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Wknd Est: TLM2 - 30M, 22JS - 29M, HTTYD - 25.3M, JB - 13.5, [DOFP - 6.2M]

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Forget 400m. 


Forget 300m. 


The goal for Dragon now is to try and match the original's ~215m. 


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it is not happening. It will be at less than 100m by the end of this weekend and faces competition next weekend. 200m is dead.

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Forget 400m. 


Forget 300m. 


The goal for Dragon now is to try and match the original's ~215m. 


Posted Image

If it drops over 40% this weekend that goal is out too. Maybe 200 can be the goal, but even that may not happen without a sub 40% drop this weekend.

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Madagascars 2nd weekend was Father's Day no?? That would have softened the drop - you can't just pick a film and go oh let's compare unless it's totally aligned. It's unfair to give dragon that expectation - it had an "inflated" Sunday and weekend overall so 'twas going to drop this weekend. I seriously think that the well wishers on this site forget that there is a reality to how the box office operates and bitching about a film not living up to your expectations dollar wise is like griping about the date of yr birth - can't be changed and the course is set in stone.

At the same time Dragon had Father's Day on its OW, so it should have gotten a huge boost to beat Mad3's OW. You can't say Mad3 had some kind of unfair advantage.

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RTH, if you update tonight, give me a DOFP number please.

Seconded. It's the only thing that matters. After HTTYD2, only DOFP beating X3 would make this summer worth acknowledging. 

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Just out of curiosity did we get a 3D share for Dragon's weekend the other day? The average for animated films has been below 30-35% recently and if you all remember the first HTTYD had a 65% share.


Just saying I think that is one thing we might all be overlooking a bit. Not that it isn't underwhelming, just maybe not as terribly as we think. 

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Some common sense, finally!

Eh - after 10+ years I get tired of seeing the same "world is coming to an end" when a film supposedly under performs. Course since we live in an age where under 90% on RT is a bad film it's not wonder people can't accept the BO for what it is. You would think that Dragon was Cleopatra or The Golden Compass the way people are throwing doom and gloom around and have been for a week.
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it is not happening. It will be at less than 100m by the end of this weekend and faces competition next weekend. 200m is dead.

Always full of positivity and optimism.  :rolleyes:


It could still do it, maybe. 

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Eh - after 10+ years I get tired of seeing the same "world is coming to an end" when a film supposedly under performs. Course since we live in an age where under 90% on RT is a bad film it's not wonder people can't accept the BO for what it is. You would think that Dragon was Cleopatra or The Golden Compass the way people are throwing doom and gloom around and have been for a week.



sorry, I can't stand any spin for this movie. It was supposed to be the top grossing or second top grossing of the summer and it won't even reach 200m at the box office. It is a disappointment. Plain and simple

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Eh - after 10+ years I get tired of seeing the same "world is coming to an end" when a film supposedly under performs. Course since we live in an age where under 90% on RT is a bad film it's not wonder people can't accept the BO for what it is. You would think that Dragon was Cleopatra or The Golden Compass the way people are throwing doom and gloom around and have been for a week.

Dragon 2 is not going to bomb or anything, but finishing under the first Dragon would be very disappointing.

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Seconded. It's the only thing that matters. After HTTYD2, only DOFP beating X3 would make this summer worth acknowledging. 


I don't think that's happening DOFP is $9m behind going into this weekend - it doesn't have enough time to make that up especially with Transformers opening next w/e.

Edited by TalismanRing
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At the same time Dragon had Father's Day on its OW, so it should have gotten a huge boost to beat Mad3's OW. You can't say Mad3 had some kind of unfair advantage.

You know what? The more I think about it, the more I think Frozen sucks. Like...badly. As much as Disney is a movie assembly line, Frozen is the epitome of it all. Shit-coated crap is what it is.


Okay, I'm only half serious with that - I enjoyed Frozen for the most part - but I am so fucking sick of all the HTTYD2 negativity you're spouting, I had to counteract it with something.

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sorry, I can't stand any spin for this movie. It was supposed to be the top grossing or second top grossing of the summer and it won't even reach 200m at the box office. It is a disappointment. Plain and simple

It's a massive disappointment if it can't even match the original. However we don't even have a concrete second Friday number yet, so let's hold off a bit longer on what its legs will be like.

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At the same time Dragon had Father's Day on its OW, so it should have gotten a huge boost to beat Mad3's OW. You can't say Mad3 had some kind of unfair advantage.

Not what I said - people are trying to compare their 2nd weekend when they are not compatible. Dragon WAS boosted a bit last weekend by it being OW and FD - regardless if people want to understand that and the drop this weekend reflects that. And dragon was never going to beat Mad3 after opening day - previews + lower opening + one week later on the calendar killed that chance before it could even breathe. I can understand the noobs making these mistakes but Boxoffice is 98% fact and 2% gut and heart and this site is run amuck with the opposite.
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I don't think that's happening DOFP is $9m behind going into this weekend - it doesn't have enough time to make that up especially with Transformers opening next w/e.

Never give up, never surrender!

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Is that the latest? Because that's actually very poor in the end. A 45% drop from early estimates for JB. Though in the end it would be expected.


I don't think this summer has had even a single exciting weekend on the whole. TASM2 was uneventful. Neighbours just ran out of steam over the weekend. So did Godzilla. XMDOFP disappointed. Maleficent was expected. Fault imploded. Edge was disappointing. Jump bled out. Dragon was a non-factor. Maybe others expected it but I thought TLAM2 should have opened to $40m+ because Hart and the first was well liked even if this trailer looked bad, they all look the same tbf so.


Transformers needs to open to $120m to inject some excitement into this dreadful box office landscape. At least the quality has been lightyears ahead of last year. Lame how crappy movies did so well last summer.

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