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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows | June 3, 2016 | IMAX release confirmed

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2 minutes ago, kowhite said:

I don't understand the box office anymore.


What is going on this summer?  Did everyone just start reading rottentomatoes?


(I won't lie this looks fun)


Kids and young teens will show up for this I think.

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Just now, The Futurist said:


Kids and young teens will show up for this I think.


Well the last one way overperformed expectations so...maybe?


I mean, I think it looks cool.  I also loved Turtles in Time and all that early 90s shit so, yeah.

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I wasn't planning on making this an OW movie but still felt it would do well. Maybe it still will see a turnaround from those Preview #s, after all, it's Nick toon audience can't exactly go when they'd like. I'm expecting a drop from the first film just not to the level these initial Preview #s might indicate. 

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On June 3, 2016 at 9:20 AM, Captain Craig said:

I wasn't planning on making this an OW movie but still felt it would do well. Maybe it still will see a turnaround from those Preview #s, after all, it's Nick toon audience can't exactly go when they'd like. I'm expecting a drop from the first film just not to the level these initial Preview #s might indicate. 


Its dropping.  And hard.  Apparently 90s nostalgia is totally a 2015 thing.


Lets hope Indepednance Day 2 proves that wrong.  Starting to worry.

Edited by kowhite
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They made changes to fix what TMNT fans did not like about the first one,but not enough apparently.

And, BTW,it was not 90's Nostalgia that made JW such a huge hit. It gave people something they had wanted to see since the original...a Jurassic World theme park up and and running.

What might be the problem with ID42 is it is just more of the same...when ID4 came along, it was a long time since we had a big Alien Invasion film.Nowdas, they are a dime a dozen. I admit I rolled by eyes when I found out that all the cities of the world wrecked in the first have been rebuilt to look like the originals. Maybe Emmerich would have been smarter of set the film in Space.

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On 6/5/2016 at 6:41 PM, Krissykins said:

I went to see this tonight but I found it quite boring. I was clock watching.


The hockey guy was dreadful. Should have deleted his part and gave the lines to Megan Fox, movie wouldn't have changed. 


Yeah, I found the first one watchable, but I didnt care much for this one. While it was cheesy and a bit more in the spirit of the turtles than the first, the movie was just boring... like, hella boring. And the end was basically a joke. The airplane/water scene which they pushed in the advertising was really the only decent action set piece in the whole film. The stuff before and after was a snooze fest. 

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I'm a jaded cynical asshole,and I loved this movie.


It's not high art. It's four mutant reptiles and a host of other ridiculous characters doing ridiculous things.


Maybe I saw it with a different type of crowd but it was 100% adults (Alamo Drafthouse) and everyone was laughing and having a great time.


This might have to do with the fact it's much closer to what I wanted from TMNT 2 in the 90's. 


I wanted Bebop. I wanted Rocksteady. I wanted Krang and Dimension X and the Technodrome and all that other stuff that would have been just as ridiculous back then as it is 25 years later.


I understand people thinking it was not something they needed to see.However,I don't understand people who saw it not having fun.



Edited by GuardianDevil
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Got out of work a bit early today and went to see this. While the design of the Turtles remains over the top and illogical for characters whose intent is to be of stealth I was able to just go with it better this time around. The scene where Megan Fox's April is seen going all "sexy schoolgirl", while still blatant, at least in context makes some small modicum of sense in the film. I'm just going to go Pro/Con list here



Shredder as more realized foe

Krang and his exo-suit


Bebop & Rocksteady

Baxter Stockman

Reason for Will Arnett to be involved

CGI was above average to excellent

Action gambits



Shredder as a willing tool for Krang, the "traitor" moment felt hollow cause there was no in film relationship for it

Explanation of random latent animal gene in all of us to explain mutation vs matching an animal to a test subject. I get that this speeds the story along, still...

Casey Jones NOT being in full on hockey vigilante gear past his introduction, Amell was fine otherwise



I could get even nitpickier on some plot points and leaps of logic but this movie isn't meant to be dissected like that. Some issues are "really", "wait now" but it all moves along swift enough that the target audience isn't going to mind, so I'm find to go with the flow.

In a vacuum I find the film enjoyable enough and found the story to be better than the first film and actually improving the design of Shredder. Giving us a Krang, Bebop and Rocksteady that are essentially spot on. If the Turtles themselves could've had some small change(due to the purple ooze, that was your out Mr.Producer) than I'd be super pleased.


Grade: B


I'll root for $100m domestic on this. 

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On 6/3/2016 at 10:12 AM, MovieGuyKyle17 said:

I went and saw this last night. All I gotta say is I'm beginning to wonder if I was high during the first one because this movie was pretty bad. 


The first one was better. It wasn't great, but there were moments that stood out. This one? Just terrible end to end. Maybe you could point to some of the CG camerawork that follows the turtles around as something cool, but otherwise....this movie is so dumb it doesn't even bother to properly introduce its main villain  to the audience. 

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On 9 de junho de 2016 at 6:38 AM, GuardianDevil said:

I'm a jaded cynical asshole,and I loved this movie.


It's not high art. It's four mutant reptiles and a host of other ridiculous characters doing ridiculous things.


Maybe I saw it with a different type of crowd but it was 100% adults (Alamo Drafthouse) and everyone was laughing and having a great time.


This might have to do with the fact it's much closer to what I wanted from TMNT 2 in the 90's. 


I wanted Bebop. I wanted Rocksteady. I wanted Krang and Dimension X and the Technodrome and all that other stuff that would have been just as ridiculous back then as it is 25 years later.


I understand people thinking it was not something they needed to see.However,I don't understand people who saw it not having fun.




I'm way late to the party, but I want to second this. I'll actually go as far as say that this IS better than BvS, Apocalypse and maybe even Suicide Squad, and I adore this last one. What actually drags the film down is how utterly dumb April and Arrow guy characters are, and same to certain extent to Will Arnett. This movie would benefit for better writing for April and Arrow guy, but both are obviously bad actors too delivering awful dialogue and getting into awfully bad subplots. The turtles tho? Almost perfect and a lot better than the first one. It'd be a shame if they don't get a sequel, but for the love of god get better writing for the human characters. I'm not even mad with the whole portal in the sky thing because that's a TMNT staple and when it comes to the turtles I mostly had loads of fun. Gets a 3.5 from me and it could go even higher without the cringe humans subplots, same rating as Squad.

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