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Tuesday Actuals: Nolan - 6.9M, BH6 - 10.5M

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Certainly served up a shitstorm it seems. Going to reply in one brush without specifying exactly.


It's not like I'm going to change your opinion though, am I? I know this game. It's an untouchable genre, and yes, it is a genre. It's not an espionage movie, or a whatever sub-genre people try to shoehorn the very basic superhero movie into. If it actually were an espionage movie, it would be sold like one with superhero elements, but it isn't. People cannot accept this, especially online, probably especially in America, because they've been brought up on these series/films. I think the "comic book nerd" is an outdated stereotype seeing that the majority defends the comic book movie.


Perhaps it's because fantasy stirs up my imagination moreso than these movies, and hence I am drawn to that kind of story, but even then, fantasy is a huge genre. The journey might be the same, as most films in their respective genres follow the tried and tested formulae, but the playground is massive and the amount of movies produced limited. To give an analogy, it's like if every fantasy movie followed a wizard born in present day, then instead of being part of the fantasy genre, it becomes its own. From my perspective, but obviously not the Internet's, superheros are one genre. The most exciting group are the X-Men with inter-conflicting ideals and following that line of thought is certainly much more interesting than the rise of some downtrodden sod via unfortunate circumstances/greed/money/personal retribution onto said superhero who develops superpowers through "science"/money which is every film.


I'm not enthralled evidently with every blockbuster becoming a superhero story for the next 4 years. Once again, it's not there are xyz horror/rom-coms every year. If every horror film followed a teenage slasher storyline, which many do, then it becomes its own sub-genre, but there's one every year or every two years or whatnot, unlike superheros which all follow the same structure and there's not one per year, but now 6. In the next 4 years the amount of superhero films coming out will be more than half the entire total of superhero films that have come out. Great for you guys, and perhaps childhood and nostalgia keeps you hooked for more obscure titular superheros but not me.


Lastly, it seems sheep is an offensive word. Even then, it was misconstrued. Of course that tends to happen when people are passionate about something, they take a word, spin it out of context and voila, insulted. I didn't just say, hey you all are sheep. I explained that I felt there was bias and leniency, which there is, toward superhero films and that means even when a movie isn't as good, people follow the crowd. Yeah, it may not be you that does, but there are lots of people so it is a valid criticism, especially when the defenses or fanboys just become enraged balls of hypocrisy throughout the Internet. The superhero is untouchable, plus the ragging on DC/Marvel is ridiculous when they are basically the same just under different banners. You'd think they'd get along for wanting more superhero flicks not ripping the other movies apart when it's the same movie. The turning of the tide against say Iron Man 2 or Spider Man, or whatever, is because the more that comes out, the less precious the fans have to be over movies that actually aren't that good. Why do you think fans of any franchise defend to the death? Can they admit that 1 out of 3 movies sucked? No, it's all they've got. When you have something like James Bond running 20+ movies, the fans are "diluted". Similar with Disney movies etc.

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