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Sun#s pg 230...Wknd Est: DOFP: 91M, Godzilla - 31.4M, Blended - 14.2M , NB - 13.9M [NO SPOILERS]

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DOFP opened on par with Cap2 in China. Cap 2 even had a holiday in there

Yeah. A little hard to compare. But 100-120 mill seems likely there IMO
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So let me get this straight. When was the last time 3 big openings in May failed to beat a movie opening in April. Has that happened before?

Closest situation would have been Alice beating Iron Man 2 & Shrek 4 in 2010

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Thanks for answering Lab. Why aren't you shocked if I may ask?

Let me revise, it happened in 1993 (Indecent Proposal > Cliffhanger), I didn't go further back than 1990.I'm not shocked because that's not the kind of thing that interests me in the box office. It almost feels inevitable, especially now that studios are releasing more tentpole stuff in April (at the expense of August and strangely enough July). Much more shocking to me would be more tickets sold in April than May (which last happened in 1990).
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I told you all on Thursday that this thing was going to explode this weekend. Nothing can perform this good in Portugal and not explode. Dat old cast + new cast effect!!! Even with 3.6 million people watching the Champions finale (around 1/3 of the population here) yesterday night, X-Men was still able to stay flat or have small decreases from Friday night, while Godzilla, Neighbors and other movies got murdered. 

Edited by CJohn
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I think last sunday was 461


Ah ok. Now I remember. Someone said it was 475m up to Thursday. So it made another 14m over the weekend. That's still good.


It will pass Cap 2 Worldwide I think. But it will fall short of TASM1. 


Domestic:  $262,030,663  34.8%
Foreign:  $490,185,894  65.2%

Worldwide:  $752,216,557  
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Ah ok. Now I remember. Someone said it was 475m up to Thursday. So it made another 14m over the weekend. That's still good.


It will pass Cap 2 Worldwide I think. But it will fall short of TASM1. 


Domestic:  $262,030,663  34.8%Foreign:  $490,185,894  65.2% = Worldwide:  $752,216,557  



X-M: DOFP might beat both.

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1. CATWS  $258M

2. LEGO   $255M

3. X-MEN $240M

4. GODZ   $215M

5. TASM2 $205M

All I know is, I'm loving that Captain America is hanging on for the top spot after all of these juggernauts were supposed to kick him out.


I'm not surprised with X-Men though, I myself have gotten bored with it. It's been the Wolverine/Xavier/Magneto/Mystique show for too long. I don't know about you, but I myself can't relate to any of them as a character. I always liked the Rogue, Gambit, Pyro and Iceman characters the best, but since X2, they have been sidelined to ridiculous levels.

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X-Men literally exploded OS. Something went very right.


the final trailer went right. it was spectacular in exactly the way os loves. giant robots, stadiums flying, people getting punched, all with a dash of humor. it made me completely change my mind about the movie, which i thought was gonna be a melodramatic flop.

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