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Potter - when will it get the recognition it deserves? FFS

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Pirates doesn't outshine Potter in technical filmmaking. Actually, I'll say that DMC/AWE outclass the technicals of Potters 1-5 (maybe not 3), but HBP/DH1/DH2 are all significantly better.

I would agrue with you on that but its not worth it, your clearly delusional. Out of all the huge franchises out there, harry potter looks the least well made, it's only the last few films they have improved but it's too little too late. Anyways, think what you want. You lost the small amount of credibility you had when you said potter had better cinematography than Avatar and also when you created this ridiculous thread.
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You'll find the vast majority of people preferring HBP, DH1, and DH2's cinematography to Avatar. You clearly have no idea what cinematography is. Visual effects are not cinematography. You seem to be talking like they are.Well, if you're not going to argue, then I guess I won. Calling me delusional because I'm saying the last three Potters have better cinematography is something I'm able to back up and gave you examples. So, yeah, like I said before, you lost your credibility for thinking Twilight had a bigger cultural impact. You clearly have either been living under a rock or in your mother's basement.

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You'll find the vast majority of people preferring HBP, DH1, and DH2's cinematography to Avatar. You clearly have no idea what cinematography is. Visual effects are not cinematography. You seem to be talking like they are.Well, if you're not going to argue, then I guess I won. Calling me delusional because I'm saying the last three Potters have better cinematography is something I'm able to back up and gave you examples. So, yeah, like I said before, you lost your credibility for thinking Twilight had a bigger cultural impact. You clearly have either been living under a rock or in your mother's basement.

I know what cinematography is and nothing I've said has indicted I was referring to visuall effects, I'm saying I believe avatar's cinematography outshines potter's and I can't be an idiot for thinking that after all it won an Oscar for it. Showing me a scene from the film doesn't mean your right Nocis, it just mean your sad and i cant be bothered to watch through a whole film and pick specific bits to get your approval, it doesn't mean I'm wrong. What I lost credibility for giving actuall examples of 'cultural impacts' occurred from the twilight franchise in which you didn't give me a single example of something from potter? I'd say claiming Harry Potter deserved to win best picture, best supporting actress for Emma Watson, having no film in the world match its 'cultrral impact' and a whole load of other delusional statement you've made In the past loses far more credibility than what I said.If anyone, you seem more like you've been locked in your mums basement with nothing but potter books and films for you to obsess and ejaculate over all day, therefore making you delusional.
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Pirates doesn't outshine Potter in technical filmmaking. Actually, I'll say that DMC/AWE outclass the technicals of Potters 1-5 (maybe not 3), but HBP/DH1/DH2 are all significantly better.

disagree with this completely. Davy Jones and his crew from Pirates look better than absolutely anything in any Potter film. The maelstrom and Kraken attacks in the Pirates films blow any of the effects in Potter. It is not even close Edited by Shriekofthevulture
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When Twilight sells, what, 400 million copies and makes, what, 7-8 billion dollars in movies, then it might be a fair comparison.

while I am no Twilight fan, I must admit Twilight is clearly the second most popular book series of recent years after HP. Also, domestically, the Twilight films come very close to the HP movie's grosses despite HP selling more books
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When Twilight sells, what, 400 million copies and makes, what, 7-8 billion dollars in movies, then it might be a fair comparison.

I'm not suggesting that twilight is bigger, Its just people seem to love 'sexy vampires' now and watch gay vampire series mimicking twilight, thats a cultural impact. Ive not seen anything like that come from potter.
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If you're going to attack me, then at least get your facts straight. I never said Emma should have won a BSA. Harry Potter is THE most culturally impacting franchise since Star Wars, and was the dominant pop culture force of the last decade. An entire generation grew up with these books/movies. It's their childhood, and it also got millions of children into reading. Oh, and a theme park, as well.So bigger cultural impact than Twilight? Fucking obviously. Only a moron would say otherwise.

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If you're going to attack me, then at least get your facts straight. I never said Emma should have won a BSA.

Yes you did actually in the box office mojo thread, you said she should have won for DH1 and was moaning like a little bitch because the acadamy didn't take notice in her, even though she's not very good. My facts are straight, your just a bullshitter.
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Harry Potter is THE most culturally impacting franchise since Star Wars, and was the dominant pop culture force of the last decade. An entire generation grew up with these books/movies. It's their childhood, and it also got millions of children into reading. Oh, and a theme park, as well.

Gotta disagree with you there Noctis, it's Rings. Not potter. Rings built up to a rediculously big cresendo, which Potter struggled to do, granted there were an extra five films. Plus, it kickstarted the return of fantasy movies to the big screen in a bigger way than Potter did. Barring the scar, Potter won't have the same Iconography as LOTR, from stuff like the Ring itself, to Gandalf who is the most easily recognisable movie character since Indy.
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Gotta disagree with you there Noctis, it's Rings. Not potter. Rings built up to a rediculously big cresendo, which Potter struggled to do, granted there were an extra five films. Plus, it kickstarted the return of fantasy movies to the big screen in a bigger way than Potter did. Barring the scar, Potter won't have the same Iconography as LOTR, from stuff like the Ring itself, to Gandalf who is the most easily recognisable movie character since Indy.

What about gollum? Lol
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Radcliffe is an idiot. What makes him think his opinion matters? He's an over paid poor actor blaming DH2's lack of nominations on snobbery. How many times does it need to be said, Harry Potter is no LOTR. It is an entertaining kids franchise and nothing more, It didn't get nominated because it wasn't good enough, end of story. And Noctis you need to stop licking his ass.

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"I don't think the Oscars like commercial films, or kids' films, unless they're directed by Martin Scorsese," LOTR 1-3, Up, Toy story 3.... I believe none of these film are directed by Scorsese, and I can name a lot more commercial films. He seems to forget that scorsese wasn't loved by the oscars, it took him 6 nominations (correct me if I'm wrong) until he even won an Oscar.

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