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Wknd Estimates: Nolan = 50M | BH6 = 56M+(pg 72) (who cares, our forum lives!)

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very rough atm going with Inter 21-23, BH6 15-17, see how rest day pans out BH6 especially daytrade could be all over place , both films doing quite well daytime and for example Inter is currently above Gravity (Doesn't mean its stays that way it could go +/-)



Worse case with Inter is if it plays like skyfall that had way above avg daytrade it won't do 20m but I wasn't seeing it doing that

Well BH6 I thought be one I'd be out on but turns out in range and as it turns out IS followed the pattern of Skyfall almost identical whole day and Gravity to an extent in the eve but not during daytime, so had gone with similar would have nailed 17m lol


and as having just seen what  Noctis did many hours ago going to have to lightning bolt his ass. 

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Marvel just disowned you. 


Well it seemed Odd at first, a talking racoon and a tree in some sci fi setting and it had a very different trailer.


My theater going habits are more in line with the average filmgoer... Just watch the popular films. 

Edited by Lordmandeep
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Well it seemed Odd at first, a talking racoon and a tree in some sci fi setting and it had a very different trailer.


My theater going habits are more in line with the average filmgoer... Just watch the popular films. 

I was joking since you kinda of a Marvel fanboy.

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I will watch any superhero movie if it was good.


I was quite excited for MOS last year . 

Yes and I can also see you becoming a DC fanboy as well if Batman V. Superman is any good. 


When I mean fanboy you like the franchise movies and look forward to the next movie in the franchise. 

Edited by Snoopy of Suburbia
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Yes and I can also see you becoming a DC fanboy as well if Batman V. Superman is any good. 


When I mean fanboy you like the franchise movies and look forward to the next movie in the franchise. 



I like all kinds of films but when it comes to Blockbusters, I enjoy superhero movies most. 

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Yes I have more money then ever but I refuse to pay more then 10 dollars for a film :)


Inflation is going to have its way with you, sooner or later.


Edit - As an interesting counter-point to the bulk of the discussion:


Most of these pages have been people lamenting how IS is underperforming some expectations (and others cheerfully pointing out brilliant they were 3 months ago).  This doesn't really seem like much of a surprise.  Movies over and undershoot their tracking all the time.  IS is maybe a bit of an outlier in this regard, but as the forecasting thread noted, IS came into this weekend with the expectation that it was going to be unusually hard to predict and carrying a fairly large standard deviation.  So, this isn't really much of a surprise.


To me, I kinda feel like we're actually missing the interesting story of the weekend, which is how well most forecasters nailed BH6.  I mean, seriously, look at the Winter Competition filled with predictions from 6-8 weeks ago.  The OW predictions are all 65, 55, 64, 58, etc. there are a few outliers, but nothing at all like IS.  Maybe there was some groupthink going on, but it certainly didn't do the IS predictions any favors.


What I'm wondering is how frequently a movie's predictions get nailed this accurately, by virtually everyone, even weeks or months in advance.  Looking back historically, is this really as uncommon as I suspect it is?

Edited by Wrath
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Ouija is having very good legs for a horror film with very bad reviews (even for an horro film). I saw Annabelle and i like it much more than i expected, It made amazing numbers ($85 DOM is great, and overseas is even greater, it could suprass The Conjuring). I Hope it sould have had better legs domestic

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Or Guardians of Galaxy ahead of A Clockwork Orange

Toy Story 3 ahead of  M and Grave of the Fireflies 

Inglourious Basterds  ahead of 2001: A Space Odyssey

Batman Begns ahead of Metropolis

Elephant Man and Blade Runner only in the top 140.

Gran Torino, Warrior,  V for Vendetta, and How to Train Your Dragon  making the list and being in the top 150.

For Fuck sakes Sin City is rated higher then There Will Be Blood 


IMDB is the biggest joke list out there.

Art is subjective.

You loose.

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