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Thanks to being overused in other films, scene is more comical now then anything

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This is a thread talking about how some scene that was dramatic or even scary at one point has been so overused that it seems more comical now.One example:I could of been a contender.The scene was dramatic back in the 1950s, but now it has been so overused in the past 60 years that it seems comical at this point due to how much it is said.

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I don't find any of these to be outdated or over used.  No offense Impact.  But they had power and resonate when they first came out and imo they still do.

Edited by baumer
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I never said they are outdated. But the thing is when you constantly hear a line from another film before actually seeing what it is from it just does not have the same meaning as seeing the original first as you just hear it too much to where its like "yeah whatever".

(Which yes I love classic films more but thing is that they overuse the same things over and over again) 

Edited by Impact
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^Which I should add that when you first hear the lines out of the context of what they are from they become more comical then if you heard the line first. First time I heard I could of been a contender was in a sitcom so I always thought of it being a comical line due to that.

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It's not a scene but a cinematography effect. The infamous Snap Zoom or rack focus within the frame that changes focus during a shot. Now I can't stand that cheap trick anymore supposed to bring "gritty realism" to the visuals like "shot like a documentary on the field, man!" (even when the sequence takes place in outer space on a fantasy planet with no human POV...). Many movies jumped on that trend the last decade when it came back at the forefront thanks to TV work like Firefly and Battlestar Galactica then AOTC in 2002. But in MoS, that trick was so abused and systematic, it became such a joke because the whole movie was shot that way constantly changing focus like 3 times in one single shot giving an almost amateurish sense of framing by overkill. It was hilarious to count. (Great drinking game).


OTOH, the dolly zoom aka Vertigo effect (that Spielberg aped for Jaws) didn't lose its effectiveness despite being a "ZOMG character moment" cliche.

Edited by dashrendar44
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CGI armies pan shots.

^Yes, this. As with many of these, the countless ripoffs dilute how amazing the shots in the original LOTR trilogy were. I remember seeing the trailer for Ridley Scott's Kingdom of Heaven, and thinking about how many shots looked to be stolen straight from LOTR... Edited by TServo2049
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"I'll never let go, Jack" - Titanic.

"I say we take off and nuke the entire site from orbit. Its the only way to be sure." - Aliens

"I'll be back." - Terminator


The "nuke from orbit" comes from how many times I have seen it being used on here (myself included) and it never fails to make me laugh.


The titanic bit makes me cry when watching the film, but can elicit a chuckle when I hear someone use it and is trying to be silly.


I'll be back is iconic and part of the pop culture lexicon.

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