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Weekend Numbers (pg119) Turtles 65M, GOTG 41.5

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Okay now that Chewy pointed out is was you. You deserve props for the call. But I can see why nobody will give you credit though. LOL


Yea, but that's how it works around here, way too often.  People give their opinions, criticize you for yours, then when they are proven wrong, they carry on like nothing was ever said.  Not trying to toot my own horn, but when I'm wrong, I have no problem admitting it.  This is just fun and games and I have never thought of myself as one of the strong prognosticators like Fake or Xiayun or even Shawn.  But I do know how to do research and that is what I base MOST (not all, some are just gut calls) of my opinions on.

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September/October still has a couple of interesting titles that should be able to pretty good business (This Is Where I Leave You, A Walk Among the Tombstones, The Equalizer, Gone Girl, The Judge). But otherwise, yeah, things look pretty bleak between next weekend and the beginning of November.

Edited by filmlover
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Yep, and I wouldn't be surprised to see GOTG drop another big drop next weekend either.  

The drop excluding previews would be under 50% despite TMNT breaking out.


I say 40-45% drop next weekend.

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The drop excluding previews would be under 50% despite TMNT breaking out.


I say 40-45% drop next weekend.


I agree with 45%.  When I say big, I don't mean more than 50%.

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Yea, but that's how it works around here, way too often.  People give their opinions, criticize you for yours, then when they are proven wrong, they carry on like nothing was ever said.  Not trying to toot my own horn, but when I'm wrong, I have no problem admitting it.  This is just fun and games and I have never thought of myself as one of the strong prognosticators like Fake or Xiayun or even Shawn.  But I do know how to do research and that is what I base MOST (not all, some are just gut calls) of my opinions on.

Baumer be like:

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Yea, but that's how it works around here, way too often.  People give their opinions, criticize you for yours, then when they are proven wrong, they carry on like nothing was ever said.  Not trying to toot my own horn, but when I'm wrong, I have no problem admitting it.  This is just fun and games and I have never thought of myself as one of the strong prognosticators like Fake or Xiayun or even Shawn.  But I do know how to do research and that is what I base MOST (not all, some are just gut calls) of my opinions on.


That is so true. You told no lies.  People make these grand proclamations and won't stay around to take their lumps when they are wrong. I used to joke about how people would disappear once a movie opens above or below their expectations.

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Yea, but that's how it works around here, way too often.  People give their opinions, criticize you for yours, then when they are proven wrong, they carry on like nothing was ever said.  Not trying to toot my own horn, but when I'm wrong, I have no problem admitting it.  This is just fun and games and I have never thought of myself as one of the strong prognosticators like Fake or Xiayun or even Shawn.  But I do know how to do research and that is what I base MOST (not all, some are just gut calls) of my opinions on.

I said this same thing last week. Mad respect. No ragrets from me either.
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Yea, but that's how it works around here, way too often.  People give their opinions, criticize you for yours, then when they are proven wrong, they carry on like nothing was ever said.  Not trying to toot my own horn, but when I'm wrong, I have no problem admitting it.  This is just fun and games and I have never thought of myself as one of the strong prognosticators like Fake or Xiayun or even Shawn.  But I do know how to do research and that is what I base MOST (not all, some are just gut calls) of my opinions on.

Yeah.... the most exciting thing about box office is that it is unpredictable. If anyone could predict the entire run of any movie correctly, then there would be no fun in it.

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That is so true. You told no lies.  People make these grand proclamations and won't stay around to take their lumps when they are wrong. I used to joke about how people would disappear once a movie opens above or below their expectations.


It all started for me in 2002 when I predicted that TTT would drop from FOTR.  I made a prediction of 264.  That was the start of my bad predictions.  :)

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The doom is coming. The rest of August, September and October will be death. 



You never know.


I know not everything can be a classic or even a box office hit, but sometimes you got to wonder why movies like "No Good Deed" and "Dolphin Tale 2" get greenlit and released. 


It's good in a sense that the industry is big and people get jobs but in terms of history, they are pretty much irrelevant. They may or may not make money during their BO run, probably will not sell many DVDs on home video or get downloaded much or streamed much or watched on TV much, and they'll get quickly replaced by every other thing coming out. 


What I'm saying is, unlike say something like Avatar, that apparently topped the Blu-Ray charts a couple weeks ago years after release, "No Good Deed" will probably be forgotten by everyone except the people who worked on it. It's not going to get a resurgence in audience or suddenly be widely appealing. Maybe if it's good, but lol at that possibility. 


Already a movie like "Endless Love" earlier this year, who even remembers that? It sold something like less than 150k in its first week, probably will sell less than 300k total, and has absolutely zero resale value after that. 


I guess you can make this comparison for everything about life including people you meet though. 

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That's huge for Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and it fits very well into the story of the summer.




Thus completes the rise to terror of the Three Headed Monster, the bane of all BOF members.

Posted Image
It has taken down several innocent and honorable victims...

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Several valiant efforts tried and failed to contain it...

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But only five heroes will be able to harness the power and defeat them all, restoring balance to the world of film...



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Fighting awful movies,

Living up to his duties,

Always teaming with his groupies,

He is the one named Sailor Pratt!


He will never turn his back on a fresh!

Defend every good soul from a mess!

Because when all the heroes mesh,

He is the one named Sailor...


Sailor Evans!

Sailor ScarJo!

Sailor Boyhood!

Sailor Rocket!


Cause everything, is now awesome!

He is the one named Sailor Pratt!


Fighting awful movies,

Living up to his duties,

It's never gonna be a doozy!

He is the one named Sailor Pratt!

He is the one named Sailor Pratt!

He is the one....Sailor Pratt!


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