss things like the ever growing number of genders with 6-9 year olds? It's very controversial because many parents disagree with some of the theories. Kinda stuck between a rock and a hard place there


certainly is preferable to be taught this supposedly controversial subject at a younger age instead of having one’s gender identity suppressed because they’re told it’s “weird” and “illogical” by conservative morons

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33 minutes ago, grim22 said:

Is this the both sides that Chapek is referring to? Both sides hate him now



The funny thing is those assholes are probably pro-Don’t Say Gay Bill lol.


Anyways always good to watch Chapek get fucked over.

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10 hours ago, YourMother said:

Also to add insult to injury. Disney only started speaking to DeSantis yesterday, not days priors like they said:



Worth mentioning that this statement came from Christina Pushaw, DeathSantis' insufferable chief spokesperson who is also the one who came under fire for calling everyone who opposes the bill a "groomer" a few days back: ironic when this state currently has a Republican congressman (Matt Gaetz) who is under investigation for sex trafficking a minor (a former associate of his has pleaded guilty and is awaiting sentencing for the same thing and more). If King Mickey had any common sense, they would formally introduce these people as Disney villains in the parks to teach the children of the world that it's not witches or goblins they need to be worried about in life, but politicians out to ruin people's lives (and who are also more often than not actually guilty of the crimes they accuse their opponents of doing but that's hardly a shock) given how much they take from the Disney villain playbook. 

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30 minutes ago, datpepper said:

Good response, but like I said before, the only way Disney will ever change their minds on this is if their golden boy Kevin Feige spoke out as well. He's the only one whose disagreement is actualy going to worry them. And I highly doubt Marvel is going to get that political anytime aoon.


And they've also got enough shiny keys coming up (Moon Knight, Doctor Strange 2 and Obi-Wan) to dangle in front of the fans and ultimately cause this controversy to fizzle out and die.

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It's sad and upsetting. Disney and Universal both need to do more. Chapek is kinda, sorta, maybe starting to with his comments yesterday, but again, needs to do more. He's getting shit all over valid reasons and if he can learn from these issues, he could potentially build himself up, but I'm not holding my breath. All in all, this is just another chapter in the saga showing us companies are problematic.


The upside to this, if there is an upside, is that the people coming out against Disney may end up rising up the ranks of Disney to where they get to make decisions in the future. As they say, out with the old, in with the new.

Edited by Yandereprime101189
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25 minutes ago, BadOlCatSylvester said:

Good response, but like I said before, the only way Disney will ever change their minds on this is if their golden boy Kevin Feige spoke out as well. He's the only one whose disagreement is actualy going to worry them. And I highly doubt Marvel is going to get that political anytime aoon.


And they've also got enough shiny keys coming up (Moon Knight, Doctor Strange 2 and Obi-Wan) to dangle in front of the fans and ultimately cause this controversy to fizzle out and die.


It's possible.  Then the next controversy erupts.  And then the next.  And sooner or later, one of them is the back-breaker even if Feige never says a word publicly.

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lol this fucking moron. As a Floridian I'd like to apologize to the world for what a complete tool our governor is.





Gov. Ron DeSantis has leveled a scathing attack statement against Disney on the day after the company's CEO expressed "disappointment" in a controversial bill nicknamed the "Don't Say Gay" bill.


DeSantis' press secretary Christina Pushaw quotes the governor as saying: "How do they possibly explain lining their pockets with their relationship from the Communist Party of China? Because that’s what they do, and they make a fortune, and they don’t say a word about the really brutal practices at the hands of the CCP."


"Companies that have made a fortune catering to families should understand that parents don't want this injected into their kid’s kindergarten classroom. Our policies will be based on the best interest of Florida citizens, not the musing of woke corporations."


DeSantis attacks Disney day after CEO speaks against 'Don't Say Gay' (wesh.com)

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Just now, Yandereprime101189 said:

And I think that's the first time I saw a politician mention something being woke.



Ohhh, it's been a talking point of the MAGA crowd for a couple of years now.  But they've really leaned into a "Let's treat our voters as if they live 24/7 on Twitter" for a while now.  Especially the ones who are trying to make a name for themselves in the conservative/entertainment news ecosystem.


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13 minutes ago, Yandereprime101189 said:

And I think that's the first time I saw a politician mention something being woke.


In addition to this hateful bill (which we all know is really only so that DeathSantis can keep the base he accumulated thanks to his Trump ass-kissing during his presidency happy in his quest to be POTUS - don't for one second think that he actually cares about Disney or the people of the state), there's a second controversial bill that has received less attention but is just as dumb and harmful called "Stop WOKE Act" (lmao wut) that's been passing by and will be largely ineffective.



TALLAHASSEE, Fla. — Florida lawmakers approved a bill that bans school lessons or workplace training that could make participants feel discomfort or guilt. 


It passed the Senate by a 24-15 vote.


HB 7 – known as the “Individual Freedom” bill – says it is discrimination to force anyone to take any teaching or training that makes them "feel guilt" based on their "race, color, sex or national origin." It now heads to Gov. Ron DeSantis' desk, where he's likely to sign it into law.


The bill bans any teachings or trainings that “espouses, promotes, advances, inculcates, or compels” someone to believe a particular race or sex is morally superior, or an individual can be inherently racist or sexist.


Florida lawmakers pass bill banning 'woke' school lessons | wtsp.com


These politicians are obviously desperate to prove that they're "hip" and in the know with what's cool with the kidz these days and at the same time prove they absolutely aren't if it goes against their (insidious and self-serving) agenda. Again, you can tell none of these people actually visit Disney World because they're too busy trying to push their fascist views on everyone to know what fun is.

Edited by filmlover
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On 3/9/2022 at 7:20 PM, YourMother said:



Finally, we come to the push for Content as the answer. We at Pixar have personally witnessed beautiful stories, full of diverse characters, come back from Disney corporate reviews shaved down to crumbs of what they once were. Nearly every moment of overtly gay affection is cut at Disney’s behest, regardless of when there is protest from both the creative teams and executive leadership at Pixar. Even if creating LGBTQIA+ content was the answer to fixing the discriminatory legislation in the world, we are being barred from creating it. Beyond the “inspiring content” that we aren’t even allowed to create, we require action.


The way they put iNsPiRiNg cOnTeNt in quotes. Baller statement. They seem so done and sick of this shit.

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10 hours ago, filmlover said:

lol this fucking moron. As a Floridian I'd like to apologize to the world for what a complete tool our governor is.


DeSantis attacks Disney day after CEO speaks against 'Don't Say Gay' (wesh.com)

That makes two Morons. DeSantis and Chapek for thinking this meeting would end any other way. Chapek should have just made the statment and not get a meeting. He was playing nto DeSantis hands.

What is scary is DeSantis full embrace of  bigotry. Watch. He will take some move against Afro Americans next to keep his White surpremist Maga base happy.

Edited by dudalb
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